View Full Version : Car washing / Detailing! Is it not the same thing?

14-07-10, 05:46 PM
I have heard alot of people say that they have detailed theyre own car over the weekend and when i look at them, they have basically cleaned it to mind numbing DEATH. So why does it have to be called detailing, why dont people just say i have "given my car a good clean", my car had a good clean before and after the show and it was cleaner than most of the supposed detailed cars!lollollollollollollollollollol

14-07-10, 05:47 PM
because the septics (americans) call it a detailing instead of a valet.

14-07-10, 05:51 PM
because the septics (americans) call it a detailing instead of a valet.

Them lot again! FFS!lol:wtf:

Sick of hearing it when people are just "cleaning" a car! Doesnt make it sound better, you think WTF are you talking about!;)

14-07-10, 05:53 PM
Bin men are waste disposal technicians.

Makes dull mundane things more interesting and / or important sounding.

Some people would rather say they were a detailer than a valeter, but on the flip side, some of these guys who do the top of the range detailing with the micrometer to measure paint thicknesses etc kind of deserve the title IMO.

But people who polish their car on their drive with imported hippo sperm do not lol

14-07-10, 05:58 PM
Bin men are waste disposal technicians.

Makes dull mundane things more interesting and / or important sounding.

But people who polish their car on their drive with imported hippo sperm do not lol

lollollol Liking the comparisons!:thumb:

craig green
14-07-10, 06:01 PM
Or brushing away the microscopic filth from the dashboard air vents with an overpriced Meguiars brush developed specifically for that purpose. Thats detailing......

General Baxter
14-07-10, 06:01 PM
my job title is technician, i hit things with a bloody hammer
a car is ment to be driven, never cleaned lol

14-07-10, 06:04 PM
Or brushing away the microscopic filth from the dashboard air vents with an overpriced Meguiars brush developed specifically for that purpose. Thats detailing......

paintbrush FTW.... or just dont bother for a bigger WIN lol

Have to say, the tards who 'valeted' the pasta need punching in the head. All that tyre shine crap they put on it is now down the sides of the car and it needs a damn good clean now.

I shall "detail" it once and then just wash it thereafter lol

14-07-10, 06:05 PM
Or brushing away the microscopic filth from the dashboard air vents with an overpriced Meguiars brush developed specifically for that purpose. Thats detailing......

Basically removing more money from our pockets, which a £1 brush from the pound store would do!lollollollol

craig green
14-07-10, 06:07 PM
Even if you do spend 35 hours washing a car with 90 different products & applicators, surely saying 'yeah I just washed it' is a cooler way of going about it? Though as per usual its all about blagging about what stuff you bought & used on it.

I must admit the detailing craze is catching. There were a handfull of valeting supplies stands at Billing. I wanted to make some purchases & then kept remembering my car is a complete shed & put the stuff back on the racks. lol

14-07-10, 06:09 PM
I must admit the detailing craze is catching. There were a handfull of valeting supplies stands at Billing. I wanted to make some purchases & then kept remembering my car is a complete shed & put the stuff back on the racks. lol

Get building one that will require the use of the products then :d

14-07-10, 06:22 PM
I think it's a load of balls too. Got to admit it though, the paint looks and feels amazing after a good clay barring ;) definately worth the effort. Some people are just poofty when it comes to cleaning their cars though.

craig green
14-07-10, 06:32 PM
Clay is awesome. One of my fave discoveries from the detailing craze.

But yeah, Mega expensive wax & using certain types to suit your paint colour seems a bit extreme to me, as does paying £12 for rinsing aid etc etc. So many gay little products I'd never have imagined are available.

You only need to read the Astra Nurburg detail on DW (VXRMarc is it?) to see how crazy people go with it.

14-07-10, 06:47 PM
i don't bother with the detailing, there's never enough time to get it finnished between the showers of rain lol

14-07-10, 06:56 PM
I dont detail my car i valet it, oh hang on wait thats cos im a valeter lol

With you on the pound shop brush for vents and such Craig, that chased up by the hoover nozzle do a sterling job, and as Stuart said about the tyre sheen, the trick is to do it and apply it sparingly and leave it for a while before you drive the car to allow it to dry :p

GDN16v, was yours the silver vec GSi with the dark coloured wheels, if so very nice and we passed you in Robs 10plate Zaf on the motorway on the monday morning heading home:thumb:

14-07-10, 07:02 PM
I dont detail my car i valet it, oh hang on wait thats cos im a valeter lol

GDN16v, was yours the silver vec GSi with the dark coloured wheels, if so very nice and we passed you in Robs 10plate Zaf on the motorway on the monday morning heading home:thumb:


Cheers bud, that was my car matey! Cruising along with my mate following in his white corsa c20let!:thumb:

14-07-10, 07:08 PM
Aye i knew it was someones on here, you drove past the remnants of the PNG camping pitch on your way out too :p

The corsa looked pretty nice, wondered if it was a turbo with 'TUB' on the plate then saw the cheeky IC behind the bumper as we passed lol

14-07-10, 07:17 PM
Aye i knew it was someones on here, you drove past the remnants of the PNG camping pitch on your way out too :p

The corsa looked pretty nice, wondered if it was a turbo with 'TUB' on the plate then saw the cheeky IC behind the bumper as we passed lol

Yeah i was gonna stop but had to meet up with a couple of friends who were waiting! I waved but you's didnt - :cry:

Corsa is very nice, TUB plate is very cool for people who know about cars!;)

14-07-10, 07:22 PM
Well there is a reason for that, i didnt wear my glasses at the weekend as i wasnt driving and therefore didnt see you um honest.........


Waved back to you now though:thumb:

14-07-10, 07:24 PM
I think the 'detailing' craze is just another offshoot of the car enthusiast culture. Everyone seems to get into a niche, be it track cars, massive stereo's, show and shine chrome affairs, and now extreme 'valeting'.

Trouble is, I just cant see the point in spending a day washing a car only for it to get rained on, get covered in road dust etc and end up looking like it did before you started.

I can kind of understand going to town on protecting the paintwork to make it last, but do you really need to spend eleventy hundred pounds on a PH adjusted conditioned cloth, a billion pounds for half an ounce of clay and god knows what on some shampoo that will probably be no better than a jug of good old turtlewax? lol

Horses for courses i suppose, everyone gets their kicks in different ways.

craig green
14-07-10, 07:27 PM


14-07-10, 07:33 PM
Thats a point, are we going to have to update that expression to 'Turd Detailing'?

14-07-10, 07:41 PM

Waved back to you now though:thumb:

Cheers mate!lol

I think the 'detailing' craze is just another offshoot of the car enthusiast culture. Everyone seems to get into a niche, be it track cars, massive stereo's, show and shine chrome affairs, and now extreme 'valeting'.

Trouble is, I just cant see the point in spending a day washing a car only for it to get rained on, get covered in road dust etc and end up looking like it did before you started.

I can kind of understand going to town on protecting the paintwork to make it last, but do you really need to spend eleventy hundred pounds on a PH adjusted conditioned cloth, a billion pounds for half an ounce of clay and god knows what on some shampoo that will probably be no better than a jug of good old turtlewax? lol

Horses for courses i suppose, everyone gets their kicks in different ways.

Yeah, i get the whole car cleaning shizzle (not the cost of the crap though) but not why the name has to be a jazzed up to make it sound better than it is!:confused: Really bugs me, i know it shouldnt but it does so a little rant had to be had!:p

14-07-10, 08:08 PM
Everything's a fad.

Cleaning cars is just at the top of the fad waterfall at the mo..

Track cars, matt black cars, clean cars, all of it just goes around with tweaking here and there.

You know how OTT i am at cleaning, and i hate the term "detailing" its a yank term, simple as. It's just trying to dress it up. "Auto detailing"

I'll not ever think of spending 100 quid on cleaning supplys and spend all day going it (or 3days like before Billing) yes i'll use paint brushes to clean bits, but purely cause they work well for getting in to places.. Yes it bits me in the ass when i say grab the bar to move the seat and its sticky.. Or gel my mats to find my shoes slip off the pedal.. But its fun and makes me laugh. And i do enjoy alot of it.

But i don't go over board like alot of them, i don't measure paint thickness. (maybe its easy to me from working on the bodyshop) i dont buy every single product there is, as i buy what works.. Then as Craig will tell ya some times mix my own that work better...

