View Full Version : F20 Gasket & Seal Kits

30-08-10, 04:43 PM
Will be getting the box checked over and will have all the gaskets and seals replaced before it goes in.

There's a kit on eBay for the F16/18/20 etc well under £20.

Has anyone used bits like this off eBay? Any issues on quality?

I'm still on the hunt for other kits on the web, any recommendations are welcome.


30-08-10, 04:51 PM
Yep i've used them before, Quality was good, gaskets were fine.

30-08-10, 05:05 PM
Cheers :thumb:

01-09-10, 02:37 PM
I've just ordered some seals and gaskets from http://www.transmission-rebuild-kits.co.uk/ Think he's 'fasttrack bearings' on eBay.

Had some from eBay from someone called 'main-train' or something for an F13 box and they were fine.

01-09-10, 09:00 PM
Will try him too :thumb: