View Full Version : Turbo help

20-09-10, 07:54 PM
Right im new at this turbo stuff but ive currently bought a Let'd Nova and i have a question

On the actuator there is a bar with bolts on that join onto something on the turbo.

Does it matter where abouts the bolts are or is this something that needs setting up propperly?

Sorry for no techincal terms but i havent a clue haha

Cheers for help

20-09-10, 07:58 PM
yep it matters where they are, needs setting correctly.

20-09-10, 08:06 PM
arhh ok do you know how or is it a rolling road jobby

20-09-10, 08:09 PM
the actuator actuates the wastegate, so yes it needs setting properly or the wastegate wont shut properly or will open too late :thumb: im guessing thats what you are referring to

20-09-10, 08:11 PM
A simple way you can do your self to test/set up.

Get a boost gauge on it, nail it, it should hold 9-10 psi and over boost to about 11-12. If its lower then wing the nuts in which moves the bar.

If you get to high it with dump the boost (trust me you'll know when it does that) you can also do it with a hand air pump.

20-09-10, 08:17 PM
Is there not just a set amount of threads showing at the top of the threaded bar for standard boost ?

On my z20let it was 6 threads showing at the top end, or is that just pikey way of doing it ?

20-09-10, 08:18 PM
would it be safe to drive not setup?

20-09-10, 08:18 PM
that would be a good way of getting it sumat like Edd

20-09-10, 08:19 PM
would it be safe to drive not setup?

yes, you will soon know if its not set right. But i would advise fitting a boost gauge first to monitor the peak boost pressure :)

20-09-10, 08:24 PM
I can measure mine if you want, its a standard set up..

20-09-10, 08:30 PM
its got a boost gauge on it but the boost gauge goes from -1 bar up to 1 bar

It sits at -1 is this normal then i put my foot down and it goes up

Yes ben that would be ideal

20-09-10, 08:33 PM
not quite sure, but pretty sure it should sit at Zero on idle

20-09-10, 08:34 PM
Mine when on normal driving is on - psi as the turbo is making boost. That's normal. Its only when you nail it it starts making boost..

Gimme 2 mins.

20-09-10, 08:38 PM
although it should go into vacuum when off throttle (-boost) which is why rally cars use anti-lag to bring the off throttle boost from say -20psi to around +8psi to reduce lag on gearchanges and so on. I think this is right lol

20-09-10, 08:44 PM
any good?


20-09-10, 08:46 PM
100% mate cheers

Do i tighten the bolts right up to it?

20-09-10, 09:01 PM
Yes, they hold the arm to the bar as it moves.

20-09-10, 09:02 PM
ok thanks for that you have been repped

20-09-10, 09:05 PM
Cool cool. Glad to help.

21-09-10, 06:57 AM
Benn doing your own photoshops, I am impressed lol

21-09-10, 07:52 AM
Paint ftw.