View Full Version : Finally

12-05-03, 02:04 PM
I got pulled over today after haveing never been pulled over for two years since i started driving I pulled over today, and I have got to the say the police are wankers,

I was driving to my uncles house to see his new dog and they pulled out in fornt of my i wasnt going very fast and had to brake to avoid them, i thought nothing more of it, On my way back home i stoped into currys form some stuff came out turned right no car there, my cars generally quite noisy then i see the police im not worryed as i havent done anything wrong. up the road there behind me im not bothered again coz there police station is around the conrner, the flash there light i pull over in the high street, i get toold to take the keys out of the ignition, he checks my tax disk, then starts giving me the third degree. asking is this my car and is it insured, i thinked i pissed him off coz he was expecting to find something wrong i tell him its got an mot its insured under my name with all mods sdecleared and it is my car, he then says obviously we saw your car and it "was suped up" i agree and then say so why are you pulling me over he explains when i see them the second time pulling out of currys i was travelling to fast, ii then explain to him he did exactly the same thing to me early on in the day, he shuts up talks withkhis partner and then lets me go telling me to slow down, well now i know why most people hate the police, i understand they have a job to do didnt understand victimisation was part of it!!

Sorry i just had to get that off my chest


12-05-03, 02:15 PM
you'll probably find you get stopped by the same ones, or their best mates in the next couple of weeks too...

12-05-03, 02:21 PM
this is nothing out of the ordinary i used to get pulled by the same copper all the time he did it to everyone he was out to find something wrong with the cars, in the end a complaint was made by quite a few people :roll: to his superiors (spelling?) for hassasment, it stopped after that.

12-05-03, 04:21 PM
you'll probably find you get stopped by the same ones, or their best mates in the next couple of weeks too...

i wouldnt be supprised at all :?

12-05-03, 04:36 PM
my local copper spent years trying to catch me but i allways got away lol

apart from one time he pulled me and he fcuked up cause my dad was driving

12-05-03, 04:37 PM
The only time i was remotely 'impressed' with the pigs, was when someone tried to break into my car once and fucked my passenger side lock up.

I then was driving somewhere late at night, and the police stopped me and asked if it was my car, checked my name and etc, and said that they noticed that the lock was damaged, which is why they did it.

Fair enough. It could have been someone else driving it and not me, if the car was in fact stolen.

I don't mind being stopped for a routine check, but when i ask why i'm stopped and the pig says 'you were driving like a ****' (what, in a straight line at 30 mph? How does that work then?) or i get 3 producers from the same one in the space of 2 weeks - the first one fair enough, but the others were 'to make sure i've produced the first one'. Wankers.

Oh, he also told me that 'we all know what your car looks like, so we'll be keeping an eye on it'.

So i took the first one, gave my documents. Once they gave me my documents back again, i gave them the second one. They then complained about me wasting their time, saying 'why couldn't you have given them both at once'. I then waited till they filled the forms out again, and gave them my third. :lol:

12-05-03, 04:41 PM
I've never been stopped by the police in my car. The only time I've been stopped by a police officer is when I had parked my car in a car park to go to work one saturday. I was walking through the car park with a bag and I saw this policeman on a horse. I thought nothing of it and carried on walking. The policeman then walked his horse blatently into my path. I looked up and he started to ask me what I was doing in the car park. I explained that I had just parked my car and was going to work, he asked me what was in my bag, I replied, "my uniform for work". He then asked for my name and address etc and started saying how there had been a lot of break-ins to cars in the carpark. I said it was good to see the police presense to deter thieves. He let me go and that was that.

Two days later I had to pop home from college to get some coursework. I got off the bus and started walking home. Up ahead I saw a police officer mounted on a horse. I thought nothing of it and carried on walking home. As I got near the policeman I noticed it was the same guy that stopped me two days earlier. Again, he rode his horse into my path. He asked what I was doing at this time of day (1:00pm) and I explained I had to get some coursework from home. He then said I looked familiar. I said "yes, you stopped me two days ago on my way to work" He asked for my name and address and then let me go.

The very next day I was waiting at the bus stop and guess who trots by? The very same policeman on his horse, LMFAO. As he trotted by he saw me and just nodded his head at me. I chuckled to myself and that was that, LOL

Sometimes they are probably just doing routine stops as there probably getting b*******d by their bosses for not being more vigilant towards young people.

Don't let it bother you, as long as you're doing no harm theres nothing that they can do. Be polite and as co-operative as possible and that will hopefully stop you from getting harrased any further.


Ben (lurk75)
12-05-03, 04:49 PM
just be polite and bite your tounge, you might think you get away with it but you wont, one copper stopped my brother over 20 times in 7 days.

12-05-03, 05:49 PM
ive had no problem with them.

got chatted up by one once mmm tasty

12-05-03, 05:52 PM
FAO ALL MEN: Tilly seems to like police uniforms... :lol:

Ben (lurk75)
12-05-03, 06:00 PM
She never said it was a male officer!

12-05-03, 06:03 PM
right... linz is on holiday... i will email her.
Cara aint around... dammit... i'll phone her hang on :lol:

Ben get a video camera... this time next month we'll be millionaires :lol:

Ben (lurk75)
12-05-03, 06:38 PM
Even better i have a choice of television studios at my disposal whenever i want them, with all equipment :lol:

12-05-03, 06:44 PM
excellent :idea:

Ben (lurk75)
12-05-03, 06:53 PM
Yes Mr burns!

12-05-03, 06:58 PM
I can see it now NOVALOAD PORNO

Vauxhalll dealer: Wisewood

Vauxhall mechanic: Ben

Young customer: tilly

I will write up a script soon as i finish work :D

Ben (lurk75)
12-05-03, 07:02 PM
Scri... Pffft

actions speak louder than words!

12-05-03, 07:07 PM
lmfao... can write the script now...

*wisewood standing behind counter as Tilly enters*

wisewood: can i hlp you madam
tilly: yes i'd like to buy some head bolts please attractive vauxhall man
wisewood: no problem madam... if you'd just like to remove your top...

ben: ere boss... where you want this toolbox putting?
wisewood: not now ben we're busy
ben: sorry boss... i'll come and help ya, many hands make light work

tilly: ooooooohhhh....

:lol: fookin ell i am in the wrong profession :D

12-05-03, 07:10 PM
OI U MUPPETS :evil: behave

12-05-03, 07:11 PM
come on Tilly... we'll give you a handsome share of the profits... and dave can have a small part as a mechanic watching in the background :lol:

12-05-03, 07:19 PM
I forgot i call shotgun on being THE HEAD OF VAUXHALL UK who comes down and makes a supprise vist :lol:

12-05-03, 07:20 PM
police are t**ts..they always end up pulling you over in ur car when you're doing nothing wrong..

Something non car related: but my house and family have been having a lot of problems with local "yobbos" ..they have been causing so much criminal damage to my house and have assaulted me 3 times..when we finally got them arrested..they get a slap on the wrist and police say "no they havent got a record" when their co worker told us 5 hours before that they were known to them for previous criminal damage..they are allowed to come assault me and cause us hundreds of pounds of damage to our house and the advice they say is "ignore it and we cant do any more cause they havent got a record" then they pull over some poor motorist thats minding their own business..



12-05-03, 07:35 PM
my local copper spent years trying to catch me but i allways got away lol

When you say catch, do you mean car chasing you? LOL.
Or not, if so must have been a hell of a car chase if it lasted years!
