View Full Version : Different Injectors for 1.6 GSi Engine

02-06-03, 12:21 PM
Hi, I was wondering if anyone knows:

A) What Power the standard Injectors can handle before they need replacing for bigger ones?

B) What the next size up ones would be?

I've read the competition build manual, and in that they change the injectors for larger ones. Does anyone know what they are? Are they out of a 16V engine?

Any help on the topic would be appreciated, Im asking because Im soon going to have 185bhp+ from my 1.6 Turbo.

02-06-03, 01:07 PM
If I remember correctly from the competition manual (i am probably wrong tho) they fit c20xe injectors. I also have a 1.6 turbo and to be honest without a standalone management system your car will run very rich when running off boost with bigger injectors. From my research on the net I think a 5th and 6th injector pseudo 3d mapped by an additional injector controller, like a HKS AIC(expensive!) or an erl mf2, is the way to go. That way bigger injectors are only used when the boost comes in. Thats what the yanks use on their turbo hondas. Also what have u done to get 185bhp+? Im getting a large front mounted intercooler, water injection, hybrid T25, new exhaust, enlarged throttle body, low compression head(not too low) and the extra injectors with erl mf2 controller. I reckon that will be good for 14psi, from then on a rebuild will be needed for 20psi+ :o :D


02-06-03, 07:23 PM
Hi Matty,
After a lot of research I've decided to go for a DTA Standalone fuel management system. I nearly decided to go for the ERL MR2 with 5th Injector (Which Courtenay recommended I do) But with that your still using The Original Airflow meter (which is very very Restrictive) And all the other original ECU which was not designed for a Turbo. Also I've been informed that the ERL MR2 isn't the best controller in the world. Its mean't to be very good for controlling the Water Injection, but not the best for fuelling. With the DTA I get to Ditch all the original ECU/Wiring harness/Dizzy/Airflow meter etc. And replace it with one box that will control the lot. As an added bonus I can put the air filter where I want, Have the ignition controlled a lot more acurately, have an electronic boost controller, and the the best bit........Configure the lot from a laptop. The company that are setting it up for me (Stealth Racing) took me out in their Audi TT Turbo engined VW Corrado with this system on and it is just Sooooo smooth power delivery (and fast!)

The main Costs are:
?550 for the ECU
?300 for a specially made up loom by (QED)
?300 for it to be mapped
Then the cost of the Map Sensor / Crank sensor / Boost Controller / Electronic Ignition etc. The whole lot is going to set me back ?1500-?2000.
I think its going to be a first for this model of engine, but im not sure?
Im also aiming for 200bhp but we'll have to see.

02-06-03, 10:03 PM
Yeah your right about the AFM it is very restrictive. Hmmmm I think I may go standalone, I talked to Bernie at Novatech about one a few months ago and he reckoned he could do me an OMEX for around 1500, thats how much it cost to do someone else's 1.6 8v but that was on throttle bodies. But I dont think that would include electronic boost control and other bits for the turbo. Where abouts is Stealth Racing? I would be very interested in the outcome of this. One of the reasons why I wanted to go for the erl mf2 is because you see so many yank turbos using it. Another alternative is a HKS AIC(Additional Injector Controller) which is digital and is a lot better than an erl mf2 but is $800-900! At that price I may as well go standalone. Good luck getting 200bhp thats what I am going for the only prob I can see is with the gearbox!

03-06-03, 07:49 PM
Stealth Racing is in Warwickshire, in a town called Southam to be exact. They Specialise in VeeDubs and Audi's. But as they've done lots of Turbo/Supercharger conversion (which they specialise in) and virtually always use DTA to do them (Apart from Rich people that have Motec kit fitted, as seen in the Fast and the Furious, its only ?2000......just for the ECU) I thought they would be the people to speak to, so they've accepted the challenge and are giving me all the help I need.
I'll keep you posted how it developes...

Im sticking with the F13 at the moment, If it does go then I'll have to start thinking about an F15 or I think an F17 might fit????

03-06-03, 09:08 PM
im running standard injectors in mine. i have tried to run SRI 130 ones (black) and 16v ones (cream) but it just wouldnt idle right and sounded like a tractor! As for the gearbox im running an F16 on my 1650 small block lump. It bolts straight on the only problem being you have to get a cluch plate made with the same splines as an SRI cav etc and you have to use the same drive shaft set up as you would use in a 2.0 16v conversion. i had my clutch made (while i waited) in belfast for ?23 this can handle up to 200 bhp.

03-06-03, 09:59 PM
So does that mean that if I wanted to I could use a f28 gearbox if I had a suitable clutch plate made and 2.0 16v driveshafts. Does that also mean that this could resolve the problem of having get uprated driveshafts specially made?

03-06-03, 10:07 PM
you r still gonna need to use the 2.0 conversion drive shafts with any of the big block gearboxes eg F16 F18 F20 F28. All these boxes bolt on to the gte/gsi engine the only problem being the clutch!