View Full Version : Anyone like conspiracy's?

21-01-11, 10:53 PM
I am a huge fan of reading about conspiracy theories.

I recently stumbled upon this bloke, if you like this sort of thing you will spend hours on this site I guarantee it!


Basically he is theorising that 'The Event' is actually happening in real life, there is a 'galactic Federation' and that we will have extra terrestrial disclosure in 2012. Its a great read!

21-01-11, 10:55 PM
Best thing is "loose change"

Youtube it :thumb:

21-01-11, 10:56 PM
I got quite immersed in the whole 911 conspiracy a few years back. Will have a butchers at this.

21-01-11, 10:59 PM
sorry.. it looks like a right load of horse poo...

try www.david_icke.com (http://www.david_icke.com)

21-01-11, 11:01 PM
Best thing is "loose change"

Youtube it :thumb:
Loose change is the 911 thing isn't it?

Absolute toss. They came up with one, all the flaws and stupid theories were exposed. So the re-released it, leaving out the chuff but adding other shoite instead. So that was debunked too.. I think they're on the 3rd of 4th revision at the mo lol

Isn't 2012 when the Mayans predicted all the planets in syzygy? Brian Cox has said thats complete chuff and I believe him more than some ancient civilization that hadn't even invented the Atari yet.

21-01-11, 11:01 PM
Foot and mouth?

I was there, I saw, it was a set up,

I want to beleive,

21-01-11, 11:13 PM
I'd have a read but I'm a bit twisted right now so will probably end up in a dark place if I read that! Definately love conspiracy theories though so will have a goosey gander tomorrow :)

21-01-11, 11:17 PM
oooo i love conspiracy theorys. i particularly like the one about the dark side of the mood

21-01-11, 11:19 PM
I like conspiracy of one, does that count?

22-01-11, 12:33 AM
oooo i love conspiracy theorys. i particularly like the one about the dark side of the mood

You'll like this one then. Apparently there is an alien UFO base on the moon, thats why we've not been allowed to send any more manned missions. :wtf:

22-01-11, 12:35 AM
You'll like this one then. Apparently there is an alien UFO base on the moon, thats why we've not been allowed to send any more manned missions. :wtf:

indeed, saw all the pictures of the "smudged buildings" and the interviews with astronauts etc

its interesting

22-01-11, 12:37 AM
Kurt Cobain didn't commit suicide, even Courtney Love's lawyer thinks she knows something.

Justice for Kurt!

22-01-11, 10:41 AM
Isn't 2012 when the Mayans predicted all the planets in syzygy?
Isn' that something to do with the world ending?? As in the film 2012 was loosely based on that prediction or something??

On another note I hate the film 2012, according to what it says, the world ends on my fecking birthday ¬_¬


22-01-11, 10:49 AM
i think all these conspiracy theories are a great big conspiracy to keep people who should know better from knowing better...

the only really weird one is the 1523 map that shows the coast line of the 2 land masses on antartica & the shape of greenland before the ice covered it.... according to popular thought, this information was only available in the late 1950's using radar imagery.... they reckon the last time these land masses were uncovered was about 9000 years ago, when civilisation apparently simply wasn't up to it.....

Danny s-p
22-01-11, 10:51 AM
Isn' that something to do with the world ending?? As in the film 2012 was loosely based on that prediction or something??

On another note I hate the film 2012, according to what it says, the world ends on my fecking birthday ¬_¬

lolhave party go wiled then i wood lol

22-01-11, 11:37 AM
indeed, saw all the pictures of the "smudged buildings" and the interviews with astronauts etc

its interesting
I think your keyboard is broken; it would seem the word "interesting" appears when you type the letters b, u, l, l, s, h, i and t. lol

Anyway. Jesus was an alien. Fact.

22-01-11, 11:49 AM
I think your keyboard is broken; it would seem the word "interesting" appears when you type the letters b, u, l, l, s, h, i and t. lol

Anyway. Jesus was an alien. Fact.

lets try that theory

you have an interesting idea there

lol so it does lol

Jesus was just the offspring of a so called 'virgin' whos little lie went a bit too far...and he knew some magic tricks lol

22-01-11, 11:54 AM
Well the bible as we know it was written about 500ish years ago. Prior to that, it was copied out (by hand) or collated from memory by monks (who spent most of their time brewing beer....), translated through various forms etc. But lets not dwell on that for now lol

As for the magic stuff... ok, take walking on water. Ever been to a hot place? Seen the heat haze that looks like water? See where I'm going with this...?

