View Full Version : Am I too late for xmas delivery?

17-12-10, 05:15 AM
For when the man in your life is too smart and deletes the history...



Edit - and yes I realise the blokes waay outnumber the lasses on here so you prob wont care. :)

17-12-10, 06:32 AM
ha ha ha, no need for one of them i know mine look at porn, caught him red handed, but will be useful to see how often he does lol

17-12-10, 07:02 AM
cant a man knock one out in the comfort of his own home no more???

17-12-10, 07:33 AM
Really you have to check his browsing? Cant the poor man surf in freedom i bet he pays towards the tinterweb to, i feel for your men

17-12-10, 08:23 AM
I don't need a Porn Detection Stick. I've already found plenty on the interwebs. :thumb:

17-12-10, 08:25 AM
lol I would be very suprised if there's a single mans laptop that doesn't contain porn!

17-12-10, 09:01 AM
Does that mean you assume i'm single then?

17-12-10, 09:11 AM
I meant I would be suprised if any man doesn't lol

17-12-10, 09:17 AM
lol :thumb:

17-12-10, 09:23 AM
I'm not just picking on the single people :p
I don't get why a lot of men deny watching/having porn or looking at other women. One of my exes used to swear blind he didn't and didn't find another woman attractive. Idiot lol It's human nature!

17-12-10, 10:33 AM
I <3 pr0n.

Could easily disable that too lol

17-12-10, 11:54 AM
Not mac compatible, FAIL lol

17-12-10, 12:41 PM
Could be good for parents checking up on their kids... but unless they are looking at very very wrong porn (insert 2 girls, 1 cup) then I dont see the harm

18-12-10, 01:30 PM
I'm not just picking on the single people :p
I don't get why a lot of men deny watching/having porn or looking at other women. One of my exes used to swear blind he didn't and didn't find another woman attractive. Idiot lol It's human nature!

agreed its human nature to find others attractive but imo, when you're with someone, 'stroking yourself' (lol) for pleasure whilst thinking of every other attractive person but your partner is wrong

18-12-10, 01:56 PM
bloody hell you females.......... its bad enough for us on the rare occasions that you actually demand & instigate sex and we haven't had enough time to think of someone attractive to get the engine fired up, you now want to find out what blokes do when you are

a. tired
b. got a headache
c. 'on'
d. 'due on'
e. in a bad mood because of something infinitesimally minute thing that we may or may not have done or not done....
f. stressed
g. not in the mood....

which means blokes don't get much for about 250+ days a year, and then you lot want to buy something that finds pics that have already been in the 18+ section on here....

typical, i bet you are expecting something nice for christmas too..... is there a dongle that warns blokes when women are attempting to use on line shopping sites?????

18-12-10, 01:56 PM
agreed its human nature to find others attractive but imo, when you're with someone, 'stroking yourself' (lol) for pleasure whilst thinking of every other attractive person but your partner is wrong

We were actually having this discussion on another forum i'm on. I was one of the few women that actually isn't overly bothered about it. Although that may of changed slightly since being pregnant. lol I think it's an issue when a person relies soley on the porn

18-12-10, 02:04 PM
You can't not find other people attractive, and pr0n is good for covering a variety of other stuff. Can't expect the mrs to do everything, and its nice to look at a different face lol

Which reminds me, I found a load of nakie pics of Hayley on my phone. Off the the mrs thread I go lol

18-12-10, 02:08 PM
Which reminds me, I found a load of nakie pics of Hayley on my phone. Off the the mrs thread I go lol

Found? Are you not worried who she's been lending your phone to? lol

18-12-10, 02:14 PM
Nop, I just forgot I took them. lol

18-12-10, 02:15 PM
Found? Are you not worried who she's been lending your phone to? lol

a mate was telling me this morning about something that happened to him.. he found a lost mobile phone... so, being a nice, charitable, neighbourly sort, he went thru the address book & found a 'home' number, and rang it. the owner was really grateful & arranged to come round the next day for it. my mate had a look in the images & found some pics of a young lady in various interesting poses........well, fast forward to last night & he went to a local pub & it suddenly dawned on him that the barmaid was the girl on the phone pics...........after he'd said hello to the barmaid, and then said 'i know you from somewhere, don't i??'

