View Full Version : help needed?

Nova Baz
13-01-11, 11:10 PM
my mates xe cav has a problem,when it's hot and he's driving at part throttle it most of the time jerks really bad and if he put his foot down it goes ?

14-01-11, 12:50 AM
Had the exact same problem. Then it would not start. Pull the ecu out and see if any water comes out. Then leave it beside a heater for say an hour and a half then let it cool off for half an hour. Do this 4 or 5 times. Then spat loads of wd40 on both the plug and the pins on the ecu. Plug it in disconnect it loads of times like 50 or 60 (boaring but worth it) give it another we spray of wd40 connect it up and hopefully its sorted. Did the trick with mine runs lik a dream now. There's a jelly like substance you get to put on the pins can't remember the name I have it in work ill get the name tomorrow if drying out the ecu works buy this stuff and put it on stops the pins eroding and gives a better connection

Nova Baz
15-01-11, 12:25 AM

what i've changed so far is the TB thinking it was TPS, CTS(for a S/H one we had),spark plug as it had bosch super 4 in it.

all so did like fieldsygsi (http://www.pngclub.com/forum/member.php?u=104753) said but the ecu was dry but thanks anyway