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27-01-11, 10:53 AM
from april anyone with a car off the road including sorn cars has to be insured. This is even if it hasnt seen the road in years and has stayed in the garage. Like mine :( and if you dont insure it you will get done for having no insurance. Could sky insurance do us a deal just so its insured even if they will do zero miles?

27-01-11, 11:01 AM
sounds like another way of fisting car drivers, as if we didn't already pay enough for tax, insurance and fuel :mad:

27-01-11, 11:04 AM
Read (http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/Motoring/OwningAVehicle/Motorinsurance/DG_186696?CID=Continuous_Insurance&PLA=DM&CRE=Furl)

...then go sit in the corner :p

From early 2011 a new scheme is being introduced to make sure that all vehicles stay insured or a Statutory Off Road Notification (SORN) is made

Keyword highlighted :thumb: Not sure where this internet-ism of "OMG ALL SORN CARS MUST BE INSURED" thing came from...

Danny s-p
27-01-11, 11:05 AM
better not that just ****

are that better jack i was bricking it thinking the gte will have to go fewwwww

27-01-11, 11:11 AM
give your head a shake man lol

27-01-11, 11:31 AM
Read (http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/Motoring/OwningAVehicle/Motorinsurance/DG_186696?CID=Continuous_Insurance&PLA=DM&CRE=Furl)

...then go sit in the corner :p

Keyword highlighted :thumb: Not sure where this internet-ism of "OMG ALL SORN CARS MUST BE INSURED" thing came from... its the insurances saying it. Thats put my heart at rest now. And i am in the corner of a cafe waiting for my fat basterd fry up :)

27-01-11, 11:52 AM
I was going to say, how can they make people insure them when they are on private land..?!

27-01-11, 01:25 PM
I was going to say shut the fcuk up and stop chatting crap lol That could never happen.

27-01-11, 01:28 PM
I'd tell them to get fukked it being insured,its currently engineless on bastad axle stands in MY garage.

27-01-11, 01:37 PM
Read (http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/Motoring/OwningAVehicle/Motorinsurance/DG_186696?CID=Continuous_Insurance&PLA=DM&CRE=Furl)

...then go sit in the corner :p

Keyword highlighted :thumb: Not sure where this internet-ism of "OMG ALL SORN CARS MUST BE INSURED" thing came from...

I havnt read the article yet but is it saying that even if a car is sat on somebodys private land without being used but still has some tax on it then that's illegal? What could they do and how can they find out? What about the thousands of cars that people drive under trade insurance but dont have them on a database?

Seems a proper gay idea imo.

27-01-11, 01:43 PM
so basically anyone with a car sitting outside there witch is mot`d and taxed but not being driven will still have to have it insured even if its on axle stands and no engine in it. bit off a bummer but what can you do about it ( f all ) best get digging up them front gardens lol

27-01-11, 02:04 PM
Yep, I posted this up last month. Will end up costing me more having to send the tax back and then renew it every other month.

27-01-11, 02:23 PM
I'd tell them to get fukked it being insured,its currently engineless on bastad axle stands in MY garage.

I'd ask them which 'car' they are referring to, and then point out a car has wheels and an engine for propulsion.lol

27-01-11, 03:27 PM
Is this still news? lol

Can I skip all of this BS and just say that this rule of (I assume) warnings/fine/car towed away only applies to those not SORN.

27-01-11, 03:29 PM
If the car is on the road, its simply saying it needs to be taxed and insured. Which is no surprise, as that is - and has been - the law for a long time.

If the car is off road, it should be SORN'ed and doesn't need insurance.

I still don't see the issue of insurance and tax etc - its no hassle to swap the tax on a car? You can just do it at the post office, or even online.

What I CAN see this leading to is a crack down on using temp insurance cover to tax a car.

27-01-11, 03:37 PM
If the car is on the road, its simply saying it needs to be taxed and insured. Which is no surprise, as that is - and has been - the law for a long time.

Actually it's saying if it's on your drive it and is taxed out of convenience etc it must be insured also.

This extra from the site I found amusing:
"If your record does not appear on the MID then you should contact your insurance provider to get the MID updated immediately.This will avoid the inconvenience of you being unnecessarily contacted by MIB and DVLA, or being stopped by the police."

Wonder what Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones is costing the taxpayer? lol

27-01-11, 06:08 PM
It's a load of balls.

If people read the information directly, not some bus asshole who works as a journalist then you would see.

