View Full Version : E-sure hmmmmmmmm

22-05-03, 01:53 PM
I know this company doesnt deal with modded cars and insures only safe drivers, but its a bit harsh when u have 4 yrs ncb, they wont even quote you on

1. PUG 106 GTI (fair enough i thought)

2. Nova GSI (hmmm weird)

3. Nova SR (WTF!! )

details used included, 4 yrs ncb, 22 yrs, licence held for 4.5 yrs etc etc

Now i know Ade works for esure, so give us the low down?? wots the policy, only like over 25s for group 6 or above or summit, i know u gota ghave 4 yrs ncb but if your under 25 u cant get insurance on anything :(



22-05-03, 01:57 PM
Phone them back and try and get a quote on a 1987 1.0 Nova or something Will... just to see if you can get insurance on ANYTHING at all.

They gotta give you a quote on something surely!! I could be wrong but dont their adverts only say 4 years NCB. No mention of age etc, and surely if you werent old enough, they would just say so???

22-05-03, 02:02 PM
done online, as 1. i was bored and 2. wanted to see prices of cars when i get older, still thought it was weird

ade?............ hehe

22-05-03, 02:08 PM
esure= old drivers who smell of wee (apart from ade of course) :wink:

22-05-03, 03:29 PM
well next time they deny oucar say that they are to old and stupid to konw that modded cars can be safer and you will go down theier and rip thier heads off, might work or u might get a visit form the rozzers

22-05-03, 03:31 PM
lol - my 4th day here and got to admit most of us newbies are asking what cars do they insure?

They have a very strict criteria but once youre in your well away.

Take it from me - unless you have a standard car (no after factory fitted mods) AT ALL you aint got a chance.

They dont insure "high powered top spec" models like GTI's GTE's SXi's etc across all makes.

No convictions under 25, min age male 21 female 19 - min 4 yrs ncb (can be accrued if on another policy like yer dads) - but unlike other insurers you dont just stop accruing discount at 4yrs NCB - you can go up to 10 yrs and have a max of 75% discount!

Thayre v good - but they dont accept modded (after market) mods - this make the car more likely to be stolen or other drivers to "challenge you".

What theyre aiming for is the 85% safe "invisible" majority - all those bland cars out there - they do insure high powered cars (TT's) but theyre expensive.

Get a bland car and save a ton - get a modded car and use a mod friendsly company.

Its v interesting to see how a policy/claim is made up - certainly opens yer eyes.

Can assure the majotity of ya that most will be doing things with their cars (not mods) that will invalidate the policy on most insurance policies if ever you were unlucky to have a smash - thing is unless you read yer policy book you aint never gonna realise.

So read it!

(my advice)


22-05-03, 03:37 PM
A typical ade answer, long but useful.

So what you're saying is that most people dont realise that even the most mundane run of the mill little changes would invalidate their insurance?

22-05-03, 03:58 PM
will the 106 gti is a real nice car to drive (although not if you're over 6ft) the g/f has one
insurance companies are wierd creatures, me mate had exactly the same car near identical profile but he lives in the next village an was payin nearly ?100 more than me
work that one out

22-05-03, 04:00 PM
I was given a 75% discount after just 3 years ncb by Privilege insurance (i have 4 now. Or is it 5!? Can't remember lol), and they cover modified cars too. They cover up to ?3,000 of bodywork modifications, and ?2,000 of i.c.e.

22-05-03, 04:18 PM
but unlike other insurers you dont just stop accruing discount at 4yrs NCB - you can go up to 10 yrs and have a max of 75% discount!

LV give me 77.7 on both cars!

24-05-03, 11:42 PM
feck - 77.7%!

im currently with LV - might have to have a word with them what I come to renew!

ironically, my renewal ties in nicely with my moving house to a small middle of nowhere village with a secure garage and culd-e-sac!

24-05-03, 11:57 PM
esure= old drivers who smell of wee (apart from ade of course) :wink: :lol:

nice one. sounds a bit poo for the likes of most of us.