View Full Version : The great unwashed

24-11-10, 05:10 PM
...are at it again (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-11829102) :roll:

24-11-10, 05:14 PM
I would bet half the protesters are not even students, just scum looking for trouble

Get the water cannons out I say lol

24-11-10, 05:17 PM
Get the water cannons out I say lol
lol thats the first thing I said when I saw someone had posted it on FB!

24-11-10, 05:39 PM
Makes me so god dam mad, I cant even put it into words! :mad:

24-11-10, 05:44 PM
Shoot the feckers!

24-11-10, 05:47 PM
they were going to organise sit-ins at universities, but most of the students got lost on the way to them.............

i sadly can see a lot more of this sort of thing to come....

new labour was all smoke & mirrors, the old socialists were still there, in the background, working away..

the unions slowly got very strong, and then merged, wait till a general strike is called... it will, but as far as i'm concerned, any student who damages anything in the name of free education should be thrown out of their college in disgrace... university education is a privilege, not a right.

24-11-10, 06:09 PM
Im not protesting, cba with the hassle tbh

24-11-10, 06:14 PM
Im not protesting, im too lazy


24-11-10, 06:26 PM
Meh, but nah, not getting involved, especially when people start vandalising stuff

24-11-10, 06:33 PM
My sister was at the last one, she claims she never caused any trouble (which I can believe as shes not a trouble maker) but still, I don't get what all the fuss is about.

24-11-10, 06:36 PM
bloke at work loves the way they are protesting against the fees etc, yet they all had expensive phones and ipods at this protest.

Calamity Josh
24-11-10, 06:43 PM
I think good luck to them, shouldn't be vandalising, but what other way is there to get the government to listen to you?? I want to go to uni when i'm old enough but probably will struggle to afford it, the cool gagets are probably just presents :thumb:

24-11-10, 06:47 PM
I think good luck to them, shouldn't be vandalising, but what other way is there to get the government to listen to you?? I want to go to uni when i'm old enough but probably will struggle to afford it, the cool gagets are probably just presents :thumb:

true...but ya never know

i didnt go uni because i couldnt afford it :( and i agree with having a protest...but should be peaceful one.

crack open the peace pipe ;)

24-11-10, 06:50 PM
bloke at work loves the way they are protesting against the fees etc, yet they all had expensive phones and ipods at this protest.

You will not believe the deals you get when you are a student, got saved nearly £450 when buying my macbook and software from apple. Plus its on student finances. And imo i thinks its ridiculous that the fees have gone up that much, and if the increases happened 2 years ago theres no way i would of had the opportunity to come uni, and would of been stuck in a dead end job already! Just making like back in the day where only the rich can go university. Imo of course :thumb:

24-11-10, 06:56 PM
You will not believe the deals you get when you are a student, got saved nearly £450 when buying my macbook and software from apple. Plus its on student finances. And imo i thinks its ridiculous that the fees have gone up that much, and if the increases happened 2 years ago theres no way i would of had the opportunity to come uni, and would of been stuck in a dead end job already! Just making like back in the day where only the rich can go university. Imo of course :thumb:

i got sweet FA when i was doing my first year of an HND that was 800quid down the drain when i epicly failed it.

whats the average fee now and whats it going up too?

24-11-10, 07:14 PM
i got sweet FA when i was doing my first year of an HND that was 800quid down the drain when i epicly failed it.

whats the average fee now and whats it going up too?

Well depending on what uni you go and course but at derby uni average is about 3k a year.
Believe its meant to go upto 6-9k a year, which if your doing a 4 year course could end up doubling the debt you will have whilst at uni

24-11-10, 07:18 PM
wow 9k is fudging daylight robbery

Alex J
24-11-10, 07:18 PM
idiots imo. why should i pay for them to be a student, they think the world owes them! well jog on and get a job like the rest of us.

