View Full Version : Water problem Let nova

28-09-10, 06:33 PM
Right another problem to add to the long list im trying to sort out.

What would be the cause for no water getting to the heater matrix??

ive checked its not blocked and also when the car has been run for some time the rad gets hot and the top and bottom rad hoses but the heater matrix ones dont.

Do you think the Water pump may have gone?

Another quick question White smoke from back means headgasket right??? What is the best one to get for the LET?

Regards Joe

28-09-10, 06:34 PM

28-09-10, 06:36 PM
Is it definately plumbed in? I'd get a cometic gasket of Sbs, does it run mega hot?

28-09-10, 06:38 PM
Right atm its still got a Cav/ calibra Temp sensor so i cant actually tell if its running hot or not.

It didnt origanally have a thermostat in it but its now got a second hand let one (will be replacing as soon as LMF send my cool running one out with fan switch)

Right as for plumbing in its all correct as far as im aware, will explain the best in words as i can.

Plastic pipe at back of engine has the heater matrix plumbed in and the bottom rad connected, The other end the pipe joing the engine and has another pipe going to the turbo.

Thermostat housing to rad,

Bottom of expansion tank to side of head,

And then the Overflow has the Turbo Tee'd into it

28-09-10, 06:40 PM
Closed thermostat making the engine run to hot and the headgasket fails?

28-09-10, 06:47 PM
The engine didnt have a thermostat in when i bought it and its was still smoking white not all the time thou,

When im waiting for the turbo to cool :(

28-09-10, 06:56 PM
When does it puff out smoke, when its hot and the turbo is idling?

28-09-10, 07:03 PM
try flushing the matrix with a hosepipe

28-09-10, 07:07 PM
try flushing the matrix with a hosepipe

took words out of my mouth.

craig green
28-09-10, 07:31 PM
I spent hours fluching a matrix, the driveway was like a gravy river. It still didnt heat the cabin.

My advice is a new one. I got a VALEO one for £32 iirc. Waaay cheaper than Vauxhall want for one.

[edit] price has gone up since I bought one...


link doesnt work for product, but that's where mine came from..

28-09-10, 07:40 PM
Just a thought have you done a compression test to see if you've maybe got a gasket problem?

28-09-10, 07:49 PM
Get some pics up ffs

Lee H
28-09-10, 08:54 PM
Pipe on the side of the head should go to matrix and a pipe from the Black plastic pipe goes to expansion tank.

28-09-10, 08:58 PM
As Lee says, get a normal stat in the system too. Is the waterpump spinning ok?

28-09-10, 08:59 PM
Pipe on the side of the head should go to matrix and a pipe from the Black plastic pipe goes to expansion tank.


28-09-10, 09:00 PM
Shagged waterpump i reckon

28-09-10, 09:13 PM

This x2! Your heater will be cold if not plumbed correctly. :)

28-09-10, 11:44 PM
right so the pipe on the bottom of the expansion tank should go to the black plastic pipe where i currently have it going to the head, and the heater matrix to the side of the head,

Ive hosed the Heater matrix out, and i will look into getting a new one but i think its cause it isnt plumbed in correctly

This makes sence really. How do i check if the water pump is spinning?

Anyone got these pipes for me?? lol

28-09-10, 11:45 PM
check all pipes are hot evenly

28-09-10, 11:53 PM
well at the moment they are all hot. bar the 2 heater matrix pipes,

Im guessing that cause there are both in the black plastic pipe water will take the easiest route and are skipping the matrix

29-09-10, 07:32 AM
Have a look at this pic ...


You'll see the hose from the side of the head goes round the head and then connects to one of the heater matrix pipes. The exit from the heater matrix is then plumbed into the piccolo tube (black plastic pipe that bolts to the back of the block) on the back of the block.

The bottom hose on the expansion tank goes to the other end of the same piccolo tube .

The water return from the turbo is feed into the small connector on the top of the rad.

Hope this helps


29-09-10, 07:54 AM
If the matrix is just piped from the plastic tube then there's no flow to it/pressure so the way wont move thru it. The out let on the head gets alot of pressure there and is bloody hot, hence why it's the one to use.

29-09-10, 11:09 AM
Cheers for the pic joff but in your pic where have you got the top of the expansion bottle going to?

Is it wrong my turbo feed is tee'd into the top outlet and then carries on to the overflow of theexpabsion bottle?

That's for your help everyone as I will get a projects thread up soon with pics :)

29-09-10, 11:15 AM
you better do joe!

i want to see this in the flesh!

29-09-10, 12:46 PM
the pipe from the side of the head goes to the heater matrix which yours isnt ant the one from the bottom of the water bottle goes to the same plastic pipe the bottom radiator hose goes to then walaaaa the circuit going the proper way and water should pass throught the matrix now giving you a nice toastie cabin

29-09-10, 01:17 PM
Ok I get it now just need the hoses :( anyone got them?

29-09-10, 01:26 PM
get loads hose from a scrappy and make something up.

all i did on mine

Tony M
29-09-10, 01:42 PM
I just got loads of old 8v vauxhall hoses.

29-09-10, 01:42 PM
get loads hose from a scrappy and make something up.

all i did on minesame as i had to do

29-09-10, 02:05 PM
or call roose motorsport.

29-09-10, 02:32 PM
Joe check this out..


turbo there for 85quid!

29-09-10, 02:41 PM
thats phillip of here selling the turbo.

and i have a bunch of pipes from a LET and XE.

any one got any pics and i will go have a hunt.

29-09-10, 05:25 PM
Cheers for the pic joff but in your pic where have you got the top of the expansion bottle going to?

Its goes round the back of the block and Tee's into the pipe that comes out of the head near the alternator bracket.


29-09-10, 05:46 PM
ok is it better doing it that way? could i keep it the way mine is atm or will i still get problems?

And shaun i would rather that £85 went to rebuilding my turbo cause then at least i know its right.

Not knocking phillp but at the end of the day i could chuck that on and it be funked in a week