View Full Version : A Pointless post

14-05-03, 06:22 PM
why are u reading this, its pointless, u obviously cant read, now feck off. :P :lol: :lol:

14-05-03, 06:23 PM
will trying to get ur count up?

14-05-03, 06:24 PM
Wow this post was a really interesting read. Woohoo :D

14-05-03, 06:25 PM

14-05-03, 06:25 PM
good excuse for me n mike to post once or twice though... cheers Will :D


14-05-03, 06:26 PM
8) 8) 8) 8) this is fun, lets waste disc space, alalalalalala tsk tsk tsk, FFS wot a waste posts like this are, i am trying to demonstrate things to u, but it isnt working LOL

14-05-03, 06:26 PM
mmmm bountys ice creams are lush

14-05-03, 06:27 PM
surprised mike hasn't posted twice already!
it kinda is working?

14-05-03, 06:29 PM
i detect sarcasm :lol:

14-05-03, 06:31 PM
8) 8) 8) 8) this is fun, lets waste disc space, alalalalalala tsk tsk tsk, FFS wot a waste posts like this are, i am trying to demonstrate things to u, but it isnt working LOL

Will i know exactly what you are trying to do mate... but you are going about it the wrong way...

14-05-03, 06:33 PM
i am? please tell me more, dont make it in less than 30 posts tho please

14-05-03, 06:38 PM
well yeah... you dont try to beat a seasoned veteran such as myself at their own game to piss them off... surely that mcuh is obvious... this just plays right into the hands of someone like me...

you have to be sneaky, send a PM to everyone on the site asking them not to post anything so i have nothing to reply to... thats the way to do it Will...


14-05-03, 06:59 PM
Wisewood, your sarcasm and smart a**e comments aren't winning you over any friends. If you continue to wind people up like you are doing I suggest you be careful when attending meetings. In no way am I threatening you (thats not who I am) but I can't speak for other people.

Most of the time you post unnecessary posts and it frustrates people. Especially when you reply to stuff that is non of your buisness or you really don't have a clue what your on about or you dont have an opinion. We have to scroll past what you say in order to get to a decent reply most of the time, for people that don't have much time to use the internet, this can be frustrating.

Your post count makes me laugh, actually, it makes me wonder what sort of life you lead (must be pretty dull, but I might be wrong).

If you are going to continue posting comments that make no sense beware of the consequences. You may have won over the Admins with your arse licking, but you're not winning over many friends by abusing your Admin privelages and posting useless comments.


14-05-03, 07:26 PM
If you are going to continue posting comments that make no sense beware of the consequences. You may have won over the Admins with your arse licking, but you're not winning over many friends by abusing your Admin privelages and posting useless comments.

i've trimmed the quote down to save time... just respond to this bit.

I've never done any arse licking... i just get on with people.
You dont like my posts, dont read them... if i have no interest in what you or anyone else is saying in a post, i skip through it in much the same way you do with mine, and i suspect a few other people's too.

You dont like me very much, thats never been any big secret as far as i'm concerned... same with Will... and probably a few others too > but at the end of the day we meet in person and we're civil, not best mates but we dont need to be do we? No reason we should be either as far as i'm concerned. Some people on this site like me, some people dont, and you know what... life is like that so i have no problem with it.

You may well consider my comments to be useless, and in all fairness sometimes they probably are but the same can be said for many people who use this site.

As for the abuse of admin stuff... when have i been doing that exactly?
To the best of my knowledge i have never done this, just used them in teh way they are intended and the way in which i have been instructed by the other "experienced" admin members. Sometimes i make a bad decision and people dont like it... this stands out more because i am online more often and as a result make more decisions.

As for my life... if you look at the times of my posts you will find that i manage to fit these in while i am at work to help make my job that little bit more entertaining (because i have no problem admitting that its crap, but its well paid and simple enough so no point moving).
In my own time i dont use the net that much... i spend time doing things which i find more interesting.

I could go on for hours replying to this message Jim but i really dont see the point...

so thats that... you dont like me, fair enough - i wont cry n lose sleep about it... if you do like me, wooohooo i'm popular!!!

Either way i dont really mind, i know who my mates are.

one more little point i would like to make though... you will find i respond much better if you send me a pm or an email and tell me you have a problem with me than if you try and make me look like a muppet in public ;)

*a cry from the back*
you manage that yourself mate... :lol:

14-05-03, 07:30 PM

14-05-03, 08:12 PM
You dont like my posts, dont read them...

