View Full Version : OH YES

16-05-03, 11:21 AM
mmmmmm only 6 hours of assesed work left and ill be done.

handed my dissertation in yesterday (20 hours early) making it the first time in my life ive ever handed something in before the deadline day.

hopefully by the end of the week ill have it running on the formula student car and ill be a god :D lol

oh by the way meet my ego lol

16-05-03, 11:46 AM
what course you done mate?

16-05-03, 11:51 AM
BEng Automotive Electronics Engieering (hons)

erm a mish mash of an IT/Electronics degree and a Motorsport engineering degree, with a hint of management waffle thrown in for dull measure

16-05-03, 11:53 AM
lmfao > sounds pretty good to me mate...

although that bit on the end you didnt make sound like too much fun :lol:

"for dull measure"

16-05-03, 01:25 PM
Well done to u sir

Ben (lurk75)
16-05-03, 01:29 PM
Automotive Electronics Engieering

hmmmm come and sort my GSi out then!

lol @ doing this course but cant even spell it correctly!

16-05-03, 04:37 PM
time to get the 125 Sting 16v out for some summer cruising

16-05-03, 05:34 PM
the 8V sting is being done ;) lol just had a play on the flowbench, make the port smaller and get more flow ;) bargin.

today i r a enginear