View Full Version : my night out last monday :-(

26-05-03, 10:53 AM
last monday i went out into newcastle for me m8s 18th. everything was goin fine and dandy till i was wandering about in my pished state and seen my best m8 trying to get into the lass i had been after for ages (but shes supposed to be me m8 :wink:).

after seeing this i decided just to walk away and go for another drink to avoid me m8 (which i thought was better than goin up, hittin the tw*t and spoiling my m8s 18th). After i came back from the bar a couple of my other m8s could see i wasnt best pleased and then he comes up asking what was wrong so again i just walked off before i hit him.

anyways it went on like this till we got outside and we were waiting for a taxi to get home then the lass who me 'best' m8 had been tryin it on with comes up to me and asks what was wrong so said nothins wrong (but she of course knew fine well what was wrong) then she starts arguing with me! (i dont remember most of the argument) then when i was gettin out the taxi i tried to say sorry etc and she just starts shoutin at me again sayin sumthin along the lines of 'dont fcukin speak to me again' so i thought i would leave it till i was sober.

n e ways this now brings us to wednesday i thought i would txt her to apologise for the way i went on (i still reckon i did nowt wrong but......) she txts back saying she knew why i fell out with me m8 and she thought it would be best if we wernt m8s n e more :o :cry:

and i aint heard from her since. im well gutted i just want to be m8s with her again cos shes a good laff to be around. what do u lot reckon i should do???

26-05-03, 12:06 PM
try talking to her, after you have let her to clam down should be alrite in the end

26-05-03, 04:25 PM
Just give her time its the best cure. i have just had a bit (well alot) of trouble with my gf and alot of things happened that we are both not proud of and regret, we even broke up for a bit, but after things cooled down we got back together and were well happy ( i hope anyway)

just give it time.

26-05-03, 05:43 PM
m8 just bloody tell her how ya feel !! tell her u like her, thats why u were so pissed off cos u sore her with ya best m8!! seriously get it out in the open dont shy away and not talk to her!!