24-11-10, 08:01 PM
wait till a general strike is called... it will
I'm debating whether or not to make a thread about recent happenings in our place. Not really covered by the OSA, but contractual/commercial issues are "sensitive". I can imagine once PCS get their teeth into the proposed setup, they'll have a meltdown lol

I want to go to uni when i'm old enough but probably will struggle to afford it
Student loans. If course fees go up, loans will rise to match.

i got sweet FA when i was doing my first year of an HND that was 800quid down the drain when i epicly failed it.
Unless you had other circumstances, like rich parents, you should have been offered the basic student loan - I was when I did my HND, and my "household" had a respectable income. Was more than enough to cover my course fees. In fact my mate dibbled his means test and had his course fees paid for free, then had the basic student loan on top of that! :mad:

Believe its meant to go upto 6-9k a year, which if your doing a 4 year course could end up doubling the debt you will have whilst at uni
Again, yes it looks expensive on paper, but the loans will increase to cover it. As for a massive debt after uni, who cares as you'll only be paying it off at ~£90 a month if you're earning about £25k. And not at all if you're under £15k.

...I'm quite anti student, as my last ex was an incredible sponger who actively went out of her way to avoid work whilst at uni and scrounge as many financial deals as she could. So apologies if I offend anyone by stereotyping but my view is a little jaded lol

24-11-10, 08:19 PM
and if the increases happened 2 years ago theres no way i would of had the opportunity to come uni, and would of been stuck in a dead end job already!

So all people that dont go to uni end up in dead end jobs?? I think not. You just have to work to get the job you want. I didnt go to uni and I ended up in good jobs. University does not equal a brilliant high paying job that some people expect that it should do.
No personal offence intended to you

Alex J
24-11-10, 08:24 PM
i never went to uni and look how well im doing....

goes looking for dole booklol

24-11-10, 08:41 PM
Unless you had other circumstances, like rich parents, you should have been offered the basic student loan - I was when I did my HND, and my "household" had a respectable income. Was more than enough to cover my course fees. In fact my mate dibbled his means test and had his course fees paid for free, then had the basic student loan on top of that! :mad:

my parents earned something like a grand above the threshold. or something i dunno. when i did my National Diploma it was 19 and under was free which was fine, 2 year course, finished when i was 19, but the next year it was changed to UNDER 19s get it free...hence being 19 i had to pay! that pissed me off alot

24-11-10, 08:52 PM
So all people that dont go to uni end up in dead end jobs?? I think not. You just have to work to get the job you want. I didnt go to uni and I ended up in good jobs. University does not equal a brilliant high paying job that some people expect that it should do.
No personal offence intended to you
Okay that probably came out wrong.
What i meant to say is when i left college, it was prime recession and there was literally no jobs going, i mean i was working at kfc ffs lol, so i was very thankful of being given the opportunity so grabbed it. Now i didnt mean that uni gives you a well payed job when you leave, as it doesn't at all, but it can help you start off at a better level. And i know that you pay you loans off in little installments and doesnt reaaally affect your wages, but its more mentally, knowing its there, haunting you in way lol. Plus i am very not from a well off family, pretty poor so my mum cant afford to help fund my university funds in living etc, or can she pay for my car insurance, it all payed by me as when i come back for christmas holidays i work 6 days a week on lates in a metal factory. All imo

24-11-10, 08:54 PM
i work 6 days a week on lates in a metal factory. All imo

big company or not? what kind of things do they do? (can you tell im lookin for business lol)

24-11-10, 08:57 PM
You still cant really say Uni gives you a better push in life.. that is only true in my eyes if your studying to be a doctor, something worth while.

24-11-10, 08:58 PM
Wasn't an overly massive comapany, made industrial light frames.
So had huge metal pressing machines (the size of my house lol)
then cnc benders, massive powdercoating section, and then electrical assembly.
Really nice company to work for and when i was temping there originally, the big big boss came down from his office to shake my hand and ask for me to work for them when i'm back, and i think i will be working for them for a while once i leave uni tbh, till i got settled back in home and found a job with more pay etc

24-11-10, 09:02 PM
You still cant really say Uni gives you a better push in life.. that is only true in my eyes if your studying to be a doctor, something worth while.

Well thats why i said it can.
Especially people who have very minimal contacts in the trade, its definitely a plus point, you cant say doing a uni course would be a negative when looking for a job tbh.
I do know where you coming from though

24-11-10, 09:37 PM
I also don't see why I should be paying for someone else's degree, if you don't want the debt you obviously don't think the course is worth it. I had no help getting my hgv licence and imo I do more for this country than most uni leavers.