Everything is "magic" until you understand the physics behind it. A Magician does "magic" tricks until he shows you how they're done, then they become sleight of hand, misdirection, or simple physics.

22-01-11, 12:00 PM
As for the magic stuff... ok, take walking on water. Ever been to a hot place? Seen the heat haze that looks like water? See where I'm going with this...?

erm lets look at the litaral translation of walking on water.

when the bible was first translated the actual translation was walk on or by water. so he might of been walking at the side of a river??

it seems that the people that translated it wrote what they wanted other people to baleave

22-01-11, 12:06 PM
lets face it, jesus was a hippy...long hair, rags...

although ive always thought, if he was born in that part of the world...why is he portrayed as white?

22-01-11, 01:15 PM
ok, lets look at the 'virgin' she was probably such a munter, that no-one believed joseph could shag it...

then jesus wore something not far off a dress, and we all read the story of him and his disciples.... they were sailors... jesus was a 'fisher of men' and apparently he never married...........

now if that isn't a conspiracy theory........ the church have been covering that one up for millennia

23-01-11, 03:16 PM
a conspiracy that i just heard of

"Operation Northwoods"

check it out!

23-01-11, 03:24 PM
Kurt Cobain didn't commit suicide, even Courtney Love's lawyer thinks she knows something.

Justice for Kurt!

Very true, he did not commit suicide, he had such a large amoutn of herion in his blood stream, that he could not have even held a shot gun never mind pull the trigger.

off topic but hey.


23-01-11, 03:43 PM
Is it wrong to simply not give a flying funk about any 'conspiracy' and just get on with life ?

23-01-11, 04:05 PM
but thats exactly what they want you to do stuart.....

23-01-11, 04:11 PM
a conspiracy that i just heard of

"Operation Northwoods"

check it out!

christ.. some people are niave.... the dirty tricks departments have been doing that for centuries... a few incidents to sway public opinion so they will willingly back the unspeakable......

the dirty tricks depts need a bogey man to keep them in business, as does every armed force, otherwise their government will cut them down to suit the threat...

half a million people die due to eating, drinking & smoking the wrong stuff...response... big deal...

4 nutters kill 60 odd people in london, and the country wants every asian chucked out & more soldiers..

23-01-11, 07:50 PM
100% Beef....biggest coverup since watergate

23-01-11, 09:15 PM
^ apparently the food agencies are quite strict on that here in the UK; McDonalds didn't advertise their burgers as beef for a long time as they couldn't guarantee their content (mainly as they were bought overseas)

flyin flea
23-01-11, 09:15 PM
See also....
Pam Am 103: Yes, lots of people died. Result: Gave USA excuse to take issue with Libya. Al-Megrahi was an unfortunate stooge. The great unwashed bought it. US powers that be, allowed it to happen.

9/11... or to give it its correct name... 11/9: Far too many people died. Scour Youtube for videos... and...

Why when the fire brigade are in the lobby have all the windows been blow outward when the plane hit 110 floors up? Why were the ground floor lift shaft doors blown outward?

Only explanation.... basement explosion

Why when you watch the close ups of plane 2 hitting is there a small explosion on the face of the building directly in front of the plane 1 frame before the plane hits? ....and what is the large black object on the underside of the plane Boeing refuse to discuss?

Why did both buildings collapse directly straight down, as if professional demolision experts had done the job? And why did both towers begin a uniform collapse across the same floor at the same time?

A fire/explosion is chaotic, and would not erode structural members in a perfectly linear fashion.... i.e the building would keel over in one direction or another, or only part of one floor would collapse.

Result: the first great illusion of the 21st century and David Copperfield was no where to be seen. The great unwashed plaebians of the US swallow it and their heroic cowboy president leads the planetary lynch mob.

23-01-11, 09:21 PM
i visited the wtc..... the glass was hung on the outer skin of the building & basically, the air pressure of several hundred tonnes of plane at 500+mph hitting it blew it apart.
the structure was designed like a box, with all the main strength on the outside, so when the structure failed, the inside fell down on itself, just like a controlled explosion... because bin laden's family were in the large construction business and osama knew about structural engineering..

even the cia would not deliberately risk that many people.... they'd be more interested in a modern day pearl harbour type thing

23-01-11, 09:24 PM
can't remember the exact detail, but the reason it went straight down (at different times btw) is because the affected floors buckled and gave way, the floors above them dropped down on top and started a concertina effect. The fire was relatively uniform across a few floors, so why would that cause the whole building to fall sideways? It wouldn't.

