View Full Version : GSi Boy

28-12-00, 01:25 PM
You mentioned the rolling road day, any news on when that is yet? I want to get my GSi on the rollers to find out how powerful it is!!

28-12-00, 01:53 PM
Trying to sort out the details with Lancy at the moment but its a bit difficult to keep in touch with him hence the Lancy - please mail me posts. We are looking at a couple of dates at the mo but i don't want to say anything until everything is sorted. I'm getting things done as soon as i can.

28-12-00, 01:54 PM
cool, should be good, even if I don't get to use the rolling road, I will still come along and watch!!

28-12-00, 01:56 PM
They've said they'll do 20 cars so you should get a go.

28-12-00, 02:04 PM
whereabouts is it likely to be? and do you have any idea of how much it will cost?