View Full Version : Happy Halloween

31-10-10, 10:37 PM
hahahaha happy Halloween, hope your having fun.




hahaha think i'm mental.

31-10-10, 10:52 PM
I was Mario and ass-raped a ragdoll.

General Baxter
31-10-10, 10:57 PM
i locked the doors and turned the lights off

31-10-10, 11:06 PM
i locked the doors and turned the lights off

You suck.

31-10-10, 11:08 PM
We refused to answer the door as a) I dont believe in door to door begging and b.) there were no sweets in the house even if the mrs wanted to be nice lol.

I did however carve an epic Ghostbusters pumpkin and a Deathstar.... then a less than hardcore Nemo for Ambers Nusery party lol

01-11-10, 07:34 AM
My dad grumbles about it, but then his car is safely tucked away in the garage whilst both of mine are parked out front. Prime targets for having windows smashed and brake fluid chucked over!

Thankfully we only usually have a handful of young kids come round, but a few years ago kids from the less desirable areas of town (so pretty much most of it lol) would go round using it as an excuse to trash cars. Didn't even ask for sweets first either!

01-11-10, 08:57 AM
Sadly Jack that's what it has turned in too.

01-11-10, 09:07 AM
we had **** loads of kids, mum ended up giving em kitkats and rockys as she ran out of sweets. any kid over 12 round us is more into fire works and gaffa tape, with scary results.... (10 rockets taped together, petrol bomb rockets, the list goes on)

01-11-10, 09:15 AM
We only had a few small children which included my 2 and the neighbours knock at our door.
As Said up there^^^ i don't really agree with kids knocking and begging especially the older ones who think a scream mask and black tracksuit counts as a halloween costume, and only want money for fags.
I only allow mine out for about an hour and never out after 7, i won't answer the door any later than 7.30 either, in fact Sturge was on door duty last night...lol

01-11-10, 10:32 AM
we had **** loads of kids, mum ended up giving em kitkats and rockys as she ran out of sweets. any kid over 12 round us is more into fire works and gaffa tape, with scary results.... (10 rockets taped together, petrol bomb rockets, the list goes on)

Man i'm glad i don't live oop north.

01-11-10, 10:58 AM
its like beirut up here, and its not even bonfire night. one of my mates was telling me, the latest craze is to go out with those cheap whizz-bang rockets, and a screwy. pop fuel flaps, stuff a lit one into the neck and leg it.....

01-11-10, 11:03 AM
Ffs, this is why i hate almost every one out there.

01-11-10, 11:13 AM
yeah me too mate. i detest wintr for the simple reason that everyone turns into an utter cokk.

(insert generic "kids these days...." rant here)

01-11-10, 05:31 PM
I was out for the evening:

Had to get the 2nd one myself myspace style as no one was taking pics while we were out :tard:

01-11-10, 05:47 PM
none round here last night,just as well as the 1st one to ring the doorbell and wake the kids up would have got 18litres of water over them
imo its socially accepted begging and it scares some people alone in their homes and i think thats wrong.its just Americanised bullshet at the end of the day
Dont get me wrong,thats not to say i dont enjoy dressing up and going to halloween parties but for me its the begging aspect of it that pisses me off,if 3, 14/15 year old lads came to my door i would promptly tell them to get right to fukk,grow up!

01-11-10, 05:53 PM

01-11-10, 06:07 PM
halloween is a british invention.... the yanks took it to the colonies with them.... then it got revived over here...

mk999, you actually look better as a vampire than you do normally.........did you manage to get any teenage girls to fall hopelessly in love with you like in twiglet

01-11-10, 06:09 PM
A few people said that, shame it's not a look I can rock daily lol

And unfortunately I did not, we ended up coming home fairly early as everywhere closed their doors due to lack of capacity! Only place in town still open (and running a 1 in 1 out) had a 50-100 strong queue :tard:

01-11-10, 06:09 PM
"trick or treat" and door knocking is from America

01-11-10, 06:16 PM
:lol: @ that cat

Alex J
01-11-10, 06:27 PM
i can remember you from combe now bennlol

01-11-10, 06:32 PM
"trick or treat" and door knocking is from America
Trick or treat seems to have originated from Europe it seems, mainly Ireland, England and Scotland depending on which sources you prefer to believe. The whole modern implementation of it is very much american though

meh. Give a few jellybeans to kids, or have a poo delivered through the letterbox. I suppose there's only so much poo they can generate.

[edit] FOR FECKS SAKE I almost created a rather large brownout after this posted thanks to Benn's face suddenly appearing lol

Alex J
01-11-10, 06:43 PM
Trick or treat seems to have originated from Europe it seems, mainly Ireland, England and Scotland depending on which sources you prefer to believe. The whole modern implementation of it is very much american though

meh. Give a few jellybeans to kids, or have a poo delivered through the letterbox. I suppose there's only so much poo they can generate.

[edit] FOR FECKS SAKE I almost created a rather large brownout after this posted thanks to Benn's face suddenly appearing lolhe looks hes about to raid a banklol

01-11-10, 06:59 PM
he looks hes about to raid a banklol

i was thinking he looks like a pissed off walrus.

01-11-10, 07:52 PM
lol that was the taking it off stage..lol


Dude! Them is some skinny jeans.

01-11-10, 08:13 PM
legs like pipe cleaners as a guess

Alex J
01-11-10, 08:21 PM
legs like pipe cleaners as a guessi was thinking more...lol

01-11-10, 08:56 PM
Mario and raggady ann :)


Had a shin dig at my pad but no trick or treaters saturday or sunday

01-11-10, 09:54 PM
http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs995.snc4/76858_10150289174080453_655740452_15418260_5551749 _n.jpg


01-11-10, 10:04 PM
Dude! Them is some skinny jeans.

Tell me about it! Bought some suit style trousers to go with it from primark, only they were on the wrong hanger, 32/34 when I got home turned out to be 38/something, had to borrow those very last minute as all my clothes were at uni lol