View Full Version : Ipad's...

29-09-10, 12:29 PM
Anyone got experience of them?

Pro's con's etc, Also whereis the cheapest place to get one? My sister is off to the states next month and said she will get one or i am going to hong kong in december if thats cheaper still.

29-09-10, 12:58 PM

29-09-10, 12:58 PM
FIL has one, its erm alright, but its not a replacement for a laptop/pc as you still NEED one to sync up etc.

I love the product jsut I dont see any point whatsoever in owning one lol.
Making quick presentaitons is cool in keynotes, and some of the games are fantastic

Although I do want the BB playbook next year for some reason.. hmm

29-09-10, 01:00 PM
is that dars dad??

29-09-10, 01:00 PM
Was hoping you would reply jake as see you with one every time the F1 is on! lol

I currently have pc in front room but get shouted at for sitting on it so its being banished to spare room, so was thinking of ipad for sitting in front of telly lol

Also when im at work sometimes i sit around for few hours with nothing to do so though ipad for watching movies and generally assing about on.

29-09-10, 01:04 PM
you need to read up on what film formats Apple will let you watch.... :(

29-09-10, 01:05 PM
The only attraction for me would be the screen size to watch films, other that that it's just a really big iPod touch to me lol

( I use the browser on the iPhone rather than the pc )

29-09-10, 01:05 PM
my boss has just bought one. he was trying to explain why he needs it but couldnt actually think of a good reason. said something about needing it for meetings to save him having to carry 6 sheets of paper with him. even though an eyepad or whatever is er... heavier and thicker :tard:

the suggestion of 'stay at work and do something for your company' didnt go down well lol total waste of £700 imo

paul james
29-09-10, 01:07 PM
Have a look at Netbooks, they are cheap and other than demanding games, can do anything your PC does.

29-09-10, 01:16 PM
Have a look at Netbooks, they are cheap and other than demanding games, can do anything your PC does.

I nabbed a samsung NC10 from my old man, and its fecking woeful for browsing... tiny screen FTL

paul james
29-09-10, 01:21 PM
I nabbed a samsung NC10 from my old man, and its fecking woeful for browsing... tiny screen FTL

Same one I have, I suppose it depends what you are used to, but I have no problem with using the 1024x600 resolution. You don't have your browser screen filled with stupid Google search, favourites, anti virus bars and the like?

I wouldn't want to use a netbook as my only computer, but then an Ipad is even less functional and costs way more.

29-09-10, 01:31 PM
Its used as the spare for when the macbook is being used.

Safari with a super small toolbar, and its still nastily small. there is only so much you can get on such a small TFT.

29-09-10, 06:28 PM
Can't see the use for them at all.

As already said, you still need a lappy to sync with, so just use the lappy then.

Problem is it's an Apple i-product so people will go iDaft over them.

29-09-10, 06:48 PM
But i have a desktop not a laptop and dont really fancy lugging a big laptop everywhere with me.

29-09-10, 06:55 PM
Do you need the Internet everywhere you go?

I don't.

If you do, buy a net book of small laptop, it's cheaper.

29-09-10, 07:24 PM
Problem is it's an Apple i-product so people will go iDaft over them.

+1 :thumb:

29-09-10, 08:51 PM
But i have a desktop not a laptop and dont really fancy lugging a big laptop everywhere with me.

have a look at the asus eeeeeeeeeeetablet thing. Should do a similar job.

30-09-10, 12:27 PM
It's a great little product but because it's apple it's massively overpriced for what it is. If they were comparable with netbook prices then everyone should buy one - but is it worth double for the perceived cool factor? Personally no.

30-09-10, 12:33 PM
I'd have one for the same reason Ben wants one, but I'm not willing to pay apple tax (I did on the laptop, but then at the time it was the cheapest way to get a DVI port enabled laptop, so it turned otu to save money getting an apple lol)

30-09-10, 12:35 PM
I've got one. Really pleased with it, and I am the least gadget orientated luddite going. You should see my phone.

Net browsing is great: no waiting ages to boot up, log on, open up browser etc. Just instant connection and internet.

I make bespoke furniture, so it's great for taking to meetings and showing clients photographs. Again no faffing with Windows, booting up, logging on etc which takes an age with a lappy.

Just a simple, cool bit of kit. Which I like. Yes it's expensive, but the best always is.

30-09-10, 12:45 PM
i'm thinking of selling these as iFOOD.... reckon i'll get any takers

30-09-10, 04:35 PM
Well done some research and looks like can get one for less than half the uk rrp so might go for it!

30-09-10, 06:47 PM
Well done some research and looks like can get one for less than half the uk rrp so might go for it!

where from, wanna buy two lol

30-09-10, 06:48 PM
in both the us and hong kong according to the local websites.

paul james
30-09-10, 10:42 PM
in both the us and hong kong according to the local websites.

You could get stung with a nasty import tax bill for it though.

01-10-10, 08:22 AM
Take it out the box and put it in a case, who knows i never took it out with me?