The flash supposedly prior to the aircraft hitting the building is due to shadow from the building "hiding" the nose of the airframe:


^ 767 doesn't have a flat front to it lol

As for the pod, fcuk knows lol

23-01-11, 09:30 PM
4 nutters kill 60 odd people in london, and the country wants every asian chucked out & more soldiers..

it did seem rather well timed to miss the bulk of passengers etc.... Even Napalm could organise something like that better lol

flyin flea
23-01-11, 09:58 PM
...basically, the air pressure of several hundred tonnes of plane at 500+mph hitting it blew it apart.
Blowing glass apart does not cause a flash explosion.

the structure was designed like a box, with all the main strength on the outside,
It was. If you out a hole in part of that structure, it would begin to list, and keel sideways (a-la tower of Pisa). Get your self a resonable box, put some weights on it, then cut a corner or part of a side away... it will list in that direction... where you weakened it... not directly vertically downward.

... because bin laden's family were in the large construction business and osama knew about structural engineering..
Correct. Quotes from him after the event catch him saying the building should not have collapsed like that!

even the cia would not deliberately risk that many people....
If your cowboy president says so, and you have reasonable cause to go in to Afganistan and Iraq, but need a plausable excuse.... this is how you do it. Governments are like that.

....because the affected floors buckled and gave way, the floors above them dropped down on top and started a concertina effect. The fire was relatively uniform across a few floors
Fire does not spread itself out perfectly, some bits would be hotter than others. Some bits would be relatively untouched. And, as above, the outer skin held the load, yet there was little 'raging inferno' on the exterior enough to melt the fireproofed steel unformly all the way around one or two floors.
i.e. yes, some bits would melt. Some would remain relatively strong. Some weak parts + some strong parts would cause it to list in one diection or another.... like when you pull blocks out in a game of jenga.

23-01-11, 10:06 PM
ok. let me put this simply...

it was not done as a conspiracy....

a couple of dozen arab fundamentalists were trained to fly planes..... their plan was to hijack heavily fueled internal flights & reset the gps to hit a lot of targets in the eastern us.... they went for iconic ones, the wtc, the pentagon & the white house..

their plan hinged on one amazing fact, the yanks had never been attacked on their own soil by foreign forces..... they were complacent, they allowed a knife of no more than 4" as a carry on.. you checked in from the car park.. security was so lax that it was embarassing.. the pentagon plane hit the ground in front of the building.. why? cos thats where the public were allowed to go, so the arabs used that as their gps location...

if the military or cia tried to organise it, it would have failed, to actually plan something on that scale would have been unimaginable... the plan only worked because so few were involved & they were prepared to die for their cause.

23-01-11, 10:16 PM
have to say i'm a huge fan of conspiracy theories, i think everything is a conspiracy! will be reading lee's linky tonight for some bedtime reading!!

have to say, im a slight nutter with stuff like this - literally like mel gibson in the conspiracy theory film lol i even read the catcher in the rye about 10 times at the age of 14 lol

23-01-11, 10:18 PM
I heard of a conspiracy theory about a software update lol

23-01-11, 10:22 PM
I heard of a conspiracy theory about a software update lol

some bloke on a grassy knoll was seen carrying it...

flyin flea
23-01-11, 10:23 PM
Correct. The last time the yanks were attacked at home it was by the French two centuries ago! In the mean time they funded the IRAs 'freedom' fight (NORAID), being completely complacent in all security matters (whilst the IRA detonated bombs all over the UK).

....to actually plan something on that scale....
It wasnt a big plan. Allow a small group to train to fly, keep tabs on ALL their communications. (Bearing in mind this was before all this sh1t kicked off, so would have talked openly about times and places.) 'Set up' WTC. Allow the owner to change a very specific item in his insurance policy weeks before (that an 'incident' in each tower would be a separate event even if at the same time... effectively doubling any potential pay out... but that would never happen... would it???) Then allow them to get on their fateful journies.

It was ALL their plan... all along. US forces learnt of it, allowed it and assisted it.

If you do find it completely incomprehensible it would appear you too bought the propaganda. Worry not, you're not alone.

flyin flea
23-01-11, 10:24 PM
I heard of a conspiracy theory about a software update lolNow thats an urban myth!

