View Full Version : C20xe Teething Problems

12-10-10, 06:35 PM
Hi guys i've finally got my xe nova Running after many issues (big thanks to will f) just started her up, and let her tick over till warm i then took her down the road and she went really well pulled hard, but then pulled up outside my house went to rev it and she cut out then wouldn't start!!!! give it 5 min and she started quite tappy but then quitened down and ticked over lovely any ideas??????

Will F
13-10-10, 08:41 AM
Get the oil changed (not that thats the problem - just do it lol) - could be all manner of things..

When it wouldnt start was it trying to fire? Could be (lack of) fuel somehow?

Need to get it to do it again - and run the normal non-start problems - mainly checking fule and spark...

It didnt overheat did it?

13-10-10, 08:51 PM
stuff settled in the fuel tank, blocking filter?

david dixon
17-10-10, 12:50 AM
if it does it again check to see if there is a spark at the time, if not you might have a dodgey pump relay.
