View Full Version : Drive Safe Please

09-11-10, 08:24 PM

I thinks as car enthusiasts, we all need to watch this video to either change they way you drive or just be more aware :thumb:

R.I.P Danny McQueen

09-11-10, 08:57 PM
Been posted more times than I've ate pies and that's alot.

Alex J
09-11-10, 09:03 PM
^^ as he said, also shouldnt be in muppet as its a bit strong imo.

09-11-10, 09:04 PM

Don't drive like a spenk.

Alex J
09-11-10, 09:07 PM
and why is the woman just standing in a road watching a car fly fowards her:tard:

09-11-10, 09:10 PM
That's the funny bit. Those ad's are great.

Nooooooooooooooo *checks watch, time to move but stands there* ooooooooo *splat* lol

General Baxter
09-11-10, 10:01 PM
this is why the beemer is going lol

flyin flea
10-11-10, 11:32 AM
And why the f00k are there no road education ads aimed at kids any more? ....coz its always the drivers fault the fookin stupid child ran out in to the road!

i.e. 6 seconds in, wtf was woman doing walking in to path of CLEARLY on coming vehicle with child in hand.

15 seconds in, red Zuki takes foot OFF BRAKES just before impact.
i.e. saw it coming, and did f. all to hold vehicle still, allowing it to plow down pedestrians

1'03" car is traveling at speed (certainly not the 120 indicated) around a LEFT hand bend. Law of gravity in this universe states you'd slide off to the right. Yet this amazin machine slides off to the left, where the passenger side hits a telegraph pole.

1'25" kid doesnt look before steppin in to road. For all we know, van was doin 25mph.

1'57" you see the puff of decompression vapour from the piston that blew the car over! FFS!

1'56" car being over taken is on wrong side of road.... suddenly! (Yet in previous shot it was not) How convenient.

2'28" To cause an accident by swerving to avoid an animal is unlawful. To cause an accident by swerving to avoid a human IS lawful. i.e. hit the fukkin dog!

Now.... how can I take ads like that seriously?

And also.... the 'Keep a look out for bikes ad'.... the camera looks round once. No bike. The camera looks round again to see the bike hit the car.
er.... In reality the more observant would have seen the bike, so wtf edit it out?

10-11-10, 11:40 AM
Bikers need to think car too!!! they arent always the innocent party in accidents.

10-11-10, 11:42 AM
+rep Flyin Flea. Its always the drivers fault these days :mad:

+rep Stuart too

10-11-10, 11:57 AM
silly government propaganda, i find the ad's quite comical tbh. they wont do anything at all to change the way i drive either as im fully aware of everything around me when i drive

10-11-10, 12:35 PM
And why the f00k are there no road education ads aimed at kids any more?
Exactly. What happened to Darth Vader pimping the green cross code, and those cartoons with the hedgehogs?!

When I was a kid, if I was to run into the road and get batted by a car, my parents would given me a sh!tstorm for being an idiot. Nowadays, it seems the parents are too busy mouthing off at the driver (then no doubt going to www.DodgyLawyers.com/compensation.php=$$$ to rape the driver for a billion dinari). Kids then think its not their fault, so they do it again, then when they grow up their kids are treated the same way, cycle goes on ad infinitum.

I tell thee, if personal injury claims were outlawed, this country would be a much safer place. As no fcuker would want to risk injuring themselves! Sit and watch any commercial TV channel for more than a couple hours - espcially during the day - and I guarantee you'll see at least a handful of accident/injury/claim lawyer adverts. They certainly weren't about when I was a kid.

BTW, Mr Flea, you are my favourite cynic lol

10-11-10, 01:20 PM
my kids have been taught how to cross the road properly...

the sodding hedgehog ads have only recently finished, but under labour and their constant stream of car hating transport ministers have created this whole industry of the car driver is at fault... they fiddle the statistics to 'the total killed or injured on the roads' so 1 person gets killed & 200 get injured, gets reported as 201 killed or injured.....when the roads reached a certain point of safety, and the death rate just won't go any lower...

there will always be a certain number of drunk drivers, idiots on the motorway, speeders in bad conditions, pedestrians who don't look, cyclists that have their ipods on, and just bad drivers....

10-11-10, 01:31 PM
low n slow is the way forward.

Angus Closier
10-11-10, 01:47 PM
low n slow is the way forward.

Yeh who needs ankles anyway...lol

10-11-10, 01:50 PM
another one is the whole speedhumps in big cities thing... people start buying large 4x4's cos a. they can cope with the humps, b. they are all stuck in traffic so why not have a big comfy car to ride in, & c. in a low speed crash, they don't bend, so the government caused the problem, and then they try to tax their way out of the problem to lower emissions, when removing the humps will massively decrease the emissions, and there wouldn't be so much congestion to charge for if they removed the humps...etc. etc.

10-11-10, 01:53 PM
another one is the whole speedhumps in big cities thing... people start buying large 4x4's

there is nothing more satisfly than watching a 4x4 come up behind you and the look on his face as you VERY slowly straddle the speed hump and then him noticing the road has 10 more :p

10-11-10, 01:54 PM
you should try the humps near baxters..... the road is so wide, you can simply drive between them.

10-11-10, 02:31 PM
Aye, down here they have those silly half humps in the middle of the lane. The Nova can fit between them, and the Celica simply drives straight over them without touching the sides!

10-11-10, 02:33 PM
you should try the humps near baxters..... the road is so wide, you can simply drive between them.

there is one of them just down the road from us, so instead of having people driving along at 30-35mph normally you make the problem worse when two cars are driving like nutters to try and pip the other to the gap.

Same problem at the other end of the village outside the park and primary school...they built one of them "traffic calming" chicanes and instead of giving right of way as they should, its a bloody free for all which is far more dangerous than before :confused:

10-11-10, 03:39 PM
in market bosworth, a crappy little town near where i live, the locals demanded a series of full width speed humps because 'juggernauts were racing thru the town at all hours' so on the saturday, they were put in.... on the monday at 5.45am, a line of empty tipper lorries drove thru the town as they always did, and the enormous bang bang banging woke up every single resident... by tuesday morning they were gone & so was their council budget... oh us non residents did laugh

10-11-10, 04:10 PM
in market bosworth, a crappy little town near where i live, the locals demanded a series of full width speed humps because 'juggernauts were racing thru the town at all hours' so on the saturday, they were put in.... on the monday at 5.45am, a line of empty tipper lorries drove thru the town as they always did, and the enormous bang bang banging woke up every single resident... by tuesday morning they were gone & so was their council budget... oh us non residents did laugh

They did that in Kneesworth too. Put speed humps in a major road, big empty lorries went through making hell of a racket and the humps got removed :)


flyin flea
10-11-10, 04:24 PM
I had Sheffield council remove a set of rump humps..... they were within 20metres of a road bridge.... which is unlawful*! They objected to my request, then after 'a review' they removed them!!

* because shock waves from vehicles hitting the humps can damage the bridge structure!

Humps are also not permitted within 20metres of a building or transverse pipe beneth the road surface.


10-11-10, 04:45 PM
slight sidetrack, but i once got told to jackhammer 2 holes into a pavement to fit a new road name sign..... only to find out the holes were directly over a pub cellar.........

10-11-10, 05:41 PM
What ever happend to the ones someone designed that would fill up with water and come out of the ground if you was going to fast towards them ?

I know they tryed testing them but never heard anything else about them

10-11-10, 06:01 PM
/\ i think that was on total wipeout, and not real life.....

seriously, the big water drums on motorway exits are ace, i saw a car hit one on the m20 & the water went everywhere.... so there was a grain of reality in FFS2

10-11-10, 06:05 PM
What's total wipeout ?

I read about them water speed bumps in a car mag a few years ago - They was designed for ambulances ect because they would have a tag in the window so when they are speeding towards them something would read the tag and stop the speed bumps coming out of the ground - Which was supose to save time for the emergency services rather than them having to slow down for a 100 speed bumps just so they could get to someone who was dieing ect

10-11-10, 06:08 PM
instead they just diesinged the bumps so the ambulances and fireengines can straddle them

10-11-10, 06:12 PM
the road to my missus' has been resurfaced and most cars can now glide over the humps, the road leading to that road i cant tho and watching people try and overtake me while in a built-up area is amusing

10-11-10, 06:12 PM
Dont know about your speed bumps in your local area but they sure as hell can't do that on the speed bumps round here - Most of them are like mountins - Makes me chuckle though when I use to go over them and check out the quee of cars waiting behind me because I was going so slow over them lol

10-11-10, 06:16 PM
What's total wipeout ?
TV show where contestants generally get thrown into water in a variety of ways lol

10-11-10, 06:19 PM
Oh like they do on that tv shows in China - Can't think of the name of it but funny as ****

Now dont close this topic though Jack when you get bored of it please :(

10-11-10, 07:11 PM
You mean Japan, Takeshi's castle or somesuch?

You have not bored me yet. I demand further entertainment lol

10-11-10, 07:21 PM
That's the one

Now ill have a hard think about what I can do next to bore you :thumb:

10-11-10, 08:07 PM
takeshi's castle rocks....theres an injuries list on their website. skipping stones in the main culprit.

althow god help us if we go to war on a honeycomb shapped battle field with them japs

10-11-10, 08:57 PM
takeshi's castle rocks....theres an injuries list on their website. skipping stones in the main culprit.

althow god help us if we go to war on a honeycomb shapped battle field with them japs

link please :d

10-11-10, 09:03 PM

thats a SS of the series 2 injuries list...them main site doesnt seem to be up atm

10-11-10, 09:09 PM
yeh i was looking for it on google and nowt came up. Cheers lol

10-11-10, 09:41 PM
i only watched it once.. for the final challenge, they had to run headfirst thru a 'paper' door.. there was a choice of 3 & 2 were painted wood.....the missus banned me from watching it, cos i laughed solidly for an hour or so.