View Full Version : need a side picture o a nova

10-06-03, 11:49 PM
i need a side picture of a nova with the door taken off. mainly the part of the chassis where the door hinges are..
it needs to be a nova with some factory fitted loom so i can see where exactly the rubber trunking goes into the car by. (some one must understand this) >>


and also inside of a door by the hinges so i can see where the rubber goes into by on the door..
or even measurements would do.

cheers for any help

11-06-03, 08:07 PM
its actually easier to remove the wing for access

there is a dimple in the inner wing where the hole should be and an inset in the door panel

the hole in the wing is about 2" higher than the door hole

no pics tho

13-06-03, 11:23 AM
yep - I did this. Remove the wing - its the only way you will get access.

You then need some rubber hoses - like the one that connects from the car to the hatch. I found 2 fiesta ones were the best.

2cm hole then needs to be drilled into the door edge and into the cars side wall (behind the wing) - it should come out just to the right of the bonnet release handle (same on other side). Clean up with a file any loose metal and watch the wiring on the inside (disconnect before drilling). The metals not too thicj so it will go through easily enough. I used one of them wood boring drill bits - not the best but its all i had. Then you need to seal the edge, thread the wires from the door through the rubber hose and then into the cabin. Then seal the hoses using grey stripe.