Everyones on about it, it's only if you have a car on the road, and the tax runs out, and you take it off the road, you have to sorn it, as you do anyway.

It's almost like insurance sorn, to say your not taking out another policy.

Or we would have 36 vehicles needing to be insured lol

27-01-11, 06:59 PM
so basically anyone with a car sitting outside there witch is mot`d and taxed but not being driven will still have to have it insured even if its on axle stands and no engine in it. bit off a bummer but what can you do about it ( f all ) best get digging up them front gardens lol

If its on private land, and your insurance runs out, but the car still has tax on it, and you don't plan to renew the insurance, then you are a fool for not claiming the remaining tax back and SORNing the car anyway!

27-01-11, 07:03 PM
Matt WTF are you on about, Its if the cars not insured and the tax is still valid then you would have to send the tax back and declare sorn.

27-01-11, 07:11 PM
I What about the thousands of cars that people drive under trade insurance but dont have them on a database?

Unless you use trade plates then you should inform your insurer the minute you buy sell a car on or off your policy, most trade insurers have an online facility for adding/removing.

27-01-11, 07:12 PM
Yep, Ours is via text.

27-01-11, 07:13 PM
so basically anyone with a car sitting outside there witch is mot`d and taxed but not being driven will still have to have it insured even if its on axle stands and no engine in it. bit off a bummer but what can you do about it ( f all ) best get digging up them front gardens lol

that has always been the case nothing has changed there if a car is on a public road (parked on the road outside your house) even if not driven it has to be insured, to cover third parties

27-01-11, 07:44 PM
that has always been the case nothing has changed there if a car is on a public road (parked on the road outside your house) even if not driven it has to be insured, to cover third parties

Indeed, although that particular rule has always annoyed me.

paddy quinn
28-01-11, 08:28 AM
mine has no tax or insurance and is sorned and sat nice in my garage looks like im going to be screwwed by them aswel

28-01-11, 09:49 AM
mine has no tax or insurance and is sorned and sat nice in my garage looks like im going to be screwwed by them aswel

if its sorn your ok as its on private land wont make any difference to you

28-01-11, 11:57 AM
Unless you use trade plates then you should inform your insurer the minute you buy sell a car on or off your policy, most trade insurers have an online facility for adding/removing.

Apparantly you need to tell them within 14days of buying the car but sometimes i just cant be bothered lol It's fine for me though as il just have to make sure i put them on the database.

Still think it's a gay rule though for a lot of people. Before i had trade i used to transfer cars on my policy every couple of months but the uninsured car still had tax on. If i, or someone, was to do that again then you will have to go through the trouble of claiming tax back and having to wait 21days (iirc) to be allowed to re-tax it. Could be a ballache for certain people.

28-01-11, 12:00 PM
It was like when you could have 3 taxed and motted cars and park them anywhere and only insure one but now they want them all insured.

28-01-11, 12:02 PM
My nova is insured for £6 per month in the garage for theft.

28-01-11, 12:27 PM
Matt WTF are you on about, Its if the cars not insured and the tax is still valid then you would have to send the tax back and declare sorn.

Yes exactly.

If you have the vehicle insured, the insurance runs out, you have to sorn it.

So, its not really an issue, but I can see insurance changing for "you pick the start and end dates"

So you could buy a car with 9 months tax, ring the insurance and get a 9 month policy to suit.

It really is no problem, but all the forums are buzzing off it:wtf:

28-01-11, 12:36 PM
Lots of people aren't understanding it, Think that is why its become such a big thing.

Will be a problem for me, Very offen transfer my insurance onto another car, Leaving mine without insurance. Taking out another policy would be useless.

28-01-11, 12:39 PM
My nova is insured for £6 per month in the garage for theft.


28-01-11, 03:51 PM

When I put it on sorn I inform the insurance company. They reduce the insurance to theft only for my drive or garage. Then when i am ready to taxi change back to fully comp. Plus it still keeps your no claims ticking.

28-01-11, 03:59 PM
Well i did not know that! i will try it :thumb: lol

28-01-11, 05:54 PM
It was like when you could have 3 taxed and motted cars and park them anywhere and only insure one but now they want them all insured.

Why the hell would you want to do that anyway????

28-01-11, 07:39 PM
Why the hell would you want to do that anyway????

i've done it a few times.

in the summer i bought a nova rolling shell that was taxed and left it in my street for 7 months. no room in my drive and i was using another car.

also got given a car for free and left it in the street for 8 months.