23-01-11, 10:25 PM
Also the US using the publics lust for UFO conspiracy theories to cover up the hypersonic aircraft code named Aurora is pretty interesting.

23-01-11, 10:29 PM
I like to read them as i find them entertaining.

I don't however argue about the plausibility of said conspiracy's on the internetz lol

flyin flea
23-01-11, 10:30 PM
Is that the thing that weather forecasters first started askin about a few years back??
They'd see these vapour trails across entire continents.... when there were no other clouds. Where there were clouds, there would be a 'rip' line right through em.
And all these forecasters started seeing this trail all over the place on an unpredictable basis...... and then noticed it always started over Texas!!!

23-01-11, 10:33 PM
That's the one :)

23-01-11, 10:34 PM
i think some theories do have a good grounding, no smoke without fire and all that but i do think others are a little..................ott

just read one on lee's website linky about an astronaut (john glenn) being on the comedy show Frasier and admitting on a radio interview that they were asked to lie and stuff and now the theorists reckon that this was the astronauts way of admitting what they all really know and saw, little extreme i feel

flyin flea
23-01-11, 10:38 PM
I live in Sheffield. Around the same time there were lots of people hearing these 'loud bangs' at strange times. I too heard them.... it sounded like a sonic boom. The local news rag ran the story asking if anyone had any suggestions ..... no-one had. To this day, I wonder if it was that thing zoomin over head.... whaaay up. The seven (steep) hills that constitute this city would merely act as an amplifier for such a noise!

23-01-11, 10:42 PM
Every night in cornwall we would hear a 'thud thud' as concorde went SS to NY/Washington.... No scary theories needed there lol.

And if the yanks have made a hypersonic craft then fair play to them and it needs testing :)

23-01-11, 10:45 PM
If you do find it completely incomprehensible it would appear you too bought the propaganda. Worry not, you're not alone.

and here is the old hackneyed conspiracy defence......

it is feasable that it was a conspiracy, but when it happened, the US & the UN sanctioned an attack on afghanistan, a country that would not gain anything for the yanks, only as a very dubious add on, did they attack iraq for the oil

look at what was done to the arabs... in the early 20th century, the british decided to draw loads of lines across the arab world, and then put certain friendly ruling families in these new countries.... whole tribal regions were carved up & traditional power bases. fast forward to just after ww2, the yanks help the displaced jews to form israel, and take over one of the holiest places in the muslim world, jerusalem, the israelis having just survived persecution then decide to persecute any arabs to get them out of 'their' land. then the yanks give israel billions of dollars of aid. this infuriates the ordinary arabs. it was bound to blow up at some point. a lot of the hatred comes out of pakistan, and they were displaced when india was given independance so they are poorly educated people who have been brought up hating india, britain & america..

i think the americans probably had it coming to them, but it simply wasn't a conspiracy.

23-01-11, 10:48 PM
i love all those lights in the sky things on cable telly.... it is so obvious that it is some bloke pointing a large spotlight at a cloud to keep the ufo idiots busy....
meanwhile, aurora flies away on another spy mission..

flyin flea
23-01-11, 11:02 PM
Mowgli.... well done for copy & paste.

Of course the Yanks had it coming to them.... no question.

IN ADDITION, they needed a plausable excuse to go in to Afganistan and Iraq...

1) Dubyah wanted to finish what daddy didnt (bleedin cowboy half wit!)

2) 40 years earlier Sadam Hussain was living in the US paid for by the CIA. When Iraq became unstable, they pumped in huge amounts of money assisting him in taking control of the country bringing stability to the region. They then continued to send money.

3) In the 1980s the CIA pumped huge amounts of money in to the Taliban in Afganistan so they could shoe off the communist forces, and bring further stability to the region.

4) By the 1990s Hussain was pissed off with being dictated to by Washington, especially over the UN sanctions. One of the reasons the US is so wealthy is that oil is traded across the face of the planet in US dollars. Hussain wanted to begin selling it in Euros!!! Cheap oil for Europe, and shoving it right up the Washington!

5) Afganistan had become a home for rogue terrorist groups of any sort.

Fairly good reasons for the US to be p1ssed off with the region... now all they needed was a good plausible reason for the rest of the world. A small group of terrorist types gave them that.... and were stitched right up!


General Baxter
23-01-11, 11:08 PM
Mowgli.... well done for copy & paste.

take it you never heard of a mental old grandad then lol

flyin flea
23-01-11, 11:11 PM
No never.

