View Full Version : Dam this car!!!

waynes sri
09-08-10, 04:28 PM
as a few of you may have seen a was have crap luck with fuel pumps.so after buying a brand new one for it its never been the best a wanting to start.i can go out in it turn it off come back to it and it wont start??? or if it does will run for two secs and cut out? by putting power to the pump it starts it first time.but someone as checked and said power is getting to it? so went some were else today and was told it could be a fuel pump relay says its a big relay and its purple under dash?? is this true can anyone tell me were abouts this is? the bloke said cavs had a problem with them?? im really stuck with it no one knows

09-08-10, 05:01 PM
Does the car stay running if you run a separate live to the pump?

i take it you can here the pump prime when you turn the key and it cuts off after it run for a second or two.

any alarm\immobiliser?

PS: what engine?

09-08-10, 05:09 PM
the relay & connector on my mk1 get a bit dodgy with damp. wiggling the relay in the holder always fixes it.

09-08-10, 07:39 PM
Aernt the fuel pump relays on these under the bonnet next to the map sensor?

09-08-10, 07:59 PM
Yep clipped to the bulkhead.

waynes sri
09-08-10, 08:07 PM
Does the car stay running if you run a separate live to the pump?

i take it you can here the pump prime when you turn the key and it cuts off after it run for a second or two.

any alarm\immobiliser?

PS: what engine?
yes there on the bulkhead but he said there was underdash too but i dont have a clue this is just a piss take at the min....

yes jeff it will stay running once you have run the separate live to it.
no when you turn the key it dunt make a sound till you start to turn it over.but my dad said today he didnt hear the pump when it was turning over.
yes it as a alarm but just strange how it was fine till we put a new pump on

09-08-10, 08:13 PM
Get a new relay and run a new live feed to the fuse box and then to the pump

That's what I would do anyway

waynes sri
09-08-10, 08:16 PM
ive got a new relay so thats ok lol looks like a job for my dad lol

09-08-10, 08:51 PM
There is no other relay under the dash for fuel/ecu. ECU and fuel pump power come via the bulkhead relay. ECU controls fuel pump.

You should get ECU light and hear the pump priming when the key is turned to position 2. If you don't you have no power to the ECU, again points to the relay (and/or bad earths, check them all in the engine bay to be sure. There is also an ECU earth behind the glove box).

waynes sri
09-08-10, 09:17 PM
There is no other relay under the dash for fuel/ecu. ECU and fuel pump power come via the bulkhead relay. ECU controls fuel pump.

You should get ECU light and hear the pump priming when the key is turned to position 2. If you don't you have no power to the ECU, again points to the relay (and/or bad earths, check them all in the engine bay to be sure. There is also an ECU earth behind the glove box). ECU Light never seen one them? were is it lol.yea ive seen the ECU behind glove box.

09-08-10, 10:25 PM
Here you go:

It's yellow lol

waynes sri
10-08-10, 08:57 AM
oh now i get what you mean lol yep ive got one of them too

waynes sri
10-08-10, 09:44 PM
phazer made me think when he said there werent anymore relays when i rang vauxhall they said showing a few range from couple of quid upto 30 so could be more than one maybe??.. so today for the first time i was driving along and it cut out then two goes a starting wont start then fired up and was fine

11-08-10, 10:19 PM
There are plenty of relays above the fuse box (wiper delay, indicator, rear screen heater etc). There is only one that feeds power to the ECU though. What did you do, ask Vauxhall how many relays the car has? lol

When it cuts out and won't start again, pop the bonnet smack the relay with something hard (screwdriver etc) and try again. If it starts you know its the fuel pump relay.

11-08-10, 10:21 PM
I suppose it's worth adding that I know how this engine is wired as I very carefully cut out the old injection loom and spliced in the self made loom for the DTA. All using the factory wiring for ecu power and the fuel pump relay.

waynes sri
15-08-10, 04:33 PM
There are plenty of relays above the fuse box (wiper delay, indicator, rear screen heater etc). There is only one that feeds power to the ECU though. What did you do, ask Vauxhall how many relays the car has? lol

When it cuts out and won't start again, pop the bonnet smack the relay with something hard (screwdriver etc) and try again. If it starts you know its the fuel pump relay. lol no i just said is there a fuel pump relay at the back of the dash and he said i dont know theres a few fuel relays listed lol..ive got a feeling it could be the alarm as when i set it other day it went off bout five times in the end ive at to take power off the batt

waynes sri
18-08-10, 12:01 PM
so i try again took a hour to get it started yesterday and it run fine took it for a run came back turn it off then wouldnt start so i drove it down road and my plan was to get the AA out as id been to a few place to let them have a look and was closed and guess what everytime i started it it worked fine.but it seems like therees something telling it to cut off?

craig green
18-08-10, 12:10 PM
sounds like a dicky crank sensor to me. intermittent hot start issue.

