View Full Version : gte/gsi sunroof

30-11-10, 03:34 AM
did the gte/gsi ever come without a sunroof? ive been offered a half decent gte shell cheap but it has no sunroof.
its got all the little rivet type things on the sills for the skirt clips and the strut top plates, its got the black bulkhead cover. just missing a sunroof

30-11-10, 04:33 AM
Apparently some very early GTE's came without a sunroof, not sure about GSi's though as they're obviously later models.

30-11-10, 07:45 AM
If it is a gte it should also have plates on the stutt tops, and next to the o/s engine mount there should not be a hole you can stick your finger in as the o/s chassis leg should be strengthened.
You'll probably find very early gte's with no sunroof would be holomigation ( sp ) shells for the group A car,

30-11-10, 12:43 PM
Its an e plate, ill have to have a check on the leg.

30-11-10, 12:49 PM
Bazil is correct about the Group A homologation shells... Pretty sure there were some 1.3 'GTEs' registered as well