On a lighter note, looking forward to a 2.5 percent pay rise this side of christmas (back dated from april) :d

24-11-10, 09:47 PM
I was going to apply for a job at GCHQ yesterday, would have been ideal - exactly the field I want to work in, and what I'm sort of already doing now... so have experience and of course know all about MOD policies, info & network security etc. But of course they're one of these places where you NEED a degree - no matter what it is - so I drop out the system. Thats the only other reason I'd consider a degree useful (the main reason being to gain entry to a specific trade; medical, architecture, etc).

Probably just as well though, as they'd have to come and ask various people from here if I was a communist and detailled questions about my sexuality. Oh dear lol

24-11-10, 09:47 PM
On a lighter note, looking forward to a 2.5 percent pay rise this side of christmas (back dated from april) :d

VAT works the opposite way round lol

24-11-10, 09:49 PM
and detailled questions about my sexuality. Oh dear lol

Anyone else imagine an older gossipy woman being interviewed by a guy in a suit going "well, there is this one fella that sees him sometimes, Lee I think he's called... He's a very nice boy"

General Baxter
24-11-10, 09:50 PM
schools are for gays anyway

my sister loads of degress B.O.H or something in here name, and what has she done for 3 years, work on the gate at tnt for min wage

i left school with **** all, earn a 'double figure' amount and dumb as pig **** and just hit things with hammers lol

24-11-10, 09:54 PM
I was going to apply for a job at GCHQ yesterday, would have been ideal - exactly the field I want to work in, and what I'm sort of already doing now... so have experience and of course know all about MOD policies, info & network security etc. But of course they're one of these places where you NEED a degree - no matter what it is - so I drop out the system. Thats the only other reason I'd consider a degree useful (the main reason being to gain entry to a specific trade; medical, architecture, etc).

Probably just as well though, as they'd have to come and ask various people from here if I was a communist and detailled questions about my sexuality. Oh dear lol

they only state you 'NEED' a degree to try and weasel out of having useful people work for them lol. EG you got your skills from actually working and leanring properly, whereas some douche with a Bsc in Watching Youtube will be next to useless for them, thus keeping them on boggo pay forever. WIN for them.

I was working at a place where they wanted the secretaries to have degrees ffs.... Now I'm not saying people shouldnt get degrees, but at the same time for MOST work (I'd say 90% of it) you dont NEED one.

In 18 years time, if Amber wants to goto uni (and do a valid course) I will do everything I can to send her there. If she wants to be a hairdresser (no offense to anyone) then she will get all the support needed to be the bestest one of those she can be too. No forcing here

24-11-10, 09:58 PM
I was going to apply for a job at GCHQ yesterday,

sits and waits for hayley to comment that you'd be crap cos you never listen.......

24-11-10, 10:21 PM
i wanted to do some sort of CAD and 3D design based course at uni

24-11-10, 10:23 PM
i wanted to do some sort of CAD and 3D design based course at uni

I reckon you'd be better off/fine just jumping in and getting on the job experience, rather than spending 3 years having some toss bag tell you how to draw a cube.

I have a few mates who did 3d animation courses at uni and they do anything but computer stuff... one is a manager of morrissons, one is some sort of cabin boy in the QE2, others run hire companies etc lol

24-11-10, 10:43 PM
sits and waits for hayley to comment that you'd be crap cos you never listen.......
This is true, but what does it have to do with me doing infosec at GCHQ lol

24-11-10, 10:55 PM
is gchq not the governments listening place?

25-11-10, 12:54 AM
well seeing as my comment is expected. . . . . . . . . He does listen but the main problem is that he forgets everything you have said about 5mins after you said it. He would make a great spy. Torture him all you want evil henchman, he wont tell you the codes to the secret government plans. . . .Coz he forgot them.

25-11-10, 01:26 AM
My best dude mate has an English 2:1 from Northumbria uni, clever lad, worked all the way through uni up there and at home... comes home and can't get a job

My best girlie mate has GCSEs that spell FUDGE and walked into 2 jobs after coming back from a summer season repping in Turkey.

Three reasons... she's blonde and has a pair of massive tits

People will say he's more skilled and in 30 years time will be earning more then her... I would agree with that as Degrees can unlock doors to great careers but at the end of the day they won't if they're just a piece of paper and you're unemployable and we all know that in the job market a big pair of tits helps.

Before I get Tits or GTFO...


25-11-10, 07:20 AM
I reckon you'd be better off/fine just jumping in and getting on the job experience, rather than spending 3 years having some toss bag tell you how to draw a cube.

I have a few mates who did 3d animation courses at uni and they do anything but computer stuff... one is a manager of morrissons, one is some sort of cabin boy in the QE2, others run hire companies etc lol

yer, i think it was a bit more than that lol, i never learnt how to do stress testing, fluid flow etc.

Im happy working where i do, supplying metals for aircraft etc...seeing as ive just been put in charge of plastics :d

Calamity Josh
25-11-10, 08:00 AM
Student loans. If course fees go up, loans will rise to match
That's the thing there trying to make people pay more if they pay their loans back earlyer!!! Which is unfair for those who go to uni and want to get rid of their loans ASAP

25-11-10, 08:24 AM
Why the fook do they get student loans in the first place ? All they do is get wasted on it ffs !

University IMO is a waste of time, in the 4 years your there you could be working in the real world, money in your pocket rather than mass debt, will probably learn how to wash yourself alot quicker too lol
Much better off working your way up the job ladder over years till you have employment that provides a good comfortable lifestyle

Also WTF were all the 14/15 year olds doing at the protests ???

25-11-10, 08:35 AM
I think they are taking the p1ss, that kid that through the fire extinguisher should of been charged with attempted murder, if it had hit someone on the head it would of killed them. They are not interested in peaceful protest and when they start causing criminal damage they should be convicted and have to pay for it, as its costing us tax payers more in the long run

paul james
25-11-10, 08:57 AM
Why is it all youngsters protesting, I bet half of them will have thier parents pay for their Uni life. So why don't we see any parents protesting?

There has been too much of an increase in people going to universities, and loads of stupid courses invented that will have no chance of leading to a related job. Everyone in the country could have a degree, but it doesn't mean theres enough decent jobs to go around.

If you want to be a doctor or lawyer, then uni is the way to go. But if its something artistic your interested in, better off teaching yourself.

25-11-10, 09:53 AM
University IMO is a waste of time, in the 4 years your there you could be working in the real world, money in your pocket rather than mass debt, will probably learn how to wash yourself alot quicker too lol
Much better off working your way up the job ladder over years till you have employment that provides a good comfortable lifestyle

grey area imho..... for a useful degree then yes you need to be there and you need it to get anywhere in the job world you aim for etc.

Employers have a lot to answer for too, although its ultimately Tony Blairs fault saying that everyone should goto uni, this makes employers EXPECT a degree from anyone to do anything these days. The older way of experience is greater than qualifications should be moved back into and make things better for the UK

25-11-10, 10:00 AM
in truth, stuart, most employers don't give a hoot... it is middle management & HR departments who love the whole graduate thing.. when i worked for unipart, there was a glass ceiling... they didn't mind the sales & technical staff not having a degree, but if you wanted to progress into inventory or product management/ purchasing, then you must have one, no matter what, unless you were poached from another company......

so the people who were being asked for new product, and were directly selling stock & knew what stock was selling or was on order on a daily basis had no say in the new products or inventory........ if i decided to solve the problem myself, i usually got a bollocking....
the senior product manager had a degree in marine biology & also owned a chip shop. he admitted to people on his level that he knew nothing about trucks...

25-11-10, 11:59 AM
indeed. and HR are what stop people from being able to get into/do their jobs... Its those mongs that need to be removed.

My dad was told he wouldnt progress above his current position at one company due to no degree, so moved to a competitor (there are only 3 companies that do what he does) and got a 3 level promotion and no glass ceiling.... hes senior management and as been for many years lol.

