View Full Version : Wireless Router Techy Question.

26-10-10, 09:12 AM
i need to sort out a wireless broadband router for my virgin cable setup...

i need to connect a pc, as the main unit & run a laptop thru it.

as i am an existing virgin customer, they want my left kidney & my first born child.....if i was a new customer it'd be free..........robbing sods

i have seen some cheapo belkin stuff on the bay, but i am obviously concerned about hackers, people nicking wifi, and all other things....

so, in plain english, can someone help me with

1. what is a decent cheap router?
2. where from?
3. how i make sure it is secure?
4. can i run a pc & a laptop on it as a LAN and also control useage of stuff like ds lite game thingys?

26-10-10, 09:21 AM
Have a look on broadbandbuyer.co.uk

They should have a nice simple buying guide/options to lead you to the router you need.

tbh hacking via wifi is only really going to happen if you are a bank etc, otherwise its simply going to be internet theift lol.... WEP or something like that will secure enough.

Make sure the DS is compatible with the wifi encryption you pick as I have an early DS and it only likes the most basic wifi security, but the newer ones are happier with most i believe

26-10-10, 09:22 AM
Netgear stuff I find always lasts the longest in recent years, just go on a few PC suppliers sites (dabs, scan, novatech, ebuyer) and see what comes up cheapest with as many ports/wireless as you need.

Most popular way of securing it is with a password to connect to the router, but you can also do it by restricting devices by MAC address and a couple other ways.

and, yes... but I have always found unless you're running win 7 home networking just doesn't work how it should do, i.e at all lol

26-10-10, 09:26 AM
and, yes... but I have always found unless you're running win 7 home networking just doesn't work how it should do, i.e at all lol

Works fine on a macbook :p lol

26-10-10, 09:29 AM
I'm on win 7 so not an issue for me :p

26-10-10, 09:39 AM
WEP or something like that will secure enough.
Negative! WEP is dire. Took me about 50 minutes to chop my neighbours WEP password a few months back and that was using my old AthlonXP cpu lol

MAC address restrict is also a false economy as its not hard to spoof. Both my NICs you can manually specify the address! Not saying don't do it, as its another thing someone would need to reconfigure, but don't rely on it.

As said, Netgear is good, one of theirs would be my choice for simplicity. Belkin is not too shabby either. Most should have built in firewalls, but again don't rely on that as a fix-all solution. Certainly keep up local security on the PC, laptop etc.

For best security, you need one which can support WPA (preferably WPA2), and importantly make sure the wireless NICs in the PC (assuming the PC is wireless too) and laptop can support it as well. Modern stuff should be fine though, its only if you've either got cheapy cheapy unbranded kit, or >2 year old stuff.

As for where to purchase, google shopping in your friend. Ebuyer is a favourite shop of mine, they do free delivery if you're in no rush (~3-5 days) and their prices are good.

What range/strength do you require? Will you be using the laptop in the back garden for example, and do you live in a cave with walls 2m thick?

The other thing you'll need to consider is the setup of the router - one supplied by Virgin should come ready to use straight out the box, but if you buy an aftermarket one you'll need to find all the settings and configure it yourself.

[edit] Oh yeah, and as said, if you're using any version of windows other than 7, be prepared for a headache. lol

[edit again] to answer your points

so, in plain english, can someone help me with

1. what is a decent cheap router?
2. where from?
3. how i make sure it is secure?
4. can i run a pc & a laptop on it as a LAN and also control useage of stuff like ds lite game thingys?
1. Look for Netgear ideally.
2. Ebuyer, dabs, google shopping
3. Utilise WPA, but check your devices support it
4. Laptop & PC on LAN, no problem. DS should be fine, controlling access etc would be done in the router settings.

26-10-10, 09:42 AM
Jack, its Mowgli ffs, as i said WEP is "fine" for putting folks off etc.... I dont know of many people that go round hacking the life out of peoples wifi lol
Most just try to connect up with their phones for free data.

As said, if you want to let DS's onto the wifi you need to ensure they work with the security you choose

26-10-10, 09:46 AM
[FONT="Century Gothic"]The other thing you'll need to consider is the setup of the router - one supplied by Virgin should come ready to use straight out the box, but if you buy an aftermarket one you'll need to find all the settings and configure it yourself.

