View Full Version : Rear Gearbox spacer?? Gear linkage F18

11-08-10, 10:07 PM
Right guys am mounting a F18 in my Nova, does the spacer go inbetween the floor and the rear mount ??

Or does it goe inbetween the mount and the Gearbox

Also what do I do with the linkage,

I have looked and don't really understand what I need to swop/change

Cheers Dan

12-08-10, 10:32 AM
The spacer bolts between the gearbox and gearbox mount (the metal one)
as for the linkage you have to swievel the white plastic bit around

12-08-10, 07:41 PM
As above mate also make sure you use the locking tab washers that come with the standard mount bolts on the longer bolts that you should have got with the mount kit mate.

17-08-10, 08:22 PM
Cheers guys
Would it be a good idea to weld the spacer on the mount and use studs and nuts reather than bolts?

My engine mount hass already broke so was just an idea

17-08-10, 09:14 PM
you would need to use permanent threadlocker (Loctite 271) for the studs into the gearbox, which would make removal of the gearbox mounting arm quite difficult as you would need to slide it off the studs! lol so i would stick with bolts pal