25-11-10, 12:10 PM
Going to uni is just delaying being responsible IMO, still expecting others to pay for you to live

I did crap jobs for years, slowly edged up the wages ladder, started at my current employer 3 years ago on £21k, now on £28k, should be end of next year on £35k, so you don't have to get a degree to have a good wage

All those coonts yesterday tho probably couldn't care less about wages the just thought it was their student right to protest lol probably sat in their common rooms talking about it all and putting the world to rights lol

General Baxter
25-11-10, 12:30 PM
has a pair of massive tits

you saying iv got a big pair of tits, i seem to walk into anyjob lol

25-11-10, 01:31 PM
University IMO is a waste of time, in the 4 years your there you could be working in the real world, money in your pocket rather than mass debt, will probably learn how to wash yourself alot quicker too lol
Much better off working your way up the job ladder over years till you have employment that provides a good comfortable lifestyle

Sweet, I didn't know you could get into Red Bull F1 with GCSE's, if only I wasn't a numpty.

25-11-10, 01:34 PM
I clearly didnt do uni the right way then... I worked my nads off every summer to have enough cash to see me through the year (yes I had a student loan too but its a LOAN and got paid off ;) )

Maybe I should go back and do nothing lol

25-11-10, 01:36 PM
I try, unfortunately given the last economic breakfast cereals I dont get 60 hours a week when I ask any more lol I'd be surprised if the difference in income tax between my wage after uni and the ~6-9k I was on before uni, as well as the student loan repayments didn't pay it off though

25-11-10, 02:35 PM
Sweet, I didn't know you could get into Red Bull F1 with GCSE's, if only I wasn't a numpty.

check ross brawn's cv then..........

you will find that a lot of people in f1 teams get there without great qualifications, cos it wasn't that long ago that there simply weren't any motorsport based degrees...
the machinists are time served, the mechanics are nvq or c&g. (a relative works at williams)

25-11-10, 02:41 PM
Pretty sure it would have mechanical engineering qualifications along with a long list of various jobs etc relevant to his work. Point I'm making is, there is not anywhere you can 'start at the bottom' and work your way up to an intimate knowledge of all that is needed for proper engineering, you need the background first.

There's a huge difference between the 2 paths, I know because my Dad is one level below chartered engineer, and he went into work with O levels in metalwork etc... he also thinks the "c" that denotes flow velocity in bernoulli's equation, which he knows as "that equation we use for flow speed" is derived from E=MC^2 because it's the same letter.

I also worked with someone who worked at Mercedes DTM as an "engineer". He was a spanner monkey, and I worked with him, because he's now doing the degree, to become an engineer, without the quotation marks.

25-11-10, 02:42 PM
I'd be surprised if the difference in income tax between my wage after uni and the ~6-9k I was on before uni, as well as the student loan repayments didn't pay it off though
The wage you'll probably be on as soon as you finish uni will no doubt be the same £6-9k to start with lol

Lets be optimistic and say your target start wage is £35k, you'll be repaying about £149 a month SLC on that. PAYE & NI, weeeelllll that'll probably see you down around £750pcm at current rates. Then pension and whatnot else.

25-11-10, 02:44 PM
I chose the apprenticeship route and hope to be sent on a Foundation degree/HNC in the next few years. The money is good with those qualifications and experience gained through learning on the job.

Industry needs to start moulding their pegs better to their holes rather than people leaving Uni without a clue.

My GF hasn't got the foggiest what she wants to do after her Graphics degree ends this year just like she had no clue when she started it. Daft in my opinion, she should have gone a similar route to me as I know what I want to do now... NOT what I'm currently doing at work. But I get paid £8.62 rising to £9.50ish per hour in april to go to college.

I go to see her at Uni and feel like the richest man alive haha

25-11-10, 02:44 PM
PAYE & NI is 2k a month on a just under 3k wage? lol

25-11-10, 02:46 PM
Pretty sure it would have mechanical engineering qualifications along with a long list of various jobs etc relevant to his work. Point I'm making is, there is not anywhere you can 'start at the bottom' and work your way up to an intimate knowledge of all that is needed for proper engineering, you need the background first.