It's difficult to skip through 7500 posts :roll:

You dont like me very much, thats never been any big secret as far as i'm concerned... same with Will... and probably a few others too > but at the end of the day we meet in person and we're civil, not best mates but we dont need to be do we? No reason we should be either as far as i'm concerned. Some people on this site like me, some people dont, and you know what... life is like that so i have no problem with it.

Yes I will be civil, but I can't speak for everyone.

You may well consider my comments to be useless, and in all fairness sometimes they probably are but the same can be said for many people who use this site.

You're not doing yourself many favours by admitting that you post useless comments.

As for the abuse of admin stuff... when have i been doing that exactly?
To the best of my knowledge i have never done this, just used them in teh way they are intended and the way in which i have been instructed by the other "experienced" admin members. Sometimes i make a bad decision and people dont like it... this stands out more because i am online more often and as a result make more decisions.

There have been times when you've made decisions that people have not been happy with. I'm sure scrolling back a few pages in numberous forums will show more than one occasion when you've moved or deleted a post/comment. you even lock topics so that people can't reply, but you'll lock them once you've had the last word.

As for my life... if you look at the times of my posts you will find that i manage to fit these in while i am at work to help make my job that little bit more entertaining (because i have no problem admitting that its crap, but its well paid and simple enough so no point moving).

You're work must love the fact that you spend most of your day browsing the net?

one more little point i would like to make though... you will find i respond much better if you send me a pm or an email and tell me you have a problem with me than if you try and make me look like a muppet in public ;)

I wasn't trying to make you look like a muppet in public. If I was trying to do that I would have posted in General chat. Secondly why should I PM you? You were happy to reply to Wills comments on here, and you directed your comments towards Will. Surely it would have been better for you to lead by example and reply to Will via a PM? After all thats what the system is for?

*a cry from the back*
you manage that yourself mate... :lol:

Is that a dig at me? If so, I don't understand...

I'm now tired of replying to your comments Andy. I've had numberous people complain to me about how you go about things on Novaload. If I didn't post something, someone else would have done. I thought I posted in a respectable manner and was pretty calm about the situation. Ok I slipped about the arse licking, but I've held back alot of other comments.

All I'm saying is, if theres a topic that doesn't relate to you or you have nothing relevant to say about it, then try and resist posting a comment. For example, the football posts of a few weeks ago. You admitted in the posts you had no intrest what-so-ever about it, and yet you still posted...why? To wind people up?

This post also, it was started to show you that people are getting annoyed with you (ok, that point could have been brought up in a better way :roll: ). But what do you do? You start making sarcastic comments towards people to annoy them so that they retaliate and you retaliate in return. Perhaps if you wern't an Admin you wouldn't have done such a thing. I've met you in real life and you're a lot quieter than you make out on Novaload. I'm surprised you replied in the manner that you did.


14-05-03, 08:13 PM
erm wtf jim get a grip, what was the need to post a public flame, with veiled threats, if you dont like his posts dont read them simple as.

14-05-03, 08:31 PM
This isnt just my thoughts Ian, other people have similar thoughts. I try not to read his posts, but it IS difficult when he replies to nearly every single topic.

Ian, other people are allowed to have rants, etc, why aren't I? As for the veiled threats, theres no threats intended and I specifically put this as I knew people might mis-interpret what I was saying.

One other thing, I'm speaking on behalf of a group of people, so try not and aim your comments directly at me.


14-05-03, 08:32 PM
Jim i am only quiet until you get to know me... as was the same on novaload.

The little comment at the bottom was just to add a little humour to an otherwise deep n heavy post, takin the piss outta myself mate, not you.

Like i have said before numerous times mate, if people have a problem with me they should tell me in a PM... the way will went about it, i knew exactly what he was doing but like you said, wrong way of going about it so i just showed that it was wrong. maybe that was wrong too... but whose is the greater wrong? Neither of them i think.

As for the football thread... i didnt have much to say as far as you were concerned but i did actually give my opinion on the matter > just because i support neither team doenst mean i dont have an opinion on the matter, a question was asked, and i gave my answer.

I didnt reply to Will in a PM instead of on the forums because we have played that game before, and all he did was quote my PM into the forums so figured he would probably do the same this time.