23-01-11, 11:14 PM
Mowgli.... well done for copy & paste.

Of course the Yanks had it coming to them.... no question.

IN ADDITION, they needed a plausable excuse to go in to Afganistan and Iraq...

1) Dubyah wanted to finish what daddy didnt (bleedin cowboy half wit!)

2) 40 years earlier Sadam Hussain was living in the US paid for by the CIA. When Iraq became unstable, they pumped in huge amounts of money assisting him in taking control of the country bringing stability to the region. They then continued to send money.

3) In the 1980s the CIA pumped huge amounts of money in to the Taliban in Afganistan so they could shoe off the communist forces, and bring further stability to the region.

4) By the 1990s Hussain was pissed off with being dictated to by Washington, especially over the UN sanctions. One of the reasons the US is so wealthy is that oil is traded across the face of the planet in US dollars. Hussain wanted to begin selling it in Euros!!! Cheap oil for Europe, and shoving it right up the Washington!

5) Afganistan had become a home for rogue terrorist groups of any sort.

Fairly good reasons for the US to be p1ssed off with the region... now all they needed was a good plausible reason for the rest of the world. A small group of terrorist types gave them that.... and were stitched right up!


i copied and pasted nothing.

1. agree with, but it was his father's stupidity in not finishing the job in the first place
2. you really believe some crap
3. afghanistan has been a militant hotbed since the 1920's when as i previously stated, the british drew their borders & totally screwed them up.. you also seem to forget the value in the heroin crop.... billions of dollars coming into a sparsely populated country will attract all sorts of violent people. the afghans are legendary for claiming to back a certain political force, then another, when they are actually working towards furthering their own tribal fortunes.
4.according to the 'sanction rules' he was actually making more money because there was a guarantee of a certain number of barrels going out of the country, and all the opec nations were cutting back to raise the price.
if you watched tv in the late nineties, 2000's, you would have noticed in iraq, there was something very interesting going on.. loads of renault trucks & cars were appearing, basically, total & elf were buying iraqi oil thru syria, no wonder he wanted top deal in euros
5. see 3

24-01-11, 12:02 AM
Man did land on the moon

JFK was not killed by the government

9/11 was just a bunch of terrorists

Elvis is dead (so is wacko jacko)

The world wont end in 2012

area 51 is just a dessert

Diana was just in a car crash

Global warming.... erm jury still out on that one.

24-01-11, 12:04 AM
Man did land on the moon

JFK was not killed by the government

9/11 was just a bunch of terrorists

Elvis is dead (so is wacko jacko)

The world wont end in 2012

area 51 is just a dessert

Diana was just in a car crash

Global warming.... erm jury still out on that one.

does it come with cream?

24-01-11, 12:04 AM
There have been wars in Iraq since the dawn of time, literally. Its no wonder they still live in the stone age as they can never progress due to someone starting a fight with them/them starting fights.

flyin flea
24-01-11, 12:05 AM
1) his dads only intent was to remove iraqi forces from Kuwait. Mission succesful. Overzealous Dubyah saw the job as only half done.... fool him.

2) Sorry.... is uncrap. Is fact.
The key fact is (bearing in mind the time in history) he was anti-communist. The US hated 'the commies'.

3) Communist power in Afghanistan.... the US didnt like this... too close to all the oil! So rather than have a direct clash with the commies, pay someone else to take power of the country.... the Taliban served that purpose. The Pet Shop Boys sang about it (I believe) in (ironically) 'Was it worth it?' As you're 'somewhere in the 80s' its probably still on the radio!

4) er.... you just re-inforced my 4)! ....which would have been a disaster for Washington... an entire continent not buying oil in US dollars. Cant have that... not after you sent him all that money to establish power.

5) Afghanistan was allowing anyone to do anything.... any criminals welcome.... just rather unfortunate there wernt many hollowed out volcanoes. The Taliban were becoming quite a rogue force.... but hang on, only a few years back the US sent them money.... that just takes the p1ss.

Soooo..... Dubyah needed an excuse to go in and turn the place over.

On a similar note, a few years back I had a 'confrontation' with a security fcukwit on the main reception an Wigan Athletic. Having entered the building, and began to wait for the lift, he dashed in to insist he see's everyones accreditation. One lad wasnt wearing any.... so the fcukwit insisted he leave (the building he's just entered). He told me everyone had to have acreditation, "because what happened on 9/11". .....yes, the terrorists are going to strike Wigan Athletic next! And some people...... are just too gullible.

