View Full Version : 2 head gaskets?

22-05-03, 10:32 PM
So was buying a 16gsi bottom end today and the guy said,
'done the rings in again then!'

'Yep'. I replies.

He says 'You should use 2 head gaskets.One on top of another. That'll stop it.'

He then showed me a Calibra turbo nova and a Calibra turbo Astra. Both had 2 head gaskets.

Why would this stop me doin the rings in?

22-05-03, 10:43 PM
worth a try i suppose, i take no responsability for u though, :lol:

23-05-03, 12:25 AM
well the stacked gaskets lower compression

the reason the turbos were running that was prolly to get the compression low enough to run more boost

high compressoin CAN melt rings but its unlikely unless your head has been heavily skimmed or summat

plus 2 gaskets is an extra point of weakness in the engine

23-05-03, 11:15 PM
high compressoin CAN melt rings but its unlikely unless your head has been heavily skimmed or summat

could be the reason he is getting through a lot of bottom ends?