View Full Version : Speed guns

26-10-10, 06:55 PM
Anyone clued up much on these? Think i may have been caught today, the police were standing on a overpass on the motorway.
Although im a bit confused about the type of gun he was holding, it looked more like a actual video camera than the normal speed gun they would use. I have seen these 3 times over the last few weeks, are they some new type of speed gun, or actually just a video camera?

26-10-10, 07:03 PM
Probably both and ANPR:(

26-10-10, 07:03 PM
:roll: Double post

26-10-10, 07:07 PM
i am sure i seen these on tv but they send a car after the speeders or the ones with out tax or that i recon royston is right but i wouldent worrie if nothing happend thier and then

26-10-10, 07:09 PM
Could just have been ANPR checking tax/insurance etc.

Or maybe a mobile type of VASCAR? I have been done by that system (in car/on flyover) before. :(

26-10-10, 08:48 PM
If you hear nothing in 14 days, it was probably ANPR.

26-10-10, 08:49 PM
i am sure i seen these on tv but they send a car after the speeders or the ones with out tax or that i recon royston is right but i wouldent worrie if nothing happend thier and then
Yeh i always thought they came after you. Which makes me think its something else and not a speed gun.

26-10-10, 09:26 PM
dont always come after you the cameras in the vans actualy film you, i found this out after i was following my x down wheatly hall road in doncaster at 60 in a 40, she didnt see the van and drove through got a £60 fine and 3 points fixed penelty in the post looky bitch i saw it in the loon and slamed the breaks on covering the dual caridgeway in tyre smoke, i was nocked up at 7 the next morning by a police officer with a court sumonds, went to the police station the next day to give a statment and they played me the video and showed me following the x and gaining on her but due to not being in the zone for the camera to get the plate the camera hadnt registered my speed so they did me for driving without due care and attention and speeding £250 fine and 5 points wish id driven through the bloody thing now

26-10-10, 11:00 PM
Fcuking hell Peg that's harsh mate! T0ssers! :(

27-10-10, 08:08 AM
I did hear a rumour once that if you get caught on Gatso with your brake lights on, you get a bigger fine/points as they consider you were going faster than the speed they nicked you at!

27-10-10, 01:06 PM
/\ 2 blown bulbs ftw lol

27-10-10, 01:13 PM
Moral of the story kids...

Keep your speed down in residential areas ;)

27-10-10, 01:17 PM
A 40 zone isn't always a residential area. lol

27-10-10, 01:24 PM
Be reet, Just dont get caught. and if you do meh its tough ****.

27-10-10, 02:27 PM
its only illeagal(sp) if you get caught lol

27-10-10, 02:30 PM
i am currently fighting a red light camera charge...... the amber was set at about 2.5 seconds in a 50 limit, and i approached in an 8 wheeler at 40.. there was no way on this earth that i was going to be able to stop in time, and it got me, i 'm due in court soon over it.. i'd love to know what an amber should be set at....

27-10-10, 03:34 PM
That could be a tough one, as I can't find any law or regulation which stipulates light durations. Common settings appear to be around 3 seonds though (ref. Cornwall Council (http://www.cornwall.gov.uk/default.aspx?page=20248)) and at 40mph, thats the difference between 147ft (2.5 seconds) and 175ft (3 seconds). You'd have to be able to prove the amber light duration, plus the RLC being activated instantly - most give a 1-2 second leeway before being activated, so as not to get hundreds of pictures of rear bumpers lol (note RLC's take two pics - one as you cross the line on your side, and one with you either in the middle of the junction, or exiting the other side - i.e. to prove you progressed all the way through the junction without stopping, and to prove you didn't enter the junction on amber).

I suspect they'll just blurb on about how you should always approach lights ready to stop at any time, and all that highway code preaching :(

Be interesting to see how you get on though.

27-10-10, 05:12 PM
A 40 zone isn't always a residential area. lol

niether are 30 zones


27-10-10, 06:44 PM
hmmm i thought that speed cameras had to be tested daily before use and have a certificate to say they're working correctly before they can do you for speeding, not sure if ANPR's have to have the same, would assume so!

27-10-10, 07:06 PM
fixed cameras don't need daily calibration because the sensors are in a fixed place. i believe the rozzers have got round the daily reset thing somehow..

27-10-10, 07:11 PM
If they want your money they WILL get it, even if they do you for somthing else (blue peg :( )

I agree somtimes it really is safer to carry on though than to slam on your brakes, especially in rain etc

If i know a set of lights has a camera i always slow down ready