View Full Version : steering wheels

25-05-03, 11:27 PM
how hard are they to get off? what do you need i have looked at a few guides but i would like your opininos on it and any problems encountered

26-05-03, 02:46 AM
Depends m8-- lol.. u need to get this little tool.. duno what its called.. some1 on ere will be able to tell ya the name (steering wheel extractor maybe!?!?!) neways wip the horn button of and undo the bolt half way so theres room for the wheel to move back and forward.. get the tool in there and simply de-tatch the wheel.

mine was easy when i did it.. poped off easily.. however "Blokes" was a real B**ch! to get off. the legs on the tool riped through the metal on 1 side of the steering wheel.. still not been able to get it off..

best if ya can borrow one of the tools.. my dad got mine think it was somin like 8quid.. and ive only ever used it bout 3 times :roll:

u may not actually need the tool just undo the bolt slighty and pull it real.. i never found this method to work though.. even with 3 tryin at same time.. :(

26-05-03, 07:26 AM
mine was a right bastard 2 get off just wudnt come off the spline the steerin spline slip down had 2 piss about with that then it was perminatly catchin on me indicator canceller took a while 2 sort out but its ok no
if theres a tool id have deffo got that

26-05-03, 11:36 AM
Its so bloody simple.

step 1- Pull of horn button thing.

step 2-Undo bolt all the way and extract washer and nut.

step 3- Yank the wheel.

step 4- put on ne wheel and do up bolt.

Sorted. Why are there essays answering this question?

26-05-03, 02:26 PM
some people find its nigh on impossible whereas others find that it just pops off

the only one ive taken off popped off dead easy but i could see it being a pain of a job if the wheel wasnt up for playing.

26-05-03, 11:48 PM
my wheel was loose on my current car! just before i put my snap off on!!!