View Full Version : Mk2 dash wiring

31-08-10, 06:22 AM
Gonne be fitting my mk2 dash today that I received from colin (cheers)

I noticed a black wire quite thick attached behind the dash round about where the ciggarette lighter is, I can get a pic later on of it

anyone know what it is? Also my mo1 dash never had a cig lighter or clock so will the wires be there for them already just taped up or would I have to wire them in


31-08-10, 08:54 AM
Just run fresh wiring, its easier than bodging about looking for the right wires that may not even be there.

31-08-10, 01:42 PM
Where's the easiest place to take the feeds from? Are the both permanent lives for the cig lighter and clock?

This is the black wire I don't know what's for.

31-08-10, 01:47 PM
Looks like a homemade earth, where is the other end?

31-08-10, 01:51 PM
Dosnt go anywhere just a bare end

31-08-10, 02:00 PM
If that end in the pic is onto that screw then bit it, it's not factory and IMO an earth done poorly.

31-08-10, 02:53 PM
Yeah it just goes to a screw

I've just took out my mk1 dash and found a toggle swithch behind the glove box that's stickered alarm lol dosnt connect to anything though

31-08-10, 03:07 PM
On the mk2 headlight swith there's a black wire but no black on my mk1 loom

Any ideas?

31-08-10, 04:02 PM
This one looks harder than it is. The Mk1 connector has 3 pins, whilst the Mk2 has 4 pins. However, the Mk2 has a looped connector on pin 4 (to pin 3) - follow the Mk2 loom up from the switch and you will see the looped connection. Ignore this loop and leave it as is, connect the grey/green wire that goes off into the loom to the yellow wire on the Mk1 loom.

I can't see any yellow wire to connect the greY/green wire to do I just join the grey/green and grey/yellow together then to the grey/green on the mk1 loom

31-08-10, 05:38 PM
Jack made a guide up, look in the articles section, I've never changed a mk1 to mk2

31-08-10, 05:45 PM
As far as I remember, the headlamp is a colour-for-colour splice when using a Mk2 plug on a Mk1 loom. I'll take a look in Haynes in a bit just to make sure.

[edit] Just looked. Are you sure you've not got the heated RW/blower plug? Thats got the looped black wire on it, not the headlamp one.

31-08-10, 11:22 PM
Nope definitely the headlamp plug has a single black wire from it, ivve taped it off and everythings working fine apart from the rev counter

I wired the green wire forcthe rev counter and it worked fine took it for a drive and when I got back it had stopped working, I checked the wires and they were still connected

I went to the others halfs house and it worked for a while again but has stopped

does the green wire carry a voltage so I can test if it's the wiring or clocks

02-09-10, 01:58 AM
Anyone know how to test the wire forcthe rev counter?