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View Full Version : Cutting the bumper, help needed.

15-11-10, 04:21 PM
I need to cut my bumper so it looks like this:



Problem is I don't know where to start or what tools to use.

I was thinking of using a very thin cutting disk that attaches to a drill or something not powerful but I'm not sure if such thing exists.

What do you suggest?

Danny s-p
15-11-10, 04:33 PM
em excuse me!!!lol nice green car there

ask dave dixson it his old car and i have that bumper sat here

15-11-10, 04:34 PM
Do you wana sell it? lol

Danny s-p
15-11-10, 04:37 PM
it got the top part missing and it bent mate

15-11-10, 06:28 PM
Use a dremel or air saw something like that thats more controlable than a thin grinder disc!;)

You could also use just a hacksaw and file if youve got a steady hand!

15-11-10, 06:30 PM
whatever you use, make sure you use plastic-specific blades and take it steady. Cutting discs and even jigsaws can melt the plastic and leave really rough edges

15-11-10, 06:53 PM
going to order a dremel 200, comes with 30 bits so hopefully one of them is good enough for plastic

I have to be careful, its a near new condition GM bumper lol

15-11-10, 07:03 PM
going to order a dremel 200, comes with 30 bits so hopefully one of them is good enough for plastic

I have to be careful, its a near new condition GM bumper lol

I used a dremel on my sr bumper (same as youres) and it cut through no bother at all! Then just dress the cut edge in!

craig green
15-11-10, 09:17 PM
I big mouthed an old GSi bumper with a hacksaw blade. Tidy the cut edge with a file or stanly knife. You can get a really nice edge with a flame from a lighter or blow torch (go easy).

Just mark your cutting line in pen, be really sure it's correct then maybe score it with a stanley blade so the saw follows the line a bit easier, then start cutting & stop the moment the blade wanders off line, if it does correct it before you make a bodge.

It's easy if you are patient & work safely. Have the bumper held steady too, chasing it around the garden with a saw blade wont be a good result.

15-11-10, 11:06 PM
+1 for bodging with a hacksaw. I chopped my indicator holes with a drill and hacksaw - bit rough but with more time and patience (two things I do not have with it comes to the nova) it should be good.

24-11-10, 08:21 PM
i used a stanley knife with the blade that had the curned up edge like a hook, tool a while but clean cute, have a look on my pics in projects mate

24-11-10, 08:26 PM
dremel was spot on tbh, i found using the sanding bit much better than all the cutting discs

btw did you get my pm about the f28?

24-11-10, 08:31 PM
long as its done now mate

yeah i did im home tomorrow for 3 days and if weather permitting ill pop through and pick it up if that ok mate, ill pm you my number :thumb: