View Full Version : missing pics of bonnet vents

13-05-03, 03:43 PM
any idea how i find the pics of the vents, they have disappeared! :evil:
and they were the only copies i had cos took em at college so could save em from here to ma home pc?

will try to get some more done for those of you that are interested

13-05-03, 03:59 PM
where were the pics? Im cONfuSeD ?

13-05-03, 04:01 PM
they were just in the album, now its all been bloody reorganised and what not they have disappeared!!

13-05-03, 04:15 PM

That'll be you possibly putting them in the wrong album then. YThin Mickeys been doing some shuffling.


13-05-03, 05:24 PM
I've deleted them.

Because you put them in the members mugshots section of the album. Try following instructions next time.

(Ok, ok, it wasn't me. But that's what happened. - easy mistake to make i guess mate, as i've only erecntly noticed that the album HAD different sections, and i've been part of the furniture for a while now. Though easy mistake for you, but loads of easy mistakes, which have become a pain in the ass to the mods.)

13-05-03, 05:52 PM
fcuking b*stards, :evil: :twisted: :evil:

i never even knew there was other sections of the album, some warning would have been nice as they were the only existing photos

:evil: :twisted: :twisted: :evil:

MESSAGE TO WHOEVER DELETED THEM - can they be recovered at all??

13-05-03, 10:14 PM
MESSAGE TO WHOEVER DELETED THEM - can they be recovered at all??

only from a backup *MAYBE*

gone to cyberspace in the sky now

13-05-03, 10:14 PM
and it werent me :oops:

14-05-03, 08:32 PM
never mind will just do some more at college - good excuse to waste some time :lol:

14-05-03, 11:08 PM
good excuse to waste some time :lol:

i say this everytime round (i did two years ago when i finnshed one course started another) but i wont mess around no more

fcukin feel so ill im rushed off me feet of late

i had the chance to leave college months ago, but i hadnt been up to date with me work (or ahead of meself)

now im rushing to meet the deadlines!!!!!!!

although we officially have another month - do i wanna be stuck there! fcuk no! cleaning and modding car everyday instead :D

15-05-03, 10:28 AM
got all ma coursework in and finished now so can waste abit of time every now and again, (not that im at college now at all! :lol: )