View Full Version : Christmas karting

23-11-10, 11:07 PM
As per every year with this event lots of people say they will come but then when it comes to paying lots drop out, which means we have karts to fill!!

I appreciate it is late notice but trust me after doing it last year i cant recommend it enough. Even more so with the fact this year we decide the format instead of sticking to the venues set up

Location. Premier karting in Woodley. Website here... http://www.premier-karting.com/ We've gone for an indoor location this year so weather won't be an issue.

Date. 5th December.

Time. 10am till 5pm, so arrival by 9.30am.


Price. £100 per person provided we get 20 people to attend.

(for every person over 20 we get, the ppp will reduce)

Deposit. £25 deposit NON REFUNDABLE (unless the day doesn't go ahead). The rest payable on the day. You can also pay in full if you so wish.

Please send deposit to info@pngclub.com via paypal. Mark your payment Karting Deposit and add your username and then add your name to the list below. I will then confirm the payment.

The important bit

Please be aware this is a club event and therefore you are representing the club, which means we expect a certain level maturity and behaviour. If we deem you to be behaving inappropriately you shall be kicked out of the event and site/club :thumb:. This also goes for friends you choose to bring, YOU as the forum member are responsible for them!!!

25-11-10, 11:56 AM
How many currently in for this?

I want to come, but my baby is due any day now so cant really commit untill the day.

25-11-10, 02:13 PM
i may pop down and watch as sprained my wrist so not to good for kart driving..

25-11-10, 05:29 PM
How many currently in for this?

I want to come, but my baby is due any day now so cant really commit untill the day.

so far about 14-15 people i believe. turning up on the day is fine.

26-11-10, 06:11 PM
common people. when else are you going to get this much track time for just £100??

02-12-10, 07:30 PM
We are needing another 4 people. Can anyone come to this??

Pistol Pete
02-12-10, 08:02 PM
I would love to Lee. But having just had a baby, christmas looming etc.....shame really looks like a good track. Good it being indoors, the outdoors one in Birmingham the other year was, erm, interesting!!

Hope a good day is had by all.

02-12-10, 08:05 PM
It gets interesting indoors too if the track condensates :d lol

02-12-10, 08:59 PM
i cant wait :)

02-12-10, 09:10 PM
will almost certainly be there if its still going on, bro may come too.

02-12-10, 09:12 PM
if you two are loggy then its only 1 more actually needed. more are obviously welcome though

02-12-10, 09:29 PM
will it not go ahead if we dont get numbers? or will it just work out slightly dearer? if so how much?

Also, whats the likey or possible formats for the day?

02-12-10, 10:19 PM
will it not go ahead if we dont get numbers? or will it just work out slightly dearer? if so how much?

Also, whats the likey or possible formats for the day?

The club funds will have to make up for any numbers under 20, or any no showers.

Ive taken this risk every year and just made it, but i've said before that if the club takes a hit on this event, then it will have to be approached completely differently next year. Full payment way before the event, and refunds if not enough numbers before the booking deadline will probably be the only way.

Format will most likely be grand prix in the morning, and a team enduro in the afternoon.

02-12-10, 10:34 PM
grand prix in a similar format to F1?

02-12-10, 10:39 PM
grand prix in a similar format to F1?

No, it'll be the usual heats and finals, but everyone will be in a final of some sort, so everyone will get the same bum in kart time as everyone else.

its indoor bear in mind, so we can only have 8 or so karts out at one time, so an all against all enduro can't be done, so it will have to be done with teams, but we'll probably do names out of a hat as we did in birmingham to ensure there are no super teams lol

03-12-10, 12:24 AM
hate team enduro..... will they do 2 individual enduros (ie 10 on track at a time)?

03-12-10, 12:43 PM
hate team enduro..... will they do 2 individual enduros (ie 10 on track at a time)?

Possibly, but then youve got half the people hanging around for a couple of hours, at least on a team race you can have 15 to 20 minute stints every 2 hours or similar.

03-12-10, 01:01 PM
and 10 on track at a time is a massive no, we go as low as 4/6's if the group is any trouble, max of 8.

edit: tbh you dont even want 10 on track at a time, tyres will go off stuck behind someone in this weather, and that's frustrating enough with 6's

03-12-10, 04:51 PM
I'm up for it,
Prefer not to have teams, (especially random ones).

03-12-10, 06:00 PM
I'm up for it,
Prefer not to have teams, (especially random ones).

