View Full Version : Teddythom's Mk1 Nova Merit 1200

05-08-10, 12:59 PM
Title says it all, I got this off pyromaniac_yeti, and I'm sorry to say it was in a little bit of a state, but I am getting things done to it slowly, I'll let the pictures do all the talking, I've got before and after ones.

When I first got it;
The windows aren't broke, I had all the interior and my ally wheels inside it and I didn't want anyone looking in lol
Some little bits of rust, this being the main one. The rest is small and generally surface stuff, for a Mk1 she is exceptionally clean.
Race car ignition

05-08-10, 01:03 PM
Rev counter
The engine
A brake pad that I took off, it was sitting on metal, then compared to the new one;
Original bonnet with some bonnet pins
The bits of welding that need to be done;
Got to redo this and the other side to the welding being sh!te (not my welding by the way)
With the new front GTE bumper on it, which was luckily colour matched to the merit blue
With the new rear GTE bumper

That's it for now, got my alloys to sort out next month when I get paid and hopefully a new GSI interior to come, then a respray when I go back to college :thumb: then a new grill and some clear indicator lenses

05-08-10, 01:07 PM
the bumpers are gte ones :thumb: its basicaly the rear is an sr one with the bit clipped onto the bottom.

05-08-10, 01:19 PM
Ah right fair enough, the ebay ad said sr lol but I'm not too fussed still looks good :thumb:

the bumpers are gte ones :thumb: its basicaly the rear is an sr one with the bit clipped onto the bottom.

Edited to change it to the correct spec lol

05-08-10, 02:33 PM
all you need now is the sr/gte grille :d

Will F
05-08-10, 02:37 PM
Wow - that is in a state! lol

I would strip it back and start again tbh - judging by the look of some of the 'repairs', it hasnt been looked after too well and could hold some nasty suprises!

05-08-10, 02:43 PM
all you need now is the sr/gte grille :d

Offering me one?? lol

Not got any moeny now til end of august and the wish/shopping list is about the same as ever lol, long and always needs more money than I have :thumb:

Wow - that is in a state! lol

I would strip it back and start again tbh - judging by the look of some of the 'repairs', it hasnt been looked after too well and could hold some nasty suprises!

I have seen newer cars in worse states lol, however I have had a look over it with my mechanic mate and he can't seem to find that much wrong with so I thought it was a bargain tbf lol, I shall re-strip it at some point but now isn't a good time, I'm having trouble finding the time to do what I am doing to it lol :thumb:

05-08-10, 03:31 PM
my loft used to be nova heaven about 3 years ago but now theres nothing just my old number plates lol

05-08-10, 03:32 PM
crossmember welding looks a bit dodgey to me lol

05-08-10, 03:35 PM
crossmember welding looks a bit dodgey to me lol

Oh it is matey lol, but don't worry a friend of mine has said he will grind it all down and re-weld it properly :thumb:

06-08-10, 03:15 AM
Whats the bodywork been sanded down with?
A grinder lol
And as said before, i would strip back and start from scratch and deal with the problems as they come

06-08-10, 08:44 PM
Whats the bodywork been sanded down with?
A grinder lol
And as said before, i would strip back and start from scratch and deal with the problems as they come

lol, I have no idea, I shall get my college to check over the paint work but yeah it should be alright.:thumb:

06-08-10, 08:51 PM
at least its a start m8 :) keep it up ;)

nova josh
06-08-10, 09:31 PM
should be good when done :)

14-08-10, 01:30 PM
Nothing more to report yet, but I am getting the welding and CV boots finally sorted out tomorrow afternoon, if Ic an find a camera I shall certainly take some pictures of the work in progress! Also will be enquiring about paint on monday, should be good :thumb:

07-03-11, 01:34 AM
bodywork was sanded down with the only sandpaper i had at the time in a whacking great roll with the intention of a quick turnaround in satin black...

as for the crossmember - i cant weld! it was a mates dad who was "a professional, he's done this for a living" and i was told to "not worry, it might look suspect but its definately solid"

needless to say both of those statements were a load of b*******

the bonnet looks cack - but it was very thin fiberglass and weighed next to nothing, was very easily removable to make working on the car a lot nicer...and the vent happened to dump cold air DIRECTLY onto the air filter. mighta looked silly but on a ratted out car you look silly whatevers going on :)

in the end it needed so many little bits doing to get an MOT and i needed a cheap hack for work so i hadta let it go...trying desperately to get my hands on another one to make a decent x16xe track slut out of at the moment.