View Full Version : Corsa brake servo mod

13-08-10, 07:36 PM
Hi all,

Is there any how to guides on the corsa servo mod for a nova as I want to do this so that I can remove the nova brake balancer bar to reduce weight.

Any help would be great.

13-08-10, 07:45 PM
well, it is usually for more room & better braking, not weight reduction

there doesn't appear to be an article in the how to section..

craig green
13-08-10, 07:48 PM
It will reduce weight but is pretty longwinded for the sake of a kilo or two.

My WIP (search for it) is pretty detailed.

Essentially it involves cutting a hiole in the battery tray, shortening (weldiing) the actual pedal & creating a support for the Nova clutch pedal as it pivots with the std brake pedal on the same shared axis. (more welding & fabricating)

13-08-10, 07:52 PM
Have a bit of a search around, There is a tiny weight saving iirc though.

Its more for better pedal feel than weight saving.

Basic jist of fitting is cutting a hole in the battery tray (Although it is worth mentioning that the battery tray should be re-in forced due to the thickness of the metal), making a bracket for the clutch pedal (Some people cut off the brake pedal and turn it upside down and weld it to the bulkhead, which seems to work well with a bit of bracing), then its cutting down and moving over the corsa pedal and welding it up.

Brake lines will need to have all new ones made up. Servo hose will need custom making too (You just use rubber pipe with the two orignal ends and one way valve)

I am preety sure thats all, have a search and read as much about it as you can though.

Too slow really :(

craig green
13-08-10, 07:56 PM
Thats essentially it. I did that with the old brake pedal, but bolted it to the bulkhead not welded it. I woulkd advise on strengthening the battery tray area also. I wasnt concerned by it, but you can detect some flexing when pushing V-hard on the pedal. Naturally it wasnt designed for a brake servo to be mounted there. I would brace the underside to the inside of the bulkhead.

The grooves in the battery tray actually lend themselves to the Corsa pedal. Will become clear when you offer it up into position. Almost like GM thought of it. Sealing the hole is an issue also, as the battery tray is a drainage channel.

14-08-10, 12:03 AM
this should help