View Full Version : one off track day

15-01-11, 07:59 PM
ive been at my works for 10year now and they are going to pay for me to put my car on the track for the day (donny) :)..i know theres alot of track head on here so now the quetion is what to i have to do to get it up to track spec.

it has spax rsx suspention /comp mos/1.3 twin 40s ported head with over sized valves/ 4 branch manifold/bigger brakes.

now dont really want to keep the mos on just in case so would 15" steels be ok for a track day? do i need strut braces roll cage etc..

as said it will only be for one day so any help/advice would be nice. cheers

15-01-11, 08:02 PM
You can put a standard road car on if you like..you need a helmet though and arms need to be covered up..

15-01-11, 08:04 PM
so as the car stand all is ok?

15-01-11, 08:11 PM
just check brake pads, oil level etc etc

15-01-11, 08:11 PM
As long as the car is capable of passing an MOT and looks roadworthy, they will let it on track. It is advisable to fill the oil right up the maximum for track use. Also taping over the lights is a good idea, if not compulsory. Check tyre and brake conditions as well as fluid levels regularly throughout the day, and again after the day before you set off home :thumb:

15-01-11, 08:14 PM
what tyres would be best the car has tinted windows as well is that a problem? will be sorting the brakes etc out soon..

15-01-11, 08:21 PM
As long as the windows are up to MOT standard (So you can see through the front 3 easily), Just need to be careful when moving about on track (Mirrors, Use them)

People track completely standard road cars though.

Tyres, Personal preference lol.

15-01-11, 08:24 PM
ok wicked i though id have to start again but if its ok the way it is ill leave it as it is and do the bits it needs.

15-01-11, 11:08 PM
Any old tyres will do tbh for a first go, i did ok on crappy tyres, although some new ones will be on the next attempt!

16-01-11, 11:27 AM
lol lol dont panic, as everyone else has said the car is more than ok for a trackday. Tbh a standard 1.2 with lowered suspension and road tyres would be an absolute scream for any first timer on track, so yours is already up a level.

there are only a few major points you should take on board, first off.....

1. Car condition, check oil/water/tyre pressures and all the normal gubbins before and constantly during the day.

2. It is a trackday, your not there to race but have fun, dont go rushing out trying to make it the best track car ever only to arrive, crash and realise you need a few more goes. Its all about driving within your own comfort zone and just having a blast. Enjoy and learn from it.

3. Track manners, this is the one biggest failing of many track idiots and noobs who dont listen. Upon arrival you will have a track breifing. Listen very carefully to the man talking, make sure you understand what he says. I can promise you there is nothing worse than barrelling along at 100mph+ and having some idiot just randomly pull out infront of you and then not pulling out of the way even if he is 20-30mph on average slower per bend!

4. Faster cars, you will probably find you will be pulling over to the left a fair bit if the day has alot of regulars. Dont worry the guys that do this get alot more respect from the seasoned guys as they understand we all start somewhere, if you did as mentioned above in point 3 a black flag would be shown and an early day it would be.

5. Finally, the day is over, the car survived and you have a new experience. sit down have a coffee, and reflect. My advice here would be, if you enjoyed it get another booked if finances allow, and then once you have a couple under the belt you can plan to modify the car to suit your new found money pit hobby as by this point you will understand better what the car needs and not what some person told you to fit on the internet.

I hope that doesnt come across as rude anywhere, i just typed out what sprung to mind lol lol

16-01-11, 12:10 PM
Theres nothing really to add onto what Dan said above.

Just remember that absolutely EVERYTHING will get hammered, so obviously check the condition of engine/brakes/suspension etc before the trackday.

Seeing as its just for a day i wouldnt worry about spending £££ just for the trackday, you can have loads of fun in a nova that handles ok, even with 100bhp.
You will get addicted to trackdays though, trust me lol

16-01-11, 01:14 PM
Make sure you have nothing loose in the car. Try to fit a bit of cooling down time in - don't put the handbrake on when you're done and the brakes are smouldering hot!

16-01-11, 03:56 PM
cheers for all the advice guys
the brakes and exhaust need replacing so there be all ok and just put new set of tyres on so all seems to be good.
going to be booking it for may time so will post up when i get back from it to tell you all about it and will be in it at billings if all goses well lol..

dan not rude at all thanx for the head up and info and carnt see it turning in to a hobby

16-01-11, 09:34 PM
4. Faster cars, you will probably find you will be pulling over to the left a fair bit if the day has alot of regulars.

I can honestly say (unfortunately) that on my first (and only) track i only over took 3 cars all day, and was even getting pushed around some corners by a 1.2 Corsa! Although he did bin it after!

The noobie sticker is advisable too imo, just so other people know..


17-01-11, 08:48 AM
Replace what you know needs replacing, and then just go along and have a giggle.

Putting things like semi slicks on will just mask any problems with the suspension and also make you think you are a driving god... I actually prefer a limited grip setup as you can find the limits at lower (safer) speeds and then hone the skills before moving to more and more grip. That way when you do lose it at speed on an uber setup its not a surprise and you know what to do :)

Oh, one thing I really would do and thats fit a rad fan switch so you can turn the fan on before you enter the pits so you can cool the engine down easier.

17-01-11, 01:10 PM
cheers stu.. the fan runs off a manual switch from the dash any way.