Wont be long before its just every day car cleaning.. You've seen nothing till you've seen some one "detailing" their "track car"...

14-07-10, 08:16 PM
Or gel my mats to find my shoes slip off the pedal.. But its fun and makes me laugh. And i do enjoy alot of it.

Auto Glym do a silicon free spray, I use it on my mats to give them a bit of a spruce up, and it's not slippy.:thumb: You'll get it at their stands at shows.

14-07-10, 08:17 PM
Cool, i use a silicone free Megs stuff at the mo but its slippery..

14-07-10, 08:22 PM
Cool, i use a silicone free Megs stuff at the mo but its slippery..

Auto Glym Silicone Free Sheen is what you're looking for, about £20 for a gallon.:thumb:


14-07-10, 08:30 PM
You've seen nothing till you've seen some one "detailing" their "track car"...

Wash and wax in a bottle, dirty sponge. Even buffed the water marks off with a microfibre cloth.


I never knew I was so cool.

Might wash it again before Billing 2011, probably not though lol

14-07-10, 08:59 PM
hahahaah you big gay.

14-07-10, 09:07 PM
You know how OTT i am at cleaning, and i hate the term "detailing" its a yank term, simple as. It's just trying to dress it up. "Auto detailing"

But i don't go over board like alot of them, i don't measure paint thickness. (maybe its easy to me from working on the bodyshop) i dont buy every single product there is, as i buy what works..

Youre car was super shiney at Billing, looked really really good! One of my favourites! Looked for you to say hello but couldnt see you!:(

14-07-10, 09:13 PM
I like poorboys tyre 'shine' one coat is a matt finish and two is shiney with no splattering up the car.

I'll dig out the box of 'detailing' crap I purchased 2 years ago (and used once), impressive waste of money

14-07-10, 09:55 PM
I like poorboys tyre 'shine' one coat is a matt finish and two is shiney with no splattering up the car.

I'll dig out the box of 'detailing' crap I purchased 2 years ago (and used once), impressive waste of money

lollollollol Seen plenty of people with that !!!!

14-07-10, 10:07 PM
Youre car was super shiney at Billing, looked really really good! One of my favourites! Looked for you to say hello but couldnt see you!:(

Thank you very much, yes i did spend 3 days before hand cleaning every part of the car with all my cleaning stuff. But i didn't "Detail" it...

14-07-10, 10:33 PM
I had my wife detail the cheese off me end with her cheese removal tool

ThatS mouth for the washers

14-07-10, 10:39 PM
lol dirty .

15-07-10, 11:00 AM
3 quid in the jet wash and a blast down the bypass [/same old]

Fcuk all that carry on. I don't understand those that do it to mundane cars and buy so much crap to do it, supercars etc that are rarely driven, I see the point. When it's VXbore Marc and his often used cars and it's gonna be dirty again in a couple hundred miles then why bother sealing callpers etc etc. lol

Oh yeah, mineral water is for drinking! And two buckets yes, store one bucket full of cloths in the other bucket, but only wash the car with one. lol

craig green
15-07-10, 01:04 PM
I can see the poiint in 2 buckets. If you dont like polishing etc, rubbing a sponge of grit ridden water about your paint work is a no-brainer.

I guess it depends what your roads are like for dirt etc but where I'm from is rural, so your average filthy car is pretty caked in mud & cow crap.

15-07-10, 01:07 PM
If I wash it at home I hose it down and then use a single bucket for the paint and wheels. I don't tend to add extra scratches unless I drop the sponge. lol

I may dry, autosol the chrome (lol) black the plastics and clean the glass, but that's it.

TBH I am not into all of that crap as you may guessed. That being said thoguh, maybe if I had a car with good paintwork/something newer I would look into things more. As you say, the two bucket method has it's uses. Just not with me atm. lol

The name Poorboys is great. As that's what most of their customers end up imo. lol

"No mate, can't come out this weekend, but have you seen my new wheel brush?" lol. Keep you car clean and you won't even need a wheel brush...

15-07-10, 08:55 PM
If I wash it at home I hose it down and then use a single bucket for the paint and wheels. I don't tend to add extra scratches unless I drop the sponge. lol

If you're still using a sponge then you are scratching it every time you touch it.