18-12-10, 02:16 PM
a mate was telling me this morning about something that happened to him.. he found a lost mobile phone... so, being a nice, charitable, neighbourly sort, he went thru the address book & found a 'home' number, and rang it. the owner was really grateful & arranged to come round the next day for it. my mate had a look in the images & found some pics of a young lady in various interesting poses........well, fast forward to last night & he went to a local pub & it suddenly dawned on him that the barmaid was the girl on the phone pics...........after he'd said hello to the barmaid, and then said 'i know you from somewhere, don't i??'

Most of my mates would be like, oh yeah i know you now, ive seen your box lol

18-12-10, 02:18 PM
if ben hadn't been out with his missus, he probably would have himself

18-12-10, 02:19 PM
Ahhh furry muff lol

You never know it might have swayed her into bed too:d

18-12-10, 02:22 PM
she had enormous wabs & a face like joe bugner, apparently.....

i did explain to him about mantelpieces & fires, but he said she was not the sort of girl you'd mount sober

18-12-10, 02:23 PM
Joe whonow...?

And why would you be sober in a pub, thats just pure fail lol

18-12-10, 02:24 PM
Ahhh furry muff lol

You never know it might have swayed her into bed too:d

If he had a missus then I woulda hoped not! lol

18-12-10, 02:25 PM

he had just walked into the pub & was designated driver for the night...
its called being responsible.

18-12-10, 02:26 PM
Ewww, he is a fugly mofo lol

Ahhh you didnt specify he was the DES:p

18-12-10, 02:33 PM
You can't not find other people attractive, and pr0n is good for covering a variety of other stuff. Can't expect the mrs to do everything, and its nice to look at a different face lol

Which reminds me, I found a load of nakie pics of Hayley on my phone. Off the the mrs thread I go lol

WTF!! :eek:

18-12-10, 03:58 PM
WTF!! :eek:
Oh hai lol

18-12-10, 04:07 PM
anyone seen that new film yet??... pron-legassy????

19-12-10, 12:45 PM
We were actually having this discussion on another forum i'm on. I was one of the few women that actually isn't overly bothered about it. Although that may of changed slightly since being pregnant. lol I think it's an issue when a person relies soley on the porn

agreed about it being issue when thats all thats in their life lol a mate of mine has recently been getting rather flustered because her other half goes to his mums' every saturday morning for a bath............................or so she thought - he actually goes round there for a w*nk lmao not only that, but hes created her a job at the farm he owns and part of her job is sorting out the pcs' everyday because he downloads that much p0rn, the computers get viruses and f*ck up lol she said the worst insult was that he actually leaves her in bed naked to go to his mums for his own pleasuring lol she is actually a pretty girl, slim, blonde, big t*ts, guys are strange lol well done to you for not being overly bothered about it though, tis a bit of an issue for me lol

19-12-10, 12:48 PM
/\ i would reckon he isn't just going for a w@nk..........

19-12-10, 12:48 PM
think its a guys rush of cheating while still being loyal lol, it dont bother me makes me laugh lol

19-12-10, 12:50 PM
lmao hadnt thought of it like that yorkie!! thing is though, most men seem to have jealousy issues though and how would they like it if we were thinking of other men whilst choosing to pleasure ourselves instead of using them?! lol

lmao mowgli - hope you're not insinuating hes getting it on with his mum lol

19-12-10, 12:53 PM
ha ha id say that because men always go on about w**king where as girls dont make a big deal out of it lol, so when they find out their partner does pleasure them selves they are not used to it lol

19-12-10, 12:55 PM
lmao think you're right on the money there actually lol

19-12-10, 12:59 PM
lmao mowgli - hope you're not insinuating hes getting it on with his mum lol

not exactly, but surely his mum is somehow involved, cos i just can't get my head round the concept of a bloke just going to his mum's for a bath/w@nk every week without raising suspicion with his mum to be a tad odd...and i am a country person & know there are some really screwed up people about.... some of these farming families scare me..

