View Full Version : stupid police

21-05-03, 12:29 AM

in one week o have been stopped / spoken to twice.

first time) sitting in park with friend in the seat, caught on camera crimewatch van tours the park car park. decides to drive past, cos im looking in mirror to see whats going on he thinks im shifty, and reverses back up and blocks me in.

dosenty believe its my car as its modified and is nice looking, does a PNC check, asks some other questions, i can prove who i am, asks for documents i think oh no producer coming........ he looked at the bottom of my v5 which i have had in my wallet for exactly a year... and comments why do u still drive a nova, have u not realised after a year there sh!t :O in the end he saw driving license and cos i said i was on lunch break from college and there was a macdonalds bag in the passenger footwell, and i had my college id card from down the road he let me go........

second time) leave college today, and see police two cars back, notice how polcie dodges between trafic on single lane / two way road, and follows me for 500yds.

puts on the blues and pulls me.

reason being i hadnt got my seat belt on. i said excuse me oh mighty officer sir (not being rude!) but i have one on....... illustrates my harness, he says, well whats wrong with the other seatbelt (standard one) and i says nothing but there not designed for these seats, i am removing them soon when my roll cage comes.

he comments on how my seats and harnesses cant be legal as i fitted them myself :evil: and then says you will have to jump in the back of the panda car and we will have to give you a prodcuer as bucket seats, stupid harnesses and roll cages are not road legal (if modified by the public :S)

jump in panda car much to my discust - as everyone walking home from college by this time has come up the footpath and gone past me laffing.......

just as he is writing producer - call on the radio they said they had to go to a local safeways as there was a problem there, and that all this "prodcuer malarky" is a waste of time and time consuming paper work, be on your way son

i thought great stuff - what a waste of time.


21-05-03, 01:36 AM
the police are w*nk*rs, if you look at the state of Birmingham, it is obvious that they rae too buzy pulling over inocent drivers than actually out there catching the law breakers!

i cold give the west mid police, names, address and details of a loads of criminals i know, but what will the police do about it? PHUCK ALL cuz these criminals are grassers for the police!

cant believe it, the pigs pay these inbreds to grass up there own mates and kepe them out of prison!

i know a guy who killed an elderly guy just for a few quid, but the police told the jury not to imprison him as he was there snitch!

PHUKIN hopeless!, lol, but Mike, you do look like a dodgy character! ;)

21-05-03, 02:21 AM
whenever i get pulled, give them their moment of glory, dont bother getting shirty or visibly appearing pissed off or anything, play their game your way and if you havnt done anything wrong - what can they do you for

21-05-03, 02:23 AM
i was drivin through northampton one winter night at 3am a couple of years ago in my old 1.2

I was pulled over by one copper in a VOLVO (thought they was supposed to go round in pairs so they can hold each others hand)

the reason..............................
and i quote.............................

"because my car looks suspiciously like its stolen"

apparently because its a nova and because i was young, i had obviously nicked it.

he even had the cheek to say he thought i'd smashed the driver side window to gain entry and looked totally dumb founded wen i tried to explain that the window was down to let in cold air and keep me more alert as recommended in the theory test (i think lol, hey its been nearly 3yrs)

21-05-03, 09:24 AM
well im defo investing in a decent snooper with the amount of those strangly marked white vans iv seen recently. i drive 15miles work work everyday on the a50, the general traffic flow is about 80-90mph and the limit is 50/70. luckily today i was actually doin 70 as i was level with it by the time i realisd what it was, just a white van with red writing on the side in weird italics with a camera on a tripod on the roof.

21-05-03, 09:32 AM
police are rubbish

fuking pig cash points

21-05-03, 10:51 AM

he comments on how my seats and harnesses cant be legal as i fitted them myself :evil: and then says you will have to jump in the back of the panda car and we will have to give you a prodcuer as bucket seats, stupid harnesses and roll cages are not road legal (if modified by the public :S)


do what i do

print off a copy of the mot testers manual and carry it in the car.
No way of disputing it then

21-05-03, 03:12 PM
All i can fucking say about the thick $hits is....................