Early life and family
Brawn was born in Manchester (http://www.pngclub.com/wiki/Manchester), England (http://www.pngclub.com/wiki/England) and attended Reading School (http://www.pngclub.com/wiki/Reading_School) in Reading, Berkshire (http://www.pngclub.com/wiki/Reading,_Berkshire). In the early 1970s he was taken on as a trainee engineer (http://www.pngclub.com/wiki/Engineer) by the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority (http://www.pngclub.com/wiki/United_Kingdom_Atomic_Energy_Authority) at its Atomic Energy Research Establishment (http://www.pngclub.com/wiki/Atomic_Energy_Research_Establishment) in Harwell, Oxfordshire (http://www.pngclub.com/wiki/Harwell,_Oxfordshire), where he studied instrumentation (http://www.pngclub.com/wiki/Instrumentation).
Brawn lives in Stoke Row (http://www.pngclub.com/wiki/Stoke_Row,_Oxfordshire), near Henley-on-Thames (http://www.pngclub.com/wiki/Henley-on-Thames). In his spare time he enjoys gardening (http://www.pngclub.com/wiki/Gardening), fishing (http://www.pngclub.com/wiki/Fishing) and listening to music (http://www.pngclub.com/wiki/Music). In 2006 Brawn received an honorary degree (http://www.pngclub.com/wiki/Honorary_degree) of Doctor of Engineering (DEng) (http://www.pngclub.com/wiki/Doctor_of_Engineering) from Brunel University (http://www.pngclub.com/wiki/Brunel_University) for his services to motorsport.
[edit (http://www.pngclub.com/w/index.php?title=Ross_Brawn&action=edit&section=2)] Career

His career in motorsport began in 1976 when he joined March Engineering (http://www.pngclub.com/wiki/March_Engineering) in the town of Bicester (http://www.pngclub.com/wiki/Bicester) as a milling machine (http://www.pngclub.com/wiki/Milling_machine) operator. Soon afterwards he joined their Formula 3 (http://www.pngclub.com/wiki/Formula_3) racing team as a mechanic (http://www.pngclub.com/wiki/Mechanic). Brawn was hired by Sir Frank Williams (http://www.pngclub.com/wiki/Frank_Williams) in 1978 as a machinist (http://www.pngclub.com/wiki/Machinist) for the newly formed Williams (http://www.pngclub.com/wiki/WilliamsF1) team. He quickly moved up through the ranks, working in the R&D (http://www.pngclub.com/wiki/R%26D) department and as an aerodynamicist (http://www.pngclub.com/wiki/Aerodynamicist) in the team's wind tunnel (http://www.pngclub.com/wiki/Wind_tunnel).
After brief stints with the now-defunct Haas Lola (http://www.pngclub.com/wiki/Haas_Lola) and Arrows (http://www.pngclub.com/wiki/Arrows) F1 teams Brawn's efforts caught the attention of Jaguar (http://www.pngclub.com/wiki/Jaguar_(car)), who hired him in 1989. He began work in their sports car racing (http://www.pngclub.com/wiki/Sports_car_racing) division, bringing as much F1 technological experience as he could, and succeeded in designing the Jaguar XJR-14 (http://www.pngclub.com/wiki/Jaguar_XJR-14) cars which won the 1991 World Sportscar Championship (http://www.pngclub.com/wiki/1991_World_Sportscar_Championship_season)

25-11-10, 02:49 PM
PAYE & NI is 2k a month on a just under 3k wage? lol

Ahh no I said you'll be down £750pcm, not down to... lol

25-11-10, 03:09 PM
15-19 years ish (it's pretty sketchy on the dates when he became an engineer under someone else and not just a machinist) to do what a graduate does in 4-5... sounds promising!

25-11-10, 03:11 PM
he got to where he did on talent & really good luck. yes he is an incredibly clever man, but had not much of a formal education..

25-11-10, 03:12 PM
Retards,and schoolies all joined in aswell.
They want formally excluding for unauthorised absences.
Makes me laugh when about half the w4nkers protesting have mummy and daddy pay for it all anyway.

25-11-10, 03:15 PM
he got to where he did on talent & really good luck. yes he is an incredibly clever man, but had not much of a formal education..

Which is why it took so long to get where he is, and for those of us without that luck, thankfully we can do a degree to get where we want. I give you another example.

