View Full Version : Tokyo drift ftw

22-01-11, 11:16 PM
itv 2 just started banging film

General Baxter
22-01-11, 11:21 PM
1 word for you


22-01-11, 11:22 PM
:wtf: explain..

General Baxter
22-01-11, 11:23 PM
its a **** film all of them are

22-01-11, 11:24 PM
no ones asking you to watch it:thumb:

General Baxter
22-01-11, 11:27 PM
good because im not going to

22-01-11, 11:28 PM
thats alright then lol

General Baxter
22-01-11, 11:30 PM
alright then!

23-01-11, 12:03 AM
when you are a teenager, this sort of film is ace.....when you aren't a teenager, you'll realise what the rest of us know....

General Baxter
23-01-11, 12:26 AM
i dont even think, kissy dave watches them

23-01-11, 02:15 PM
i watch them, i dont say they are good but they are entertaining

tokyo drift has gotta be the worst one though

23-01-11, 02:17 PM
Not keen on tokyo drift but the others are actually quite a decent watch. I watched them all last month for the first time in years and really enjoyed them.

23-01-11, 02:20 PM
I like the first one, the orange supra is cool, and the 3 black civics with green neons lol

23-01-11, 02:21 PM
Yeah first one is the best. :) Tokyo Drift is watchable tho

23-01-11, 02:22 PM
http://www.google.co.uk/url?source=imgres&ct=img&q=http://membres.lycos.fr/coolmaxy/hpbimg/fast%2520and%2520furious%2520jetta%25202.jpg&sa=X&ei=ZTk8Tdn6LtC2hAfB5pydCg&ved=0CAQQ8wc&usg=AFQjCNEdiYCozu6asQApksnWUZIMqf6TwQThis is a good car, but a bit of a ricer.

23-01-11, 02:25 PM
they are all pretty crap. there are a few decent sequences, but the plots are non existant, the actors are hardly award winners.. personally, i think ffs2 is the crappest by a country mile.

23-01-11, 02:26 PM
I like the first one, the orange supra is cool, and the 3 black civics with green neons lol

I remember first watching that and wanted a black civic just like them for years lol

23-01-11, 02:56 PM
Can't remember the lads name in the film but the main character, seen him getting interviewed this morning and he actually talks with that accent lol

23-01-11, 03:02 PM
you cant fake an accent like that lol

23-01-11, 04:22 PM
Oh me and Jack watched this last night (after family guy finished)

It was hillarious!! Ive only seen the 1st one so I was tres excited to see Vincent Diesel in it at the end. I liked some of the cars in it but didnt know what they were. except dads car in the garage. I guessed that one right. woo me

23-01-11, 04:25 PM
This is a good car, but a bit of a ricer.
Yeas, Germans are well known for eating rice.

Thing that amuses me is the lead kid is supposed to know about big powerful engines in RWD cars (the race with the viper proves that). Yet he knows nothing about drifting/powersliding? Considering how much power the Monte Carlo is supposed to have, you'd have thought he'd figure out pretty quick how to control the rear end

23-01-11, 04:28 PM
americans are at a disadvantage on drifting...

they don't have any decent corners

their tyres & suspension are so awful that understeer is king, watch the bullit chase sequence....

but from what i gather about drift cars (an old friend is a sort of professional drifter) the set up is completely unlike anything that works on a road.....

23-01-11, 04:31 PM
Toyko drift is the worst one of all them, I've seen better acting in hollyoaks.

23-01-11, 04:32 PM
americans are at a disadvantage on drifting...

they don't have any decent corners

their tyres & suspension are so awful that understeer is king, watch the bullit chase sequence....

but from what i gather about drift cars (an old friend is a sort of professional drifter) the set up is completely unlike anything that works on a road.....

excellent bit of film, but leads me onto a problem, cant get the the theme music out my head now lol lol

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eWQRjH-Ibbc (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eWQRjH-Ibbc)

23-01-11, 04:34 PM
Yeas, Germans are well known for eating rice.

