View Full Version : Rj Automotive Front Bumper

xX NoVaBoY Xx
18-05-03, 02:50 AM
wanted, Rj Automotive Front Bumper if any1 knows wer i can get it from and how much it costs?

18-05-03, 07:43 PM
have you tried.....

hold on ive forgotton.

oh no! RJ Automotive?

19-05-03, 10:49 PM
?290 exc. P+P

19-05-03, 11:38 PM
wanted, Rj Automotive Front Bumper if any1 knows wer i can get it from and how much it costs?

opel nova was selling his..........

xX NoVaBoY Xx
19-05-03, 11:58 PM
yea he sold it now i wanted it off him.:(

20-05-03, 12:49 AM
yea he sold it now i wanted it off him.:(

bugger sorry about that - worth a try


20-05-03, 09:45 AM
I'm thinking about one of them, but think that it'll probably be too low. I was speaking to opel nova and when he had it on his car 16's lowered 60mm raised back up to 40mm, and he still said it was too low. And Southend-Speed Hump Central will just rip it off, or do you think that I would get away with it. It is a nice bumper but I think it would be better on a car rather than in pieces on the floor. Any ideas of how low this makes it??

20-05-03, 07:10 PM
i got one when i was at crail front bumper was 140, was from bad boy bodystyling 01216854555

20-05-03, 09:01 PM
They are Huge an Mega Low so be warned i had to sell it as it just wasn't practical!


20-05-03, 10:09 PM
Looks fuckin good, shame it's so low
In that pic you have got 14's though

20-05-03, 10:10 PM
in that pic i have an 16's work our just about dead on the same size with the difference in profile

20-05-03, 11:06 PM
i phoned RJ Automotive a few weeks back and inquired on their front bumper and the relocating of the fuel cap!

?150 for the bumper
?400 for the fuel cap relocation

does anyone have the copy of the redline edition their nova was featured in?

20-05-03, 11:21 PM
?150 for the bumper
?400 for the fuel cap relocation

ill relocate your uel cap for less than that!

email me!

21-05-03, 12:02 AM
Ill consider that mike!

21-05-03, 12:31 PM
Yeah 2.0 turbo blue nova full rj kit. leather cream and blue interior. looking at it as i type.

21-05-03, 11:13 PM
i foned rja back today, and asked again about prices!

front bumper ?250 (they obviously realise how populer it is!)
rear bumper ?200
fuel cap relocation ?450 (as it involves extenting the hose or summit!)
side skirts ?450 (as it involves blending them in)

24-05-03, 07:45 PM
Right then.....the bumper has always been ?250 from RJ, and Bad boy styling sell a copy of it for ?140.

The differance is simple the BBS one comes very rough with a lot of work to get it ready to paint. (it will still have the mould makes all over it, and pit holes).

The RJ one comes primered and ready to paint. Simple really why they sell it for more.