View Full Version : Need help from u all plz

27-05-03, 10:45 PM
Right all supose some of u have readabout my car getting killed off any ways

right i just got my self a nova gte but im having probs trying to find some onewho will insure me :( the best ive had so far is 1700 from flux and thats tpft

so if any of u can help out with knowledge of any good insurance companys that u think will insure for a good price let me know

also if any of you know any companys that i can get it insured in my dads name let me know cheers

27-05-03, 11:13 PM
run through the list thats in the links bit

27-05-03, 11:55 PM

28-05-03, 12:23 PM
lol ?700 for a car thats prob worth ?800 (apologies if you paid more than that) TPFT!

It'll be your age and the crash (whether your fault or not its still classed and may have an effect).

Good luck looking about


28-05-03, 03:03 PM
I found TESCO was the cheapest.

Cheap maybe but totally crap, im still sending proof that i have a CAT1 alarm/immob fitted and they keep on loosing the documents. I sent the 1st copy at the start of feb and about 20 copies later they still ring me up tellin me if i don't post the documents today they will cancel my insurance. S'ok tho, cuz they realise it's them that lose it and take abit off what i pay monthly 2 cover all the money i've spent on sending the stuff recorded delivery :?

Heard they can b abit slow paying out after claims 2......

28-05-03, 03:15 PM
CHEAPEST will depend on so many factors, that i will differ from person to person.

As an example, me and my mate lived just round the corner from each other, same age, had same cars, same ncb and etc etc, but the company that gave him the cheapest quote, was one of the more expensive ones to me.

You can't just ask for ONE recommendation. There is nothing else to do, but to get a HUGE list (look at the one already compiled and a link provided above - they're ALL recommended by one person or another, as being best/cheapest) and ring EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM. Then you will know who is the cheapest.

And, do this EVERY year, as when it comes to renewal time, others may now become cheaper than the one's that were before.

As was the case with me.

28-05-03, 03:43 PM
lol ?700 for a car thats prob worth ?800 (apologies if you paid more than that) TPFT!

It'll be your age and the crash (whether your fault or not its still classed and may have an effect).

Good luck looking about


By the way he said ?1700 !!

I am paying ?1000 for a 1.2 TPO

Try NFU they are the cheapest i found.

How old are you.

29-05-03, 07:58 PM
i'm paying ?65.25 a month with norwich union.
18 years old, no no-claims, no accidents or convictions.with pass plaus, try puttin ya mum on named driver, brought my insurance down loads.
hope it helps, but norwich union are proper harsh on mods, shhhhhh dont tell them bout mine when u ring up.
fergie. :)

29-05-03, 09:52 PM
lol@ your void policy fergie

crash into me and ill beat u into the ground :lol: :lol: :lol:

29-05-03, 09:59 PM
yeah but i aint gonna crash caus i'm gettin astra gte brakes off twag soon.will actually be able to stop quickly rather than locking up or just stopping real slow when you wanna stop real fast.
takin car into regal when i get them. gonna put new shocks on for me, the astra gte brakes and roll my arches caus i'm gettin da OZ titan wheels. 16",dunno how wide yet but i want them really wide, probably 7" wide, maybe 7.5 or 8!!
hope i dont crash within the next year............ :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
stupid policy :roll: