View Full Version : removing vynal

02-06-03, 06:54 PM
what the best way to do it as petrol on a cloth aint moving it, i managed to do a inch square in an hour!!! I dont wanna damage paint under neith either!

02-06-03, 07:39 PM
a hair drier and lots of patience

you heat up patches until theyre really hot, and then start to peel, then once youve peeled a few inches, heat up the next area, so in the end you end up tearing big strips off

02-06-03, 09:50 PM
try boiling hot water and a knife covered by a cloth !! .. or as the mrs's is shouting in my ear NAIL POLISH REMOVER as long as its got acetone in it, didn't do any damage to my paint (my knife did slip out the cloth and scratch my paint though)

03-06-03, 12:57 AM
nah, tried that, seem like the vynal is 'welded' on, wen i heat it up with the heat gun it peels some stuff off but seems to leave another layer underneith of vynal?? i had to use petrol carefully coz nail varnish remover aint strong enough!

03-06-03, 10:23 PM
i had to heat it up until it was proper hot, stretching and stuff

05-06-03, 11:34 PM
just use hairdryer you pull on vinyl while your mum mate or bird goes over the area you are pelling without burning fingers !!!!!!! it will come off quicker as for remaining glue just use boiling water a cloth and alot of elbow greece

10-06-03, 06:04 PM
i used a hair dryer to remove the badges and decals. needed to use a lot of t - cut aftrer it tho