View Full Version : x's on the end of texts/emails from girls

01-11-10, 04:19 PM
My mate reckons there is a rule;

1 - friends
2 - flirting, could be more if you push for it
3 - you're defo in there
4 - you'll be conkers deep before the days out

IME it depends on the girl, but if you are getting some then said girl does seem to add more, but she has to be a '3+'er' to begin with. (lol)

Then you get the mad ones that just press the X as much as they want for any old crap.

I treat it as a load of BS but it's funny how there does seem to be a rule.

Discuss. lol

01-11-10, 04:24 PM
My mate reckons there is a rule;

I treat it as a load of BS but it's funny how there does seem to be a rule.

Discuss. lol

my opinion :D

01-11-10, 04:36 PM
I think you may be onto something there limplamp. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

01-11-10, 04:39 PM
what about kissy nova..........?

and now i can't get my missus to buy australian lager for fear of getting sex??????

01-11-10, 04:40 PM
Depending on mood i am in, i put a kiss on the end of txt messages to hoezzz :wtf: :gay:
If i am in a bad mood its normally blunt one answer txts lol

01-11-10, 04:45 PM
the missus went thru a phase of putting 'Ta' followed by 'x!' on my texts..... till i pointed out that every message ended with 'Tax!'

01-11-10, 04:50 PM
and now i can't get my missus to buy australian lager for fear of getting sex??????
lol lol lol lol

01-11-10, 04:51 PM
till i pointed out that every message ended with 'Tax!'
As if the government text you?!

01-11-10, 04:59 PM
its all aload of bs lol i chuck x's on to everyone i text

01-11-10, 05:02 PM
^ You're not a girl though?! Well last time I checked anyway lol

I agree with the above rules. Although you do get some who go overdrive on the x's. Rules seem not to apply on bookface though, as many people seem to have a sticky X key on there. Quite a few from here actually!

01-11-10, 05:52 PM
my mate puts 4 to everyone lmao...so it means sweet fa

mainly as i havent been balls deep in her yet ;)

01-11-10, 06:47 PM
There definently is a number of "x's" rule!

01-11-10, 06:50 PM
i put x's on the end, just 1 or 2 depending on what kinda text it is, if im mad, then there is none lol

01-11-10, 08:03 PM
I think their could be a rule, as i've been texting a lass and we've moved from 1 x to 2 x's...hmmm time to make more of it!!

01-11-10, 08:07 PM
I put 3 on the end of every text unless i'm annoyed.

01-11-10, 08:32 PM
lmfao at this bollox,whatever happened to asking a lass outright-"hey up love,fancy a jump?"

01-11-10, 08:37 PM
Sturge always gets 3 at the end of all my texts, i do get 3 back too. :)

01-11-10, 08:40 PM
lol smooth, andy

ben doodar
02-11-10, 12:52 PM
Lol a mate of mine was threating the other day cuz his mrs didn't put any x's on a txt!! Then he carried on moaning about other issues with her n I can't believe she didn't put any x's on that txt the other day!!

I said mate are you a 14 year old girl? Really are you that botherd!!!

I put x's on every txt I send if it's to a mate, male or female. Makes no odds to me.

Ben. Xxxx

02-11-10, 06:28 PM
i only put x's on when reply to a few of my mates, bord i know finishes every text with .!x (although i have been balls deep in her so the rule stinks lol)

02-11-10, 06:35 PM
lmfao at this bollox,whatever happened to asking a lass outright-"hey up love,fancy a jump?"

I prefer the "fancy a fu@k love", No? Well mind lying down while i have one then!"

02-11-10, 07:39 PM
If this rule applies... im a man slag! lol

02-11-10, 07:50 PM
lmfao at this bollox,whatever happened to asking a lass outright-"hey up love,fancy a jump?"

what a line lol i can see that will have made you very successful with the ladies lol

04-11-10, 07:29 AM
Personally think "Can you catch Love?????????? Ive a couple of balls cuming your way" is a bit more subtlelol

04-11-10, 07:33 AM
what a line lol i can see that will have made you very successful with the ladies lol
You'd be surprised how well that works. I'm sure everyone has a mate who simply walks up to women in clubs and asks them for a shag - friend of mine used to do it, sure he'd get a lot of rejections, but he'd pull every night.

....mind you, that IS in Yeovil. Soooo you can imagine what he used to end up with (probably herpes lol)