View Full Version : ICE - Door speakers.....

27-05-03, 11:51 PM
Hey all, :idea: :?:
Wondarin if any of you can help, im runin 6x9s n sum lower power door speakers off meh head unit. i wana get it so that just vocals treble etc goes thru door speakers n 6x9s have al the range.. how can i 'block' the bass in the door speakers??

27-05-03, 11:54 PM
using either capacitors and wire them in yourselve

or buy a crossover from a audio / ice shop

*also when you awake you will find this post has been moved to ice :wink:

27-05-03, 11:55 PM
what head unit have u got.. ya can do it on alot of the pioneer ones.. i got the 4500R and ya can do it on that..

28-05-03, 01:55 AM
ive got a pioner and u can do it on mine, only got trebble coming outa all speakers!

28-05-03, 11:14 AM
OK, well i got a warfedale head unit.. its ok i guess. So dya just wire a capacitor in series with the speakers or what? What size capacitor? Ive been lookin around for crossovers and all ive found so far is crossovers which come with the component kits as a set, not found seperates yet.