Believe virgin use netgear stuff the same as sky so you can copy the settings as a file and import it.

26-10-10, 09:49 AM
Still, its more secure and if you're entering a key, you may as well put one in the WPA field instead of the WEP one :p

Plus WEP has overheards on data transfer too :d

26-10-10, 09:49 AM
as a broadband router (eg plug the moden into it) there should be next to **** all setup involved bar wifi settings

26-10-10, 09:50 AM
thanks stuart... i'm looking for something simple, cos my missus will also be trying to use it to buy pretty frilly things.......

i'm on vista home

i did ask for plain english folks.....

and our netgear adsl +wireless router at work was royally pants, and needed swapping several times.... and the spare non-wireless one needs daily unplugs to stop it crashing......

26-10-10, 09:51 AM
as a broadband router (eg plug the moden into it) there should be next to **** all setup involved bar wifi settings

Still got all the ADSL settings to connect to your ISP though, which can get complicated if they deviate from the 'normal' settings the router guesses at as standard.

26-10-10, 09:53 AM
i did ask for plain english folks.....
See edit on my first post lol

26-10-10, 09:54 AM
FFS, cant folks read.

Mike has Virgin Cable BB... Basically the 'internet' comes out of the cable modem as ethernet so goes into a wireless router/switch..... NO adsl shizzle to play with ;)

26-10-10, 09:56 AM
Aha, yeah I remember the setup now, give you an extra box to plug the fibre optic gimmicks into lol Setup will be ridiculously easy then

26-10-10, 10:00 AM
To be fair he did ask for a wireless broadband router, not just wifi router, so I was assuming one box to do everything.

So guessing the fibre box plugs into the router via ethernet, thats all you need - just a simple wireless router with a couple of ethernet ports on it. All you need to set up is the wireless (security etc) and LAN settings. Simples.

26-10-10, 10:03 AM
so folks, as the router box will be in the front room, and the pc is in the back room, and the laptop & ds games (all 3 of them) will be wherever the monkeys are.... will it be easy to make sure my pc controls access to the others and be wireless... because having 3 daughters & already had a very close call with a paedophile a couple of years back, i would like to keep an eye on their net useage.

or should i just run a longer cable to the pc & run the wireless LAN from it??

26-10-10, 10:06 AM
i have string and some bean cans can i play?

26-10-10, 10:08 AM
are they heinz or supermarket???

26-10-10, 10:08 AM
heinz, i iz posh :d

26-10-10, 10:09 AM
they aren't compatable, we are using supermarket beans

26-10-10, 10:12 AM
What 'version' DS's are they? as said, if they are the older type you cant use 'funky' wifi security, just the basics.

If you are able to, I'd run a network cable from the router to the PC, that way you can always get into the router with ease and kill off the wifi for others.

26-10-10, 10:14 AM
thats what i'm thinking, but the missus thinks everything can be wireless.................

i also want to be able to turn the interweb off at bedtime...... cos nearly teenage girls think they can stay up really late....

26-10-10, 10:16 AM
A good router should have content filtering software in it - pretty sure some Netgear routers do. They can also set up a "block internet" schedule too

The only other option would be to use ICS (Internet Connection Sharing) via your PC, where you can run aftermarket software on that to control who sees what - so the other machines connect via yoru PC. Could be a pain to set up via wireless though.

[edit] Just had a quick google, here's an example of blocking stuff on a Netgear (http://documentation.netgear.com/wgt624v3/enu/202-10090-03/WGT624v3-05-05.html)

26-10-10, 10:24 AM
thats what i'm thinking, but the missus thinks everything can be wireless.................

i also want to be able to turn the interweb off at bedtime...... cos nearly teenage girls think they can stay up really late....

imho, wireless is ONLY for laptops, phones and other portable devices... anything with no need to move should be cabled.

It costs hardly anything to ethernet cable :)

for uber simplicity you could just put the router on a timer switch lol

26-10-10, 10:27 AM
for uber simplicity you could just put the router on a timer switch lol

I assumed he wanted to keep it on for himself... otherwise theres normally scheduling features on netgear routers iirc

Welsh Dan
26-10-10, 11:27 AM
Another vote for Netgear stuff here, for every problematic Netgear I've seen 10 of something else die. The Belkin stuff is terrible, stay well clear.

Mike, consider something like Kaspersky internet security with regards to controlling when they're online. You can specify when they can be on the computer, when they're online, when they can use messenger programs etc.. so you could allow them to use the computer for homework, but not the internet/chat etc.. so you know they're actually working.

There is no simple solution to control everything from the PC, that being said if you ran a cable to it you could turn off the wireless and your internet would still work :).


I only deal with the ADSL versions around here, but I'd be happy to provide you with some phone support.

EDIT: Added Kaspersky parental control screenshots:

You can pick up a 3-user Kaspersky Internet Security 2009 for about £15 on Amazon, then use the key that comes with it to activate the 2011 version, which is nice :).

26-10-10, 11:35 AM
Mike, Our family was on Virgin for about a year and a half and at the start they were realy good and never had a problem with them.
They tend not to care about older customers as every problem our router or internet had they were never happy to help us.

Anyway, Decided to swap to Orange and got a new Netgear router from them for about 3/4 of what we was paying Virgin.

So far with these we've never had a problem but only time will tell i suppose.

thats what i'm thinking, but the missus thinks everything can be wireless.................

i also want to be able to turn the interweb off at bedtime...... cos nearly teenage girls think they can stay up really late....

Im pretty sure our Netgear router allows us to do that, but i think its a button on the router so it would have to be in for e.g your room so they cant turn it back on lol

26-10-10, 12:00 PM
thanks chaps. plenty of food for thought

The Simps
26-10-10, 01:58 PM
Can you not use the new homeplug technology to keep your router in the one room and pc in the other but still connected by cable?

I've been reading some reviews on it and it seems a really good setup idea.

Incase you're not aware of it mowgli its this kinda setup - http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Netgear-Home-Plug-XET1001-Homeplug-Network-Adapter-/390203636600?pt=UK_Computing_Networking_SM&hash=item5ad9f2fb78

Basically you need a couple of those. One plugs into the router the other your pc. Its not as quick as a direct connection but better than wireless. It sends the signal through your home wiring circuit.

The Simps
26-10-10, 02:00 PM
Maplins do a range too - http://www.maplin.co.uk/Family.aspx?Menu=1669&worldid=-3&C=Maplin&U=MainMenu&utm_source=Maplin&utm_medium=MainMenu&utm_content=Computing-Networking+-+Over+The+Mains&utm_campaign=MainMenu

26-10-10, 02:05 PM
interesting, it does solve the wireless to the pc issue, but surely everybody in the world can access my info via the mains.........not that my info is of global importance......

i still need to run a wireless LAN from my pc to all the other crap..... any gen on that??

Welsh Dan
26-10-10, 02:08 PM
The homeplug stuff only works over the same ring main - so you neednt worry about outsiders, plus it'd be cheaper to just get a wireless adapter for the PC in that case.

26-10-10, 02:14 PM
dan.. mains electric is connected to the outside world.... how does it not connect outside my ring main??? does it use the earth wire??

Welsh Dan
26-10-10, 02:20 PM
It does use the earth, but they don't travel far. I tried connecting to next door with them and it didn't work...

26-10-10, 02:28 PM
dodgy wiring ftw...... were we snooping on them????

26-10-10, 03:17 PM
just a tip
wireless is great, when close.
but my home network, (some old bt router, basic as anything)

and the wireless just about reaches through to the next room.
let alone upstairs or outside.


26-10-10, 03:39 PM
Mike, ethernet over mains is very very very very secure.

26-10-10, 03:46 PM
ok, as long as a large domestic appliance kicking in & out doesn't crash everything, i is happy.....

if i'm welding or grinding, then i won't be computering anyway

26-10-10, 03:50 PM
I'm pretty confident the homeplug things have been tested well lol

Welsh Dan
26-10-10, 04:31 PM
dodgy wiring ftw...... were we snooping on them????

No, trying to share internets when they were having problems. :)