Come along :)

Im not sure what the fuss about the team thing is, its supposed to be a fun days karting, not a serious race meeting lol

03-12-10, 06:02 PM
Have a good time all. I may still pop down but can't drive a kart as my wrist is still injured. If I can't make it have a good day.

03-12-10, 06:02 PM
There's no way you can run it as singles anyway unless you run 3 endurance sets, which means lots of standing around as Lee said and with organising/resetting timing systems etc you'll get less time in the kart as well.

03-12-10, 06:05 PM
Persactly. This is about getting the max bum in seat time, and with an indoor circuit its not as easy to get everyone on at once.

next year we may well go back outside, just thought it would be a change to keep the feeling in the fingers this year lol

03-12-10, 06:07 PM
er, slightly more feeling, it's not exactly heated lol You just won't be stood in an inch of snow in the viewing area lol

03-12-10, 06:35 PM
its supposed to be a fun days karting, not a serious race meeting lol
lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol
yeah ok... :P

Me and adam will be there for sure.
My personal preference would be constant singles, but il go with the flow...;)

03-12-10, 08:24 PM
So Loggy won't be running Hobbit off the track this year then??


03-12-10, 08:37 PM
Tbh the guys running the place have plenty of years experience with karts and won't tolerate it, and neither will "it was an accident" wash with them :p

03-12-10, 09:01 PM
lol, that genuinely was, (hence my hand being in the air hafl way thru the incident) - hobbit was trying to steer away from the barrier, which was inturn pushing me sideways towards the barrier and pushing him further. the funnier bit was when he got stuck under there for a lap!! lol

03-12-10, 09:08 PM
Hard to tell that from a picture tbh :p motion and CCTV makes it easier!

03-12-10, 09:10 PM
Has the track changed much in a few years? As im sure when I was there a few years ago we had about 10-12 people on track at a time.

03-12-10, 09:49 PM
Has the track changed much in a few years? As im sure when I was there a few years ago we had about 10-12 people on track at a time.

It's not got any bigger, years before I started working there they swapped the position of the main straight, and before that they extended the track to include the bridge and top section.

03-12-10, 10:41 PM
Lmfao at that pic, that was funny as hell when he got stuck, but obviously wasnt overly funny for Hobbit lol

04-12-10, 08:44 AM
Lmfao at that pic, that was funny as hell when he got stuck, but obviously wasnt overly funny for Hobbit lol

He didn't look that annoyed.


04-12-10, 02:33 PM

Me and Adam may have accidently thought it was today and showed up this morning.... only to be treated to a coach load of army blokes being given the briefing. lol

Ill be there tomorrow allthough adam might not be able to make it.

04-12-10, 02:54 PM
lmao you noob loggy, i plan on getting there early but a day early is a tad extreme.

dervy is in :)

04-12-10, 09:48 PM
Turning up/ready about half 9 is a good plan, gives time to get the sign in/briefing out the way before the official start time of 10 :)

05-12-10, 06:48 PM
Thanks to all invloved in organising and to all the peeps that made the journey.
As promised, here are the scanned results:

Final 1 - (Top 8 drivers after initial rounds)


Final 2 - (Bottom 8 drivers after initial rounds)


Results of 2 Hour Team Endurance.


05-12-10, 08:46 PM
wow what a day, safe to say im proper ****ed now but so very much worth it. sheet loads of close racing and more important relatively sportsman like lmao.

gutted i didnt make it into the A final but glad i won the B, the enduro was very close considering it was two hours of racing, just wish we didnt fack up the start but meh, 3rd is very respectable considering the super team and Lee!!! lol

everyone who said you were gonna come and didnt, you FAIL, cant wait for next year and thanks to Lee and Mark for organising it

05-12-10, 09:33 PM
Lee would be no where with out his amazing pit crew of Dervy and me :d

05-12-10, 09:40 PM
Lee would be no where with out his amazing pit crew of Dervy and me :d

Not to mention the brilliant driving by the pair of you as well ;)

Thanks to all that attended, was a brilliant day out, but will be booked completley differently next year to avoid losing money!!

05-12-10, 09:49 PM
Was a great day as usual with you lot :) Looking forward to the next one.

Anyone up for St Eval (newquey) in the new year? :d

05-12-10, 10:31 PM
Was a great day as usual with you lot :) Looking forward to the next one.

Anyone up for St Eval (newquey) in the new year? :d

I need to get out for some surfing etc, so wouldnt mind trying to sort something out

05-12-10, 10:56 PM
I need to get out for some surfing etc, so wouldnt mind trying to sort something out
I thought the term was cruising, not surfing?

05-12-10, 11:03 PM
dogging is the new term for it ;)

05-12-10, 11:21 PM
Even though i didnt race i was glad i went, just got home now after going back to Porters to pick my car up then another two and a half hours home for me, im bloody shattered now lol

ste porter
06-12-10, 10:25 AM
Just want to say a big thanks to everyone who went and especialy to those that organised it and well done to the likes of lee who had the fastest lap of the day and mrs hobbit who despite not feeling that well still battled on and had a go. Was a great day for all that attended.

any pics and or vids up yet?

whats your highlights?

and who do you think was.....

most sportsman ?
most improved through the day ?
funniest to watch ?
most dangerous ?
surprised you the most ?
biggest clown in a kart ?

06-12-10, 12:25 PM
I suprised myself the most when I saw my lap times after the gp. lol

06-12-10, 01:39 PM
i loved it, thought it was awesome, even when a certain someone /\ *cough cough HOBBIT* tried ramming me into the barrier lol

just wish they'd have invested in some electric heaters or something that we could have at least stood round whilst the others were racing, never been quite that cold before but it was well worth it, would defo go again!

06-12-10, 02:24 PM
Most sportsman ? Dar (even though he didnt get a trophy he managed not to cry, what a guy)

Most improved through the day ? Claire (see reason for 'surprised you most')

Funniest to watch ? Claire (when she bailed Mk's mate into the tyre wall when he tried to push her over)

Most dangerous ? Lee (when he got his 'dertermined' face on in the endurance in the afternoon)

Surprised you the most ? Claire (as in the morning she was nervous as hell and didnt actually want to go on track at first, then in the afternoon she was passing people and getting some nice sideways on the corners)

Biggest clown in a kart ? Porter/Hobbit (cos they were both the same, didnt know whether to race or play at 'sideways')


06-12-10, 02:28 PM
Just going through the pics, will stick them in events so they dont get lost. :)

06-12-10, 02:30 PM
Just going through the pics, will stick them in events so they dont get lost. :)

Most of my pics came out poo but ill get all my vids up in there, shall i start a thread when ive loaded them or do you wanna do it Hobbit?

06-12-10, 02:38 PM
Crack on :) I'm gonna be a while, more half decent ones came out than I thought lol

06-12-10, 02:50 PM
Ill be a while aswell, ive not even got a third of them over from my phone to my laptop yet lol

06-12-10, 03:03 PM
I'll do it then, photobucket is just doing its thing now :)

06-12-10, 03:09 PM
Lol youre waay ahead of me then i think, just make sure you post the right pics up though, the ones of the karting, not the naughty ones of you and Donna in the hotel room lol

06-12-10, 03:45 PM
you joke but she took a pic of me looking at png naked in the hotel room lol

06-12-10, 03:46 PM
you joke but she took a pic of me looking at png naked in the hotel room lol


06-12-10, 03:48 PM
you joke but she took a pic of me looking at png naked in the hotel room lol

You forget you left me unattended with your camera, did you not click why all of a sudden i wanted nothing to do with it:p

06-12-10, 03:53 PM

you're lucky really, could've been ALOT worse lol


06-12-10, 04:22 PM

06-12-10, 04:33 PM
fuck baby Jesus, that made me cry....

06-12-10, 06:16 PM
i so wish i could of come to this, its been years since ive been karting, sounded like a great day was had by all

06-12-10, 06:53 PM
what a great day had loads of fun, will defo be doing it again :) firstly want to say cheers to me brother (burgo) for paying for me to go :), cheers to the people who organized it, next to my two awesome team mates for the endurance ( hobbit and lee ) what a team :) whens the next one???

06-12-10, 07:49 PM
Most sportsman ? Dar (even though he didnt get a trophy he managed not to cry, what a guy)

Most improved through the day ? Claire (see reason for 'surprised you most')

Funniest to watch ? Claire (when she bailed Mk's mate into the tyre wall when he tried to push her over)

Most dangerous ? Lee (when he got his 'dertermined' face on in the endurance in the afternoon)

Surprised you the most ? Claire (as in the morning she was nervous as hell and didnt actually want to go on track at first, then in the afternoon she was passing people and getting some nice sideways on the corners)

Biggest clown in a kart ? Porter/Hobbit (cos they were both the same, didnt know whether to race or play at 'sideways')


:d cheers spudly :d i'll lay off the maris piper jokes for a day or so now lol