View Full Version : Back to the future...

30-11-10, 11:56 AM
So we know in the second one Marty McFly turned into a looser in the future breaking his hand in the drag race with needles...

But the third one showed us he didn't carry out the drag race and crash into the Rolls Royce, thus meaning he wasn't fired and didn't break his hand... (as proved by his hot "in an 80's way" girlfriends your fired note disappearing...)

So what did happen.... How did they turn out?


30-11-10, 12:07 PM
"Your future hasn't been written yet. Noone's has. Your future is whatever you make it. So make it a good one, both of you!"

You decide lol.

Jenifer was definitley FAF. On a sidenote, I know a guy making a Marty McFly Hilux rep. :)

October is invantry time as Stafford Toyota on all new 1985 model Toyotas... Yadda Yadda lol

30-11-10, 12:10 PM
I reckon marty became the rock star he knew he could as he now knew he could get the George McFly created monkey off his back, that inner voice that always kept him down.

Tough to call on Jenifer. She wasn't portrayed as doing badly as such in the 'wrong' 2015. Just had a house in a sh!t area and a troublesome son. lol

She was a babe though. I'm gonna say she joined the band as lead singer and at the same time, lingerie model.. :) lol

30-11-10, 12:14 PM
I thought the credits rolled :confused:

30-11-10, 12:20 PM
Don't spoil it! lol

People addicted to the trilogy like me NEED a fourth one. :( I know it will never happen though. :(

I wouldn't mind seeing the remade BTTF trailer for the 25th anniversary though. Apparently it features MJF at his current age, but was just for the digital Hollywood premiere. :(

If he is well enough to make that, then they could have a crack at a fourth IMO! Yeah it might be shat, but I'm surprised that has stopped Hollywood. lol

Always wondered if this was even thought out by the two Bobs:

"Where are you goin now, back to future?"

"Nope! Already been there."

Errrrr... lol

30-11-10, 01:39 PM
Would need a modern equivalent of the DMC12 though

[edit] anyone who suggests a Nova gets negative rep

30-11-10, 01:43 PM
well, a proper nippy 1.2spi can just about get to 88mph, and its time travelling credentials are impeccable, whenever you go anywhere, you will always turn up later than expected...

30-11-10, 02:02 PM
Would need a modern equivalent of the DMC12 though

John De Lorean died before this could be made a reality.

This hideous thing resembles something from Hill Valley circa 2015. lol

paul james
30-11-10, 02:57 PM
As a kid I was a bit dissapointed by the ending of the third film, with the Delorean getting smashed to bits and Marty's time travelling days over. But now I appreciate it for the fact Doc gets his own family. Marty already had the girl when the first film started, it was Doc that needed to finally get something he wanted out of time travel, so really its all wrapped up with a happy ending.

Oh and I want to see a Nova with proper gullwing doors :d

30-11-10, 03:26 PM
Limp It's very similar to this don't you think.


30-11-10, 03:31 PM
considering the suspension & a lot of the chassis of the delorean dmc12 was lotus esprit stuff......

delorean got shafted by 2 companies, renault, who actually built the factory & supplied the engines & gearboxes, & lotus, who developed the car...badly

30-11-10, 03:31 PM
Gullwing doored nova would be hilarious for the fact it could only ever park in disabled spots, which says a lot really.

30-11-10, 03:32 PM
multistories & garages would be a challenge...

30-11-10, 04:15 PM
Very Esprit definitley Southie. :d

Everyone got shafted when John De Lorean was in town. most notably the British Gov. lol

On the subject of Gullwings, Doc would have been looking pretty sick (read: trapped) if the French starter had failed when he was sitting inside the car in his truck. lol

Also Mr Peabody may still have named his mall Twin Pines had the time machines brakes not been acquired from a Cortina. lol

30-11-10, 04:56 PM
Would need a modern equivalent of the DMC12 though

[edit] anyone who suggests a Nova gets negative rep

[someone had to do it]What about an Opel Corsa A saloon?[/someone had to do it] :roll:lol:cry:

30-11-10, 05:01 PM

Anyway, the flames come out of mine at 70mph, not 88.

30-11-10, 05:03 PM
*sigh* Had I won the AOL 'screen accurate' replica many years ago I am confident I would still be driving around listening to Huey Lewis and the News whilst purging fire extinguishers through my reactor vents. :d

30-11-10, 05:03 PM

30-11-10, 05:25 PM
Everyone got shafted when John De Lorean was in town. most notably the British Gov. lol

the british govt. got shafted, so did JDL. as previously said, renault offered their services to help build the factory.....kerching.. colin chapman saw an opportunity to scam.... kerching...... then unskilled labour to make the car £££££££s down the pan.....

it was a fantastic idea, but if it had been done in birmingham, delorean would still be about.....

30-11-10, 06:11 PM
the british govt. got shafted, so did JDL. as previously said, renault offered their services to help build the factory.....kerching.. colin chapman saw an opportunity to scam.... kerching...... then unskilled labour to make the car £££££££s down the pan.....

it was a fantastic idea, but if it had been done in birmingham, delorean would still be about.....

Until 2002 when Baxter became an apprentice! Lol