View Full Version : Honda Vision help

18-05-03, 11:45 PM
Lads (and Ladets)

between me and 3 other friends, we managed to totaly screw my m8 james' honda vision scooter (old skool) we despritly need pannels for it indicators at low prices.

ANY HELP VERY WELCOME (except "scrap it")

cherz Wigz

18-05-03, 11:53 PM
you can fetch them pretty cheap i mean the whole thing look for one thats for sale http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2415261010&category=23044 here you go hury up though

18-05-03, 11:59 PM
yea we also had a nicked honda vision during our skool life they were funny little bikes i thought they were pretty nippy now i just laugh at the spped they go

19-05-03, 12:01 AM
hehehe! it all comes out now then your thieving lives! lol. theres a v.good advert on e-bay but for now i cant use that. i washoping some1 had a fukced up old on int here garage or sumat.


19-05-03, 12:09 AM
we ripped them all of cos the biked was nicked anyways lol, plus it had been crashed into everyhedge and wall we had ever seen (actualy by acident cos we were shit riders)

lol, as if i dont know that feeling. hehehe it has to be the nippyest 50 iv ever seen. it has a mind of its own on the acceloration front. i put it up a wall and wiped the left hand side out. me m8 doughnutted out of contron and took the right hand side off, me other m8 just open the throtel totaly up with out barley sitting out it and practicley wrote the whole thiong off. so we need to sort it out for james out of respect as he hopes to ride it in a few months.

19-05-03, 12:12 AM
i was young and wanted to be in with the right crowd ( the hard lot with all the birds) i am still in with them now after 8 years and i am the only one not to have a criminal record thers bout 11 of us but visions were the things to nick when you were younger oh and stealing peoples milk lol at 5 in the morning i know i am telling you to break the lAW BUT Y NOT STEAL ONE get what u need off it and burn it

19-05-03, 12:15 AM
LOL! in this day an age! nah no offence but i h8 getting things nicked off me, im not a thief. how ever it is good advice....i have a few dopey friends who might be up for it. hmmmm chers never thought of that

19-05-03, 12:21 AM
i hate theifs at the mo i aint going home i am staying at my mums as theifs are back in my area and dont want my ice stolen but saying that my car was in the street for 3 days and my dads van was done but not my car maybe i know the person and they know me so aint touching it i have a few dopey mates too we once said to our mate on a weekend in weyemouth to jump off the peir at 1 in the morning in the middle of december as he needed money for more beer he never in the end 40 quid he would have got that nite but he is quality

19-05-03, 01:30 AM
BUT Y NOT STEAL ONE get what u need off it and burn it

I'd have the paramedics wrap your head like a hindu.

21-05-03, 08:00 PM
i had a honda vision.

then it got nicked, and if anyone thinks stealing other people's property, whatever it is, is cool, then i'll cut your fcuking arms off

stupid twats

21-05-03, 08:59 PM
i aint a theif just hung around with them never stolen any thing in my life but i have been on a stolen bike as i said i aint been home due to theifs in my area

21-05-03, 09:00 PM
nothing personal but....

b o l l o c k s


21-05-03, 09:45 PM