Adrian Newey:

Born in Colchester, England, United Kingdom, he attended Repton public school. Newey gained a First Class honours degree in Aeronautics and Astronautics from the University of Southampton in 1980. Immediately after graduation he began working in motor sport for the Fittipaldi Formula One team under Harvey Postlethwaite. In 1981 he joined the March team. After a period as race engineer for Johnny Cecotto in European Formula 2 Newey began designing racing cars. His first project, the March GTP sports car, was a highly successful design and won the IMSA GTP title two years running.

Graduate, year later join a team as a race engineer, kinda cuts the timescale down a tad doesn't it?

25-11-10, 03:23 PM
yes, but i can bet you that the lecturers on his course had given someone the nod about his talents long before he graduated.......

when ross brawn left school, you could still enter f1 with a bedford tk, a dfv a hewland box & a 5 year old lotus chassis . aero was usually badly done & certainly ineffective...

by the time newey left college, the ground effect era was in full flight

horses for courses on this, i think.

25-11-10, 03:46 PM
The wage you'll probably be on as soon as you finish uni will no doubt be the same £6-9k to start with lol

Lets be optimistic and say your target start wage is £35k, you'll be repaying about £149 a month SLC on that. PAYE & NI, weeeelllll that'll probably see you down around £750pcm at current rates. Then pension and whatnot else.

took 6 years 1 month to pay back just under £9k on a starting wage of £27.5K going upto a much nicer level in 4.5 years and then back down again for the past 18 months.

25-11-10, 03:50 PM
yes, but i can bet you that the lecturers on his course had given someone the nod about his talents long before he graduated.......

when ross brawn left school, you could still enter f1 with a bedford tk, a dfv a hewland box & a 5 year old lotus chassis . aero was usually badly done & certainly ineffective...

by the time newey left college, the ground effect era was in full flight

horses for courses on this, i think.

So nowadays a degree is far from worthless and 30 years ago you could probably do as well going into a company/field from the bottom end...

Take a look in the back of autosport at the F1 job applications, all require a degree/experience and intimate knowledge of catia generally...

25-11-10, 03:53 PM
So nowadays a degree is far from worthless...
:thumb: You couldnt become a teacher from helping tick homework or sweeping all the paper aeroplanes up

25-11-10, 04:07 PM
So nowadays a degree is far from worthless and 30 years ago you could probably do as well going into a company/field from the bottom end...

Take a look in the back of autosport at the F1 job applications, all require a degree/experience and intimate knowledge of catia generally...

but at the same time 90% of the jobs in motorsport pay **** all lol so a poor example :p

25-11-10, 04:08 PM
but at the same time 90% of the jobs in motorsport pay **** all lol so a poor example :p
Explain fukk all please........

25-11-10, 04:10 PM
Explain fukk all please........

25k starting wage if lucky up to about 35k for a decent role. Until you get into managing teams etc when if you're wanted you can make them bend over and extract the last 10k from their throat from behind lol

25-11-10, 04:12 PM
My mate who had a Beng in automotive engineering, an MEng in Motorsport engineering and a PHD in Aerodyamics got a job with williams, Paid £19K/year, had to ASK for weekends off 2 weeks in advance, rarely permitted holiday, worked stupid hours.... I worked out he was technically on less than minimum wage for the hours he worked lol. And that wasnt trackside!!!!

I've flat refused work in F1 as the 'most' that was ever on offer was £30K and that was high up the food chain! Given the hours I'd want double that (and no its not being greedy)

25-11-10, 04:14 PM
He was definitely getting screwed for what he had to offer then, I'm fairly sure chimp was on something around that sum working for bridgestone with a BEng Motorsport and bit of automotive experience.

25-11-10, 04:15 PM
twas 5 years ago tbh

25-11-10, 04:16 PM
Wouldn't that have been before economy issues etc? And inflation hardly makes up the difference either lol

25-11-10, 04:17 PM
meh either way I've never seen good salaries on offer/paid in F1. They blag the 'glory' is atleast 25% of your salary and you do it for the buzz etc.

That dosent pay the bills and imho OEM stuff is more fun as you can atleast drive the stuff you make

25-11-10, 04:22 PM
meh either way I've never seen good salaries on offer/paid in F1. They blag the 'glory' is atleast 25% of your salary and you do it for the buzz etc.

That dosent pay the bills and imho OEM stuff is more fun as you can atleast drive the stuff you make

Plenty of people will work in F1 for the buzz etc though, and its not a bad claim to put on a CV either, fact is they dont NEED to pay people well to get them in, so why would they?

Personally I think GT/touring stuff would be more fun, but that pulls in even less money than F1 and almost as desirable so I expect the wages to be even lower lol

25-11-10, 04:24 PM
indeed. But you can get 90% of the buzz in OEM while being paid well and not having to work 35hrs a day lol

I value time off as much/more than money

25-11-10, 04:29 PM
indeed. But you can get 90% of the buzz in OEM while being paid well and not having to work 35hrs a day lol

I value time off as much/more than money

Horses for courses really, those working in F1 etc have their reasons for doing so or they wouldn't be there. Personally I'm not sure what I want to do exactly, I'd rather work with tin top stuff though, could definitely deal with working with modified stuff, time attack/jap tuners etc but not sure there's money in it. Race engineer is definitely a favourite for roles but then I enjoy chassis/suspension stuff as well as engine design as well.

25-11-10, 04:34 PM
fair bit of race engieer work in the middle east if you fancy it lol

Friend of mine is free lance data engineer for the Radical factory team and has spent most of the past 3 months in Dubai :)

25-11-10, 04:42 PM
I am shocking at working in the heat but I assume the pay is enough for me to buy a small air conditioned bubble to walk around in in the middle east? lol

25-11-10, 04:47 PM
not quite that good money, but its better than working the cold UK this time of year lol

25-11-10, 04:50 PM
You get used to the heat. In fact the temperature isn't the problem, its the humidity

25-11-10, 04:55 PM
There was a job for Mcalren in qaqc doing what i do advertised, sent of the cv as requested and then got the full job details in return... Ermmm no thanks i really wouldnt get out of bed for that and i can only imagine the stress/pressure of conforming to the FIA safety standards!

25-11-10, 04:59 PM
There was a job for Mcalren in qaqc doing what i do advertised, sent of the cv as requested and then got the full job details in return... Ermmm no thanks i really wouldnt get out of bed for that and i can only imagine the stress/pressure of conforming to the FIA safety standards!

Going on what my mates in Maccy Automotive have to say, the pressure/stress of Big Rons standards are FAR tougher than anything the FIA could dream up lol

25-11-10, 05:01 PM
A friend of mine answered an ad to be a mechanic on a national level rally team... they expected him to pay for the privilege.......

i sincerely hope you get a great job doing something incredible, but you will be very lucky...

ps. MIRA are putting in plans at the moment for a £250m expansion to turn the place into some sort of global centre of excellence...

25-11-10, 05:09 PM
Going on what my mates in Maccy Automotive have to say, the pressure/stress of Big Rons standards are FAR tougher than anything the FIA could dream up lol

Exactly, iirc (will have a trawl through as still have email somewhere) it was less than £20k for that stress and workload, on yer bike!

25-11-10, 07:13 PM
ps. MIRA are putting in plans at the moment for a £250m expansion to turn the place into some sort of global centre of excellence...
Oh right, so they're moving it out of the UK then? lol

25-11-10, 07:33 PM
I would bet half the protesters are not even students, just scum looking for trouble

Get the water cannons out I say lol
Ditto and rubber bulletslol

General Baxter
25-11-10, 08:13 PM
Oh right, so they're moving it out of the UK then? lol

come on, its near me, we smash cars up for fun here :thumb:

25-11-10, 08:21 PM
I looked into jobs driving wagons for a motorsport team but I can earn more moving milk lol

26-11-10, 05:19 PM
Idiots, they cant even start a decent riot.......

My missus has umpteen qaulifications, NVQ's, GCSE's, GTE's, SRi's etc etc in accountancy, SAGE payroll, business admin, business management blah blah, shes thick as fcuk & belived me when I told her squirell's lay egg's :S and her job is medocre pay given her quals & 8+ years experience.

The educated masses cant gets jobs for **** yet the average GCSE only typey people can walk jobs. Sucks to be educated then lol lol lol lol