19-12-10, 01:01 PM
lmao i would hazard a guess his mum isnt there lol i hope so anyway lol

19-12-10, 04:00 PM
lmao hadnt thought of it like that yorkie!! thing is though, most men seem to have jealousy issues though and how would they like it if we were thinking of other men whilst choosing to pleasure ourselves instead of using them?! lol

lmao mowgli - hope you're not insinuating hes getting it on with his mum lol

Men are odd when it comes to us looking at other men/porn lol We can't do it but it's fine for them to look at women.
I don't mind porn but I do have my boundaries. There are certain things I won't put up with!

19-12-10, 04:00 PM
she is actually a pretty girl, slim, blonde, big t*ts
Pictures, address and phone number please.

19-12-10, 04:27 PM
Pictures, address and phone number please.

Oi im closer, and single lol

19-12-10, 04:31 PM
Oi im single lol
Since when and why?

19-12-10, 04:42 PM
Lol i thought you knew, long story mate ill tell ya when i see you:roll:

19-12-10, 07:09 PM
Oi im closer, and single lol
Quite, I'm just testing the ground to see if she's suitable for you... :d

You KNOW I've done that before for other people... lol

19-12-10, 10:05 PM
Quite, I'm just testing the ground to see if she's suitable for you... :d

You KNOW I've done that before for other people... lol

Its a good job your cute Mr... :roll:

19-12-10, 11:50 PM
lmao silly me, should of known one of you lot would want ASL and a phone number lol

for your amusement jack lol here she is:

http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs1365.snc4/163728_597771701331_277003754_5624463_1867278_n.jp g

20-12-10, 08:46 AM
What a dog! lol

20-12-10, 11:18 AM
lmao!! lol

20-12-10, 05:52 PM
i would

20-12-10, 06:43 PM
i would

Seconded (not the pooch obviously, she is damn cute imo:d)

20-12-10, 06:47 PM
she's got more than a hint of helen hunt about her....

20-12-10, 07:16 PM
here is a pic of her and her lovely saturday morning w*nking boyfriend lol

i suppose you got a point with the helen hunt thing mowgli, as much as i hate to agree with you lol

http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs1138.snc4/150015_595448442161_277003754_5562895_7463104_n.jp g

20-12-10, 07:18 PM
im single always have been lol

20-12-10, 07:19 PM
oddly enough, i'd have guessed he was a w anker from that photo, cos of his collar being up.....

20-12-10, 07:20 PM
fateful thing to say to you but hes apparently ginger although i dont see it in the photos, i've never had the pleasure of meeting him lol

20-12-10, 07:21 PM
some blokes have dark hair & a ginger beard.......

20-12-10, 07:22 PM
hehehehehehe go on mowgli, make my day, tell me you're one of those men........lol

20-12-10, 07:24 PM
nope.... mine is sort of dark mousey, nearer shrew coloured with a few white hairs poking through... i'm planning to grow it really long & then use it as a comb over..

20-12-10, 07:26 PM
:cry: ohhhh

was hoping for a good giggle then but then i do have an image of dumbledore in my head atm lol

20-12-10, 09:01 PM
different sort of wizard.....
http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQPcLMvAiaNiPvLVT3FdxZTfXvATAxqy _CTMLQ70Q7a3VGLFpAX

21-12-10, 05:46 PM
So wheres the pics of her tits then?

21-12-10, 05:54 PM
my missus doesnt mind me watching porn, caught me a few times and 'finished me off' aswell lol

was quite freaky tho when she texted me one morning about the scene she'd just been watching lol

we watch it together aswell