Work dont mind me using the net so mcuh, because i always get my work done so nothing they can say about it really :D which is nice. Added to that the fact that nobody is properly trained to do my job so they cant sack me without me training a replacement first :lol:

Anyway... the bottom line of it is this...
You want me to stop posting "crap"
I want you lot to PM if you have a problem with me, and actually PM me, not Jim... coz wtf has it got to do with him, he's not my minder !?!?

So... make you a deal... i will make a concious effort not to piss you off as long as you make a concious effort to tell me as soon as i am pissing you off because that way it saves us having a big row every 8 weeks... which always seems to be me, Will and Jim - how come nobody else complains to me, hiding behind those two? Just curious... not having a go at anyone. While we are playing the truth n honesty game we might as well get it all out in the open hadnt we :D

SO... you tell me if i do something to annoy...
and i will try n do something about it.

We are grown ups... sooner or later we are probably all going to meet each other and when we do being civil would be nice with out too much talking behind backs and snide glances (none of which i have noticed so far).

well... that do ya?
i try not to piss you off... you dont piss me off by exploding once every couple of months. If we act like adults about not getting on, who knows we might find we actually get on. We share half of the same mates on the site so obviously have something about us that the other would like.

14-05-03, 08:46 PM
I sent a PM to the two of ya (Will n Jim).

Hopefully this matter will now be resolved... if not, i really dont see what more you want from me.

14-05-03, 09:00 PM
so who are this group of people? this elite band of forum police that made you leader then?

if these people have a problem with an admin they should say instead of hiding behind you.

14-05-03, 09:04 PM
I'm not getting involved this time... stayin well outta the way... i am just about happy that this might be settled soon Ian but if you wanna go starting a war of your own coz you feel all left out you feel free mate.

14-05-03, 09:05 PM
Ive got nothing to do with this, which is exactly the reason im going to make it my business LMFAO

i just typed a whole load of shit out, then deleted it because i cant be arsed with the backlash

14-05-03, 09:43 PM
so who are this group of people? this elite band of forum police that made you leader then?

if these people have a problem with an admin they should say instead of hiding behind you.

If they want to say anything I'm sure they will Ian. As for making me leader, LMFAO. I was getting wound up by whats been going on, these people were unhappy, so I thought "f&$k it, I'll say something" They didn't ask me to say anything, and they certainly aren't hiding behind me (not to my knowledge anyway).

Perhaps they won't say anything because there worried about getting banned from the site for having an opinion? You're obviously upset by whats been said (not sure why) and from the sounds of it, you're on the rampage, so I wouldn't be surprised if they keep quiet.

Like whats been said, hopefully things will be resolved shortly.


14-05-03, 09:54 PM
im not on the rampage or angry, just curious as to why your having a big go at wisewood for no reason.

14-05-03, 10:07 PM
I think whats been written above is evidence enough that some people aren't happy with wisewoods posting.

It 's easy to say "don't read it", but as already mentioned there are a fair few posts by wisewood and sometimes, even when scanning through the posts, you happen to catch hold of something that hes said and some of the time its got nothing to do with the topic.

I think people got frustrated and tired and one thing led to another and it's all come out on this night of madness.

I really dont want this to go on any longer. Wisewoods replied and has made some fair and valid comments.


14-05-03, 10:10 PM
God and i thought girls can bitch :?

Leave it then if uve sorted it out no more needs to be said about it

14-05-03, 10:22 PM
lol i stopped going in chat rooms cos there was so much arguing and now its going on here

hers a idea lets all stop acting like kiddies and actually talk bout somefi interesting like ohhhhhh i dunno praps nova being as this is novaload just a thought !!!

14-05-03, 10:52 PM
[quote="burgo90"]lol i stopped going in chat rooms cos there was so much arguing and now its going on here


lol.. you bloody liar!! :lol:

you came in tonite :P


14-05-03, 11:41 PM
I read 1st page and got scared.

Lock this post

Lock it now!


15-05-03, 12:06 AM
no i mean chat rooms as in msn chat rooms and crap like that

15-05-03, 01:16 AM
I read 1st page and got scared.

Lock this post

Lock it now!


Ian has just informed me im next on IRC :lol: (having high post count and all :()- hope no1 has a problem with me, never seen a post to the contrary. im afraid to post :o



perhaps not you wisewood as it would incriminate you :lol: :wink:

15-05-03, 01:41 AM
Right thats it I've had enough - I'm off.........

.....to bed - it 'll all be alright in the morning :wink: