View Full Version : need help fitting seatbelts in a vx nova

18-11-10, 01:48 PM
right i have just fitting rear seats in my nova, however im stuck fitting the belts
because the safety catcher doesnt allow me to but the bolt into place (just wont slacken the belt). any idea's how i can overcome this ?

thanx all post welcome. :thumb:

18-11-10, 02:04 PM
Turn it upside down?

18-11-10, 02:11 PM
i have tried everyting fella it just wont give me more of the belt even though its all wrapped up on the catcher :(

18-11-10, 02:14 PM
I can't speak for Nova belts, but I'm sure in one of my cars the body actually needed bolting to the shell before it would relase the belt. I could only put that down to needing it at the correct angle. It also gives something to pull against.

But it sounds like you can't even access the bolt hole because the belt is retracted? Any chance of a pic?

18-11-10, 02:20 PM
yeah that's right the bolts have been bolted to the inside body near the rear window and the other bolt i cant even get close to as that's near to the back wheel arch :S hard to explain i'll go get a picture fella :thumb:

18-11-10, 02:50 PM

thats the bolt hole near the rear arch ^^^^


that has to be bolted down using that hole on the 1st picture


thats the catcher i cant get more belt off :( ^^


18-11-10, 03:09 PM
Them pictures are a bit small so I just took some bigger ones showing where they bolt in

First one is right (obviously) on the rear quarter pillar

Second one, the bolt goes through as demonstrated by the black strapping and the belt holder sits on the inside

Last one, on the floor under the seat just in front of the spare wheel well

18-11-10, 03:41 PM
Make sure the actual holder is bolted in place first, when i put mine back in the holder had to be in the correct position before I could pull the belt out.
So you probably need to un-do all the bolts and bolt in the holder first, then you can pull it out to bolt it in the other places.

18-11-10, 03:45 PM
As above, bolt the reel into place first, let the slack back into it as it will have locked, then pull it gently up to the C pillar mount, bolt that in and then gently pull it out so it reaches the floor mount under the seats!

Moved to tech section too.

18-11-10, 03:54 PM
also, are they 3 dr or 5 dr belts? cos the backs are different....

18-11-10, 03:59 PM
ok thankyou for all the help & advice im going to have another go in a bit also the belts are 3 door ones, like i say thanx again fella's :thumb:

18-11-10, 04:23 PM
They can be a pain in the ass as ive encounterd problems with them before, bolt the reel on first and make sure the belt is released and you shouldnt have anymore bother!

18-11-10, 04:26 PM
okk :) thanx again spudly :thumb: i'll let you all know how it went later

18-11-10, 04:31 PM
No worries bud, hope it behaves for ya lol