Thing that amuses me is the lead kid is supposed to know about big powerful engines in RWD cars (the race with the viper proves that). Yet he knows nothing about drifting/powersliding? Considering how much power the Monte Carlo is supposed to have, you'd have thought he'd figure out pretty quick how to control the rear end

And surely a 4wd evo isn't the best starting point for drifting, never mind the dry road they are doing it on. What he needs is a sierra/omega with a welded diff and a few stolen police cones to get started! lol

23-01-11, 04:36 PM
4WD is actually pretty good for drifting :d but that aside, I'm sure I've read before about evo's being converted to RWD.

Toyko drift is the worst one of all them.
Hmm.... The second one is worst IMO. Hammy acting, no Vin Derv, all totally unrealistic CGI races (cars jumping over each other?!), rediculous plot, and they smash up the only good cars in it. At least tokyo drift has a weak plot and some better live action sequences.

Mind you, I've only seen the 4th one once and didn't pay that much attention to it, so that might be worst too lol

23-01-11, 04:41 PM
ffs2 was truly awful, i have driven in miami & what they were doing is impossible.. that place is gridlocked at 2am....

ffs3 was basically ridge racer & outrun with drifting...

the evo's were rwd converted....

23-01-11, 04:50 PM
Mind you, I've only seen the 4th one once and didn't pay that much attention to it, so that might be worst too lol

in the 4th one thet used GTS models tarted up to look like GTR's lol

23-01-11, 07:50 PM
There's only one drift film for me, which we've already discussed.

But also, i may add, Tokyo drift is one of the worst motor vehicle orientated films I've had the misfortune to witness.

23-01-11, 07:55 PM
lets stick a jap motor in a rather nice classic american muscle car....****s

his accent properly annoyed me,

23-01-11, 07:57 PM
http://www.google.co.uk/url?source=imgres&ct=img&q=http://membres.lycos.fr/coolmaxy/hpbimg/fast%2520and%2520furious%2520jetta%25202.jpg&sa=X&ei=ZTk8Tdn6LtC2hAfB5pydCg&ved=0CAQQ8wc&usg=AFQjCNEdiYCozu6asQApksnWUZIMqf6TwQThis is a good car, but a bit of a ricer.

Mmmmmm that car = super cool:)

23-01-11, 08:01 PM
Anybody heard about the latest fas & furious film? Fastfive!

23-01-11, 08:18 PM
Hey Han! Sort this w4nker out! lol

23-01-11, 08:21 PM
again?? lol.

so how did van diesel get out of the nick?? lol

23-01-11, 08:24 PM
They bust him out. Watch the trailer. lol

23-01-11, 08:39 PM
its all a bit gay now. liked the first one.

23-01-11, 08:45 PM
It's not as good as it first was! But I'll still watch it:)

23-01-11, 09:06 PM
i see RPG's, shotguns, automatic weapons...FINALLY

23-01-11, 09:13 PM
lets stick a jap motor in a rather nice classic american muscle car....****s
Should have at least stuck with a V8 :(

I liked the montage of "oh, lets just drop this engine in here and watch it all mount right up with no real fabrication required"... lol

23-01-11, 09:15 PM
just to annoy you even more... the actual stunt cars were 302ci v8's....

23-01-11, 09:15 PM
anyway, if the star of tokyo daft was a hillbilly, why wasn't his dad???

23-01-11, 09:17 PM
Apparently at least one of them was a proper RB engine'd car. People have been sticking that combo together for a few years now.

23-01-11, 09:23 PM
I liked the montage of "oh, lets just drop this engine in here and watch it all mount right up with no real fabrication required"... lol

They also negate to mention the need for running a single turbo on the RB26 to clear the 'Stangs steering rack/box. You know that S-Body donor car would have been running twin turbos. lol

23-01-11, 09:25 PM
the 'hero' car was, but not the stunt ones......

ps. surely, having watched tarmac rallying , the quickest way down the hill is not to hang the back end out like that, and on several occasions, he accelerated away from the nissan like a rocket, only to drift it again...and let him catch up....and they both kept snatching at gears in the middle of a bend with no change of engine noise..and also the use of the handbrake was somewhat suspect..

23-01-11, 09:36 PM
It's all highly inaccurate and very funny. That's the fast and furious way!

You have to drift down there. It's DK's mountain. If unclear, ask the yakuza.

23-01-11, 09:36 PM
EVERYONE! its a film:wtf:

23-01-11, 09:46 PM
EVERYONE! its a film:wtf:
:roll: Ask any racer, any REAL racer... lol