View Full Version : bumpers

17-01-11, 04:50 PM
Not really sure what to do with the bumpers on my car as they are pov spec atm just been glossed black but being the pov spec ones the depth of the paint on the bumpers is not as high as the car which has just come back from the painters.

Dont really want to be spending hundreds on GSi bumpers but dont know what else to do really and its only the bumpers that need putting on to finish the car:/

Any ideas anyone?

17-01-11, 04:53 PM
rub down, hi-build primer, rub down, gloss paint.

17-01-11, 04:59 PM
Already done that mate didnt really work they dont look bad its just im being fussy now i dont really want bumpers that im not happy with on my car, was thinking about gte bumpers before for it now it might be an option as they cheaper than gsi ones

17-01-11, 05:00 PM
they don't fit right on a mk2

17-01-11, 05:03 PM
But they do look ok if you fit them well, I actually think the gap between the grill and the bumper only really sticks out if you know what you're looking for, plenty of other cars have a similar gap from the factory. So it will look fine to 99% of people.

17-01-11, 05:04 PM
Is there anyone on here with them on a mk2

17-01-11, 05:05 PM
Hundreds? I just sold a mint Gsi bumper last week for £60 !

17-01-11, 05:20 PM
sell it to me for half the price then :p

17-01-11, 05:41 PM
Mk1 front bumper on a MK2 just looks pony, dont do it. rub the bumpers down and apply more hi-build primer, flat that off with 400 grit and then repaint.

17-01-11, 06:20 PM
Hmm might give it another go cheers for the replys everyone

17-01-11, 06:26 PM
i had same problem on my first nova when i colour coded a a pov spec rear bumper, this time got myself a free gsi front bumper and gsi rear bumper for a tenner. look about ul get a cheap mk2 gsi bumper.

gte bumpers on a mk2 are wrong imo

17-01-11, 06:28 PM
yea i know you gota wait about for a bargain im just inpatient lol

and alot of people have been sayin it to me but i dont think iv ever seen a mk2 with gte bumpers on so i wouldnt know

17-01-11, 06:28 PM
All this talk of painting pov spec bumpers and painting GSi bumpers being different or easier, you do realise until first painted, a GSi bumper is textured the same as a pov spec one dont you?

The only reason your paint will be going wrong will be lack of/poor prep work!

17-01-11, 06:31 PM
All this talk of painting pov spec bumpers and painting GSi bumpers being different or easier, you do realise until first painted, a GSi bumper is textured the same as a pov spec one dont you?

The only reason your paint will be going wrong will be lack of/poor prep work!

No i didnt know that to tell the truth

and as far as prep goes i rubbed the bumper down firstly to see if i could lose the texture of the bumper but wasnt really happening so went and bought high build primmer then painted it and it still didnt look brilliant

it may just be me being fussy

17-01-11, 06:31 PM
im just lazy lol

17-01-11, 06:58 PM
Just bite the bullet and sand, high-build, sand again etc. Then you'll get a proper smooth finish :) The "glossy" bumpers you see already have had this done to them.

17-01-11, 07:02 PM
What high build primer is recomended?

I used halfords when i done mine and as it was going on i could see it wasnt really thick it was the same consistancy as the paint but as id never used it before i didnt think anything of it.

17-01-11, 07:11 PM
I've used Halfords own several times, and for the money it's not bad at all :)

17-01-11, 07:25 PM
Filler primer the yellow stuff you can get that from halfrauds too may give a better coating.

17-01-11, 07:31 PM
mm dont really want to go back to halfords the only reason i got the stuff from there in the first place was because i got a voucher for christmas lol