24-01-11, 12:06 AM
Man did land on the moon

JFK was not killed by the government

9/11 was just a bunch of terrorists

Elvis is dead (so is wacko jacko)

The world wont end in 2012

area 51 is just a dessert

Diana was just in a car crash

Global warming.... erm jury still out on that one.

We are in an ice age at the moment. Everything melts, the world ends and it all starts again.

24-01-11, 12:08 AM
oh area 51


looks like there is an base there...

24-01-11, 12:11 AM
5) years back the US sent them money.... that just takes the p1ss.

Apparently they were trained off the coast of Scotland on how to use the RPG-7 against the Russians, and given a load of them RPG-7'S + ammo which was never accounted for after the Russians left.

flyin flea
24-01-11, 12:27 AM
.....they fookin shot our boys with it.... thats what!:(

24-01-11, 12:27 AM
oh area 51


looks like there is an base there...

go to google maps-sattelite view-search-area 51.

Job done,


24-01-11, 12:31 AM
.....they fookin shot our boys with it.... thats what!:(

Obviously that's what they're used for now :( and to think we helped them once upon a time.

flyin flea
24-01-11, 12:58 AM
Speakin of Gmaps.... wtf is this....

Aint HAARP..... no where near that. Even the (once blacked out) roof of the Whitehouse is now visible.

24-01-11, 01:02 AM
I guess its the big blacked out bit that we're supposed to be looking at?

Whatever it is, its ****ing HUGE. Probably a glitch in the map though.

24-01-11, 08:10 AM
flyin flea, all of what was left of your credibility has now left... . you are using wikipedia as your fact base..... anyone can put what they like on there without any legal comeback. teachers go on there to mess with facts to see which students cut & paste their assignments, even i have a login....

you should try reading real history books... from a library, you will see just how long the middle east has been in turmoil, and it was not caused by ayatollahs, saddam hussein, or either of the george bush's, and the russions only invaded afghanistan to suppress muslim factions of their own country, but couldn't be seen to be bombing their own people, so they went in on the get rid of opium etc. ticket, and lost horribly........ then left, leaving lots of soviet military hardware behind. a surprising amount is known about this cos most of the forces used in afghhanistan were previously stationed in east germany, and BRIXMIS, the british intelligence dept were watching them.....

flyin flea
24-01-11, 11:28 AM

Of course, everything written everywhere on teh internetz is a lie. There are no correct facts anywhere in cyber-space, because 'they control everything'. All facts on PNG are also untrue.

In which case, I can not point to anything (using a URL) which re-inforces the powers at play. As if it doesn't fit your blinkered view, its obviously a lie.

Pity you havnt picked up some grammar from all those books you read. T'would mean we dont have to read your rants three times for 'em to make sense!

Yes, the Russians (note sp.) were in Afghan, which the US didnt like. (Commies being close to the oil) They wanted them out, and gave the local forces a hand in doing so.

flyin flea
24-01-11, 11:28 AM

Of course, everything written everywhere on teh internetz is a lie. There are no correct facts anywhere in cyber-space, because 'they control everything'. All facts on PNG are also untrue.

In which case, I can not point to anything (using a URL) which re-inforces the powers at play. As if it doesn't fit your blinkered view, its obviously a lie.

Pity you havnt picked up some grammar from all those books you read. T'would mean we dont have to read your rants three times for 'em to make sense!

Yes, the Russians (note sp.) were in Afghan, which the US didnt like. (Commies being close to the oil) They wanted them out, and gave the local forces a hand in doing so.

24-01-11, 12:55 PM
They wanted them out, and gave the local forces a hand in doing so.
...which all blew up in their face when the locals decided that they didn't like American manipulation in their region so turned on them

The Iranian Oil Bourse didn't really have that much input from ol' Saddam anyways. He might have had a vision for something of that ilk and had a hand in creating the ideas behind the markets that led to it, but the main organization and creation of all that stuff was done after his demise. Sure the choice of the Euro over the dollar was a bit of a fingers up to the yanks, but I don't blame them when their neighbouring regions have a lot of euros floating around.

Iraq is actually quite a well developed country (or at least it was til the American tanks rolled through it and flattened the place lol)

....which reminds me of that amusing clip of the Iraqi (foreign?) minister on TV in Baghdad saying how the infidels were being repelled and were nowhere near Baghdad... just as an American tank column drove past him in the background lol

flyin flea
24-01-11, 08:31 PM
You know how when your 'pooter double posts.... it makes you look a c0ck! http://www.yorkshirecruise.com/Forum/images/smiles/icon_redface.gif

IIRC that bloke was promptly employed by Al-jazeera TV after the 'victory', as he'd got a good insight in to what had happened in the region.

wwmnw.... yes, its the big black rectangle I mean. Its not a 'camera glitch' as its been there since Gmaps and G.E. were invented. Since then the whole area has been remapped at higher and higher resolutions. The black out remains! Its huuuuuuuuge!

When gmaps first appeared there were black squares all over the planet. In the intervening years theyve slowly disappeared, as governments have either learnt not to be soooo over fcukin sensative, or removed all trace of what was there.

24-01-11, 08:41 PM
I guess its the big blacked out bit that we're supposed to be looking at?

Whatever it is, its ****ing HUGE. Probably a glitch in the map though.

It's a glitch in switching between the high res and low res pictures (shot at different times so different colours, hence the complicated switching code I guess)

If you zoom in the canadian half of it is visible.

Alternatively it's a US built alien village complete with spaceships, JFK's assassin, and also Elvis' current residence.

When gmaps first appeared there were black squares all over the planet. In the intervening years theyve slowly disappeared, as governments have either learnt not to be soooo over fcukin sensative, or removed all trace of what was there.

Or as they actually map those areas, since it's not just a case of getting a satellite to take a mother****ing huge photo of the entire planet lol

flyin flea
24-01-11, 08:51 PM
....teh internetz also confirms that's where S. Hussain and Bin Laden are presently hanging out gettin pi55ed up with Maralyn Monroe.

24-01-11, 08:52 PM
....teh internetz also confirms that's where S. Hussain and Bin Laden are presently hanging out gettin pi55ed up with Maralyn Monroe.

Marilyn (note spelling)

Shame you didn't learn any grammar etc etc :p

24-01-11, 09:10 PM
Marilyn (note spelling)

Shame you didn't learn any grammar etc etc :p

lol you're good at pwning people.

I like that.

24-01-11, 09:27 PM
Were acually living in the matrix and the matrix runs out in 2012


em lol

24-01-11, 09:31 PM

All facts on PNG are also untrue.

:wtf: field of novas?

now...be hush lol

oh....hang on.....:tard: :(

flyin flea
25-01-11, 12:09 AM
Marilyn (note spelling)

Shame you didn't learn any grammar etc etc :p

Were acually living in the matrix and the matrix runs out in 2012

Yep.... the do..while loop finishes, the next command is.. exit();

25-01-11, 12:11 AM
Every year the world is going to end in different ways.

25-01-11, 10:20 AM
well, we all know the world will end one day, the questions are when and how

i must say after watching 2012, it would be proper sh!te if that did actually happen but those huge boats were proper cool!

25-01-11, 02:02 PM
Oh just spotted this watch "Zeitgeist" that shows that all religion is based on the stars as they were the only thing in the ancient world which could be tracked and showed similar patterns annually all religious stories are based on the interplay of the stars and significances people took from this.

Jesus Son of God - Is the Sun
12 Disciples - 12 positions of the zodiac

Alot of religions have the same or similar characters and stories all based in the zodiac. Christmas (Winter solstice) Easter (Summer Solstice) ect

25-01-11, 09:40 PM
Oh just spotted this watch "Zeitgeist" that shows that all religion is based on the stars as they were the only thing in the ancient world which could be tracked and showed similar patterns annually all religious stories are based on the interplay of the stars and significances people took from this.

Jesus Son of God - Is the Sun
12 Disciples - 12 positions of the zodiac

Alot of religions have the same or similar characters and stories all based in the zodiac. Christmas (Winter solstice) Easter (Summer Solstice) ect

or the church made damn sure their festivals happened to be when the pagans were having a knees up so they could slowly but surely convert them to christianity..

25-01-11, 09:47 PM
Isn't Christmas in December because the Christians wanted to get the Pagans on side by merging it in with the midwinter festivities?