....Oink Oink!! :P :P :P

21-05-03, 11:01 PM
I got pulled not long ago for not havin a number plate light so next day i used me old one an turned it upside down to light the plate as i got flushed boot then about a week later the same copper pulled me for under car lighting an it was the bumper plate light shinning on the road so told him i either have not number plate light or it shinng on the road an he left with his tail between his legs lol

21-05-03, 11:03 PM
:lol: i just find it funny how they waste everyones time when they could be catching real car thieves, paedophiles, or even better rapists

21-05-03, 11:42 PM
the police r a waste of time saying that though i only been pulled once in 7 months by a un marked police car they were shite at there job i had a bold tyre and no numberplate light all they done was check the tax and let me go i even drove away with no headlights on

wij 264
22-05-03, 11:27 AM
when i bought my nova gte i got pulled 4 times in 8 days. I thought what the f**k is going on here. I could only put it down to either they hated me or the guy left a doughnut making machine in my boot that i bought it off.

22-05-03, 11:39 AM
All i can fcuk say about the thick $hits is....................

....Oink Oink!! :P :P :P

go carla, its ur birfday!!

i hate police, they really piss me off, always get pulled by pigs in my mates cars, then get searched.

my mate got revenge and battered a copper round the estate, was well funny.

:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

22-05-03, 11:51 AM
I fucking hate them, they are always raidin my dads house, and they neva find anything (luckily my dad hides wat they look 4)


22-05-03, 11:58 AM
lol, DAD-REBEL. my old man's dodgy i jus found out, lol. got accused of takin speed and smokin gange by my parents the other day and my mum goes to my dad "he didnt get it off u did he?" and my dad goes "u know i dont do that sh1t anymore" i was like "WHAT THE FCUK?!" lol.

22-05-03, 12:04 PM
Cool :) :D :D 8) 8)

i luv my dad man, hes so a rebel!!

he dont smoke da reffa..........wat?.....who am i kiddin??

more like i dont smoke da reefa.....wat?.....who am i kiddin again??

*must stop tellin myself these stupid lies*

23-05-03, 08:57 AM
tut tut.

23-05-03, 11:01 AM
yeah but who cares????...........not me! :lol: :P :P

23-05-03, 11:59 AM
can i swop dads he sounds mint

Chris LR
23-05-03, 12:03 PM
Ahh Good ol' West Mids Police.....

I've still got all the stolen DIY stuff that was left in my Nova after it was nicked, that was 2 years ago

23-05-03, 12:50 PM
Hell no my dad is the best!!

If i want sumat he just walks into a shop and he walks straight out, as he nos all the security guards and they dont say nothin 2 him.......lol

23-05-03, 01:26 PM

You think thats a good thing??? :o :? :x

23-05-03, 01:38 PM

Yeh anyways Mike did you get there PC numbers?? The police are there to protect the public, not abuse them.

Report them to complains and dicipline about there attitude...

I await the day a police officer is rude to me... Ill just give them my mobile and get them to ring my dad... "when you get through to the main switchboard just ask for Chief Inspector Breen"


In all honesty though, all the police Ive come across so far have been sound and have pulled me over for legitimate reasons.. If you break the law you have to face the consequences... but like you said if you've done nothing wrong then they shouldn't be cunts just cos they were wrong :evil:

Chris LR
23-05-03, 07:35 PM
But West Mids are so stupid, when they think they've caught a shoplifter they call as much back-up as possible, including the helicopter!

But when a real shoplifter is caught (at Index - 2 mins walk from Cop Shop) it takes them 90 minutes to respond.

A Joke!

23-05-03, 11:53 PM
never thought to get their numbers :( was too much in shock by what had gone on and what had been said

i said exactly the same thing to my dad that i shudda got them