This engine does run a crank sensor I assume? Have you flashed the fault codes off yet?

18-08-10, 12:11 PM
from what your saying sounds like an alarm/imoob fault

something telling the immobiliser to kick in

waynes sri
18-08-10, 12:21 PM
from what your saying sounds like an alarm/imoob fault

something telling the immobiliser to kick in no craig i dont have a clue what you mean haha.u mean having it pluged in?
and shaun im thinking the same but with out the alarm on the car i cant get in it as someone took the door locks out so after go in the boot also wont start as i wanted to try it with no alarm:confused:

18-08-10, 12:37 PM
so hang on, its on dta? or std vaux ecu? if its on dt does it not log faults? what yer describing is what craig has said....

waynes sri
18-08-10, 12:41 PM
so hang on, its on dta? or std vaux ecu? if its on dt does it not log faults? what yer describing is what craig has said.... not sure what dta is make but its all std vaux nothing as been changed

18-08-10, 01:35 PM
back to the thread... have you tried the relay?

craig green
18-08-10, 01:39 PM
How do you try a relay??

Spend £30 on a new one & hope you havent wasted your money???
As Phazer said, giving it a harp tap with a screwdriver handle can shock them back into life next time it dies or wont start. I used to have to do this on an old XE of mine.

But a failing crank sensor or even one with the wires breaking down will have similar symptoms.

The crank sensor is located on the oil pump housing, on the belt side of the engine & uses the teeth on the lower ulley as its referencing. Does that help?

18-08-10, 01:42 PM
my idea is to see if there is a good output on the relay to the pump.

waynes sri
18-08-10, 03:08 PM
How do you try a relay??

Spend £30 on a new one & hope you havent wasted your money???
As Phazer said, giving it a harp tap with a screwdriver handle can shock them back into life next time it dies or wont start. I used to have to do this on an old XE of mine.

But a failing crank sensor or even one with the wires breaking down will have similar symptoms.

The crank sensor is located on the oil pump housing, on the belt side of the engine & uses the teeth on the lower ulley as its referencing. Does that help?
yes i did as phazer said and gave it a tap also had a new one in and gave 3 others a go and still no look. but ill after take a look at the crank sensor see if wires or breaking etc how much will this set me back to fix

craig green
18-08-10, 03:13 PM
but ill after take a look at the crank sensor see if wires or breaking etc how much will this set me back to fix

no idea ask at a main stealership or even a pattern offering from a motor factors.

waynes sri
28-08-10, 03:25 PM
we have lift off it noe runs and all along it was the ****ing fuel pump i put a brand new one on and still thats what the problem was so chucked a old one on and she fired straight away.took my new one back and gave me another but bigger so makes me think they gave me the wrong one to start with had it had got hot so must have been working too hard

craig green
28-08-10, 03:26 PM
seems odd, check the wiring is OK to it. Earth (-ve) in particular.

waynes sri
28-08-10, 03:46 PM
well when we took it off i hooked it up to the car batt and it was just tappin and stoping and starting a think was ****ed from day one as when i put it on the car around 4.00 it took till around 7.00 to get started so think it just gen up in end

28-08-10, 06:35 PM
Running a fuel pump without fuel passing through it will f*** it in a few seconds flat - the fuel is the lubricant.

waynes sri
29-08-10, 11:45 AM
we did it to test it as went it was on the car we would turn it over and lay under it and you could hear it working then stopin

Joe Richardson
29-08-10, 09:49 PM
hope you have it sorted now mate:thumb:

waynes sri
30-08-10, 08:29 AM
hope you have it sorted now mate:thumb: yes joe up to now touch wood its started fine everyday so i gave it a good wash and wax as when it wouldnt run i lost intrest so it was real mucky lol