25-01-11, 09:54 PM
yup.. the greek orthodox celebrate it in january, apparently their version of the church is closest to the early christians.

flyin flea
25-01-11, 09:59 PM
Thats an ancient trick....
When you're invading (sorry, crusaiding) foreign lands.....
1) confiscate all their religous artifacts
2) preach your new religion
3) have a religious festival on the same days as any of their. Thus, they will be celebtrating their new religion

If you take the tour round the Vatican museum in Rome, the last part of the tour is rammed full of artifacts from other religions.
i.e. Stuff catholics robbed from other religions (after they'd murdered their religious leaders) when invading new lands and 'educating' heathens.

Christmas.... 25th December, stamped right over a pagan festival
Halow'een.... 31st October, ....another Pagan festival

25-01-11, 10:08 PM
halloween is a strange one, in england about 300 years ago, it was sanctioned by the church, and the yanks really took to it...even 30 years ago, it was seen as harmless fun... but now, the church of england seem to have this idea that it is somehow demonic worship, they also don't like harry potter, even though hogwarts has christian holidays

25-01-11, 11:19 PM
That is what I am saying Christmas is timed to fit in with pagan festivals the pagans where celebrating these festivals on these dates because they have a significance in the events of the stars or in nature that is what all religion is based on. Oh and Christianity is just watered down Judaism anyways. Agnostic FTW!

25-01-11, 11:46 PM
Isn't Christmas in December because the Christians wanted to get the Pagans on side by merging it in with the midwinter festivities?

its because it was cold and they needed something to fill the time while they were all sat inside in the cold :thumb: simples

26-01-11, 12:08 AM
Flyin Flea - rather than wasting your time posting on here why dont you write a book on all the conspiracies theories in the world - you seem to know all about them? Whilst you are at it why dont you chuck in a chapter giving a brief resume on world politics as well?
Next you'll be trying to tell us that Santa doesn't exist!

My own observations about conspiracy theories are that they all seem to be about Americans in 1 form or another which should help us to rank their credibilty

flyin flea
26-01-11, 12:18 AM

.....is it.... just that Ive actually paid attention to wtf has gone on on the face of this planet in the last 30 odd years?

Correct... Americans.... because they want to be world police.

....sounds like a good idea for a film.

Anyway, before that completely unneccesary beratement, I was goin to bring forth another conspiracy..... 'disappearing forum threads'. Do they exist?

26-01-11, 07:30 AM
.....is it.... just that Ive actually paid attention to wtf has gone on on the face of this planet in the last 30 odd years?
Question is though, does anyone really give a sh!t about what has been going on? lol

26-01-11, 08:21 AM
i know of a conspiracy that flying flea doesn't........ but i'm not telling him what it is......

seriously, there only seemed to be a couple of conspiracies, jfk, marilyn, area51, moon landings, the one where they allegedly made a ship disappear, then we were bumbling along for decades, then the internet appeared and suddenly all manner of crap appeared....... someone gets 3 parking tickets & its a zionist plot

26-01-11, 11:20 AM
In my opinion I think conspiracy theories are for the gullible.

26-01-11, 01:47 PM

Anyway, before that completely unneccesary beratement

I'm not looking to start an argument:eek: BUT.....................
If you review the series of sweeping statements you made in your initial post about the Twin Towers disaster someone's got to call you on it.
The notion that the American administration in someway colluded with plane hijackers to demolish the World Trade Centre to create an excuse to go to war is not only monsterously ridiculous but also offensive to the victims and all the people touched by that horrific event. Quite frankly its an outrageous accusation and if thats 1 of your key conclusions from 30 years of watching world events then I respectfully suggest you've been wasting your time.

26-01-11, 05:17 PM
Correct... Americans.... because they want to be world police.

Americaaaaa.....fcuk yeah!!!

flyin flea
26-01-11, 07:40 PM
....the American administration in someway colluded with plane hijackers
I didnt say colluded. I wrote (http://www.pngclub.com/forum/showpost.php?p=1786297&postcount=38) 'allowed it to happen'.

.... monsterously ridiculous but also offensive to the victims and all the people touched by that horrific event.
I too find their deaths unacceptable. But, it was the inner kabal of their government that decided they wanted to back in to that bit of the planet and turn it over. But you cant just do that. The rest of the planet would stop you. So you need to ligitimise it. 'Lets allow this terrorist event to happen to give us some currency.'

Yep, I am suggesting powers within Washington choose to murder thousands of their own civilians. Beneath it all Governments are like that... The good cause of the state is whaaay above that of the individual.

Quite frankly its an outrageous accusation...
Er..... its actually quite a common opinion.

...then I respectfully suggest .....