View Full Version : tax

29-08-10, 12:21 AM
i am still a student but i got taxed for working i am intitiled to claim it back but dont no how to go about it and help pleas ?

29-08-10, 10:23 AM
Phone your local tax office, they'll send you a form to fill in.

29-08-10, 11:33 AM
thanks mate will go and give that a try

General Baxter
29-08-10, 11:55 AM
does it not depends on the 16 hour rule, student or not,

note, get off your **** and work full time, lol

29-08-10, 01:12 PM
i dont think its even that baxter, its all to do with how much you earn. the 16 hour rule is just for if your on the dole. basically if you earn more than £4750 or whatever your tax group is then you will get taxed. thats my understanding of it anyway. works out at about £90 a week you can earn tax free

General Baxter
29-08-10, 01:13 PM
works out at about £90 a week you can earn tax free

**** that, i want more then that a day lol

29-08-10, 01:16 PM
**** that, i want more then that a day lol

thats only because you spend £50 a day on pies

29-08-10, 01:17 PM
i would work full time if i could and at least im making an effort i work when and if i can ill do anything plus am going to collage to do something i want to do so i can get a job i want in the future and as for the dole ill never be on it thiers always ways of making money thier is no need to sign on if u try hard enought and stop being lazy

29-08-10, 01:28 PM
i would work full time if i could and at least im making an effort i work when and if i can ill do anything plus am going to collage to do something i want to do so i can get a job i want in the future and as for the dole ill never be on it thiers always ways of making money thier is no need to sign on if u try hard enought and stop being lazy

not always the case im 18 left school at 16 and went straight into my first job and worked for just over a year and a half and got made redundant, so i signed on to keep paying my car insurance as i couldnt cancel it and have been looking for a job everyday since march and in that time ive only hear back from a few employers and had just 2 interviews

and im not lazy i signed on just to get by

and i managed to earn upto 4k before i started getting taxed

29-08-10, 01:32 PM
thiers always money to be made depending on your morrals and depending on what you want to do in life i am going to collage becouse i want to be a personall trainer and the only way i can become qualified to do that is to go to collage if not id rather just get a job

29-08-10, 01:40 PM
thiers always money to be made depending on your morrals and depending on what you want to do in life i am going to collage becouse i want to be a personall trainer and the only way i can become qualified to do that is to go to collage if not id rather just get a job

i also tryd collage and never got in, but i disagree there isnt always ways to make money but fair play if you can

29-08-10, 01:43 PM
collage is a hit or miss depending on what corse you want to do most of them are full half a year in advance

29-08-10, 04:37 PM
svlet, whats your tax code? Should be something like 675L?

You should be entitled to earn £6750-ish a year tax free. You've been taxed because either you've earned over the monthly threshold, or your employer doesn't know your tax code so they're using an "emergency" one (in which case it will be something like BR).

This is assuming its your only job btw. If its a second job, you'll be taxed 20% on every penny you earn in that particular job.

Anyway, come the end of the tax year you will be entitled to claim the tax back.

29-08-10, 05:41 PM
thiers always money to be made depending on your morrals and depending on what you want to do in life i am going to collage becouse i want to be a personall trainer and the only way i can become qualified to do that is to go to collage if not id rather just get a job

Rentboy ? :wtf:

29-08-10, 05:57 PM
svlet, whats your tax code? Should be something like 675L?

You should be entitled to earn £6750-ish a year tax free. You've been taxed because either you've earned over the monthly threshold, or your employer doesn't know your tax code so they're using an "emergency" one (in which case it will be something like BR).

This is assuming its your only job btw. If its a second job, you'll be taxed 20% on every penny you earn in that particular job.

Anyway, come the end of the tax year you will be entitled to claim the tax back.

Correct, we managed to get out of paying tax in our 1st year off apprenaship.

As we worked from september to april. earning £6500, just under it, then after april, got a kick in the nutslol