View Full Version : Rocket Fuel.....

13-07-10, 11:03 PM
..... Coffee is fantastic

Anyone know if you can still get it in the self heating cups?

13-07-10, 11:05 PM
Can still get it up ere ... :) ha ha

13-07-10, 11:07 PM

Been looking for it for ages and cant find anything but the instant stuff

13-07-10, 11:08 PM
Gutted for yhoo ... I can still get it and a few hot choc's that self heat :)
Tiz brilliant haha

13-07-10, 11:09 PM
might have a word with tescos and see if I can get a couple of them in for special ol me lol

13-07-10, 11:10 PM
Oh i can just see it. dnt think they will send it tht far just for yhoo lol

13-07-10, 11:14 PM
meh, worth a shot im sure that there is plenty in the warehouse

13-07-10, 11:15 PM
first class post lmao :)

13-07-10, 11:16 PM
oh was just talking about this wth someone at Billing. I thought they had taken them off the shelves coz the cups were randomly exploding and burning peoples faces off or something. lol

13-07-10, 11:19 PM

wouldn't surprise me if people took the "Do not crack open and feast on the goo inside" and ignored it lol

14-07-10, 08:25 AM
so i take it that it just has more caffeine in it?????

just go to bed earlier & save your money

ps. i drink a fair bit of coffee, but i have to only have decaf or i really don't sleep

14-07-10, 10:31 AM
Nah its got Guarana in it too. its strong as well.

I go to bed early enough caffeen is my personal fuel (can drink up to and above 2 litres of energy drinks a day)

Its also £2.99 for 100g so its not THAT much more than say a jar of Gold Blend.

14-07-10, 10:47 AM
evolution dictates than mankind needs about 10 hrs sleep a night.

modern live has lowered that to about 7-8hrs....

what do you manage???? 3-4hrs on all those stimulants.....

as anyone who has been in my company knows, i need very few stimulants.

14-07-10, 11:14 AM
Nah, I manage a good 8-10 hours depending on what work hours I have.

The stimulants top at about 5pm unless the missus is in the mood ;)

14-07-10, 12:28 PM
2L of enegry drinks a day.... You my friend are heading for an early heart attack :(

14-07-10, 12:28 PM
or buying crap energy drinks.

14-07-10, 09:51 PM
Bit of both

Im not the most healthy person in the world.

but I do it most summers for some reason, its like a cycle I go through each time the sun comes out. Loose about half a stone each year.

General Baxter
14-07-10, 09:56 PM
8ltrs od coke and im off lol

14-07-10, 10:02 PM
Gotta be redbull FTW

14-07-10, 10:02 PM

enjoyed some nicely cooked steak tonight 1.4kg of serloin for a tenner lol



ate nearly 1lb of this chips & beans.... fapping gorgeous!

14-07-10, 10:05 PM
Gotta be redbull FTW

Meh, over rated, emerge is identical stuff and I buy litre bottles for 65p

14-07-10, 10:07 PM
Ill drink kick (tescos own make) or what ever its called now lol. It just taste sooo goooood and even better with vodka loool

14-07-10, 10:09 PM
Coffee is for pussys. As are redbull and all that sh*te.

Jst go get some sleep.

14-07-10, 10:10 PM
Coffee is for pussys.

:roll: Dats me lol

14-07-10, 10:12 PM
Ill drink kick (tescos own make) or what ever its called now lol. It just taste sooo goooood and even better with vodka loool

Kick is dirt! Especially when mixed with imperial vodka off the same shelf lol

14-07-10, 10:13 PM
Kick is dirt! Especially when mixed with imperial vodka off the same shelf lol

Lol kick or red bull and vodka .... mmmmmm
Its gotta be the russian standard vodka for me tho :d

14-07-10, 10:15 PM
Russian Standard is good.

I prefer whiskey though.

Benn I can't get enough sleep THATS my problem! lol

14-07-10, 10:17 PM
the russian vodka is the best tbh!

Whiskey is a horrible old mans drink... Wanna wee dram o whisky n water ... YUCK :) lol

14-07-10, 10:17 PM
Its gotta be the russian standard vodka for me tho :d

Acceptable, 40% but tastes like 60, winner :)

14-07-10, 10:19 PM
Benn I can't get enough sleep THATS my problem! lol

Unless you have a baby, you can get enough. When you do have a baby (unless a single mum) then you each take it in turns, so one can get a good night sleep.

The body makes enough (cant think that its called) to keep you awake and going. Adding in all the sh*te and chemicals that are in them drinks does the body no good.

14-07-10, 10:25 PM
The body makes enough (cant think that its called) to keep you awake and going. Adding in all the sh*te and chemicals that are in them drinks does the body no good.

Yeh its not good for you,when u come off caffeine if you have it all the time you will get really bad chest pains etc and be on a low from the withdrawal, But if i dnt get al least 9-10 hours sleep i dnt feel good. Also working 12 n 1/2 hour shift sometimes u need the extra boost. :thumb:

14-07-10, 10:26 PM
the russian vodka is the best tbh!

Whiskey is a horrible old mans drink... Wanna wee dram o whisky n water ... YUCK :) lol

sod the water, Jamesons on the rocks FTW good in the winter as its nice and warming!

Benn, I do in fact have a baby, she sleeps right though but for some reason I still want to be napping by 4pm

14-07-10, 10:28 PM
sod the water, Jamesons on the rocks FTW good in the winter as its nice and warming!

Benn, I do in fact have a baby, she sleeps right though but for some reason I still want to be napping by 4pm

Whiskey is horrrrrible!

Have u ever thought maybe when u r sleeping ur oversleeping for ur body? To much sleep can make you as tired as hardly any sleep :confused:

14-07-10, 10:29 PM
Cold turkey off caffeine is EVIL. I came off it when we were trying for the small person to make the swimmers go better... We both had a pounding migrane for a week and was very irritable. Was quite nice being able to sleep whenever you wanted to do that though lol.

14-07-10, 10:31 PM
Yeh its not good for you,when u come off caffeine if you have it all the time you will get really bad chest pains etc and be on a low from the withdrawal, But if i dnt get al least 9-10 hours sleep i dnt feel good. Also working 12 n 1/2 hour shift sometimes u need the extra boost. :thumb:

Anything that give you chest pains when comming off, is doing you major damage on the insides. The body will give you a boost if you get up and move about..

Benn, I do in fact have a baby, she sleeps right though but for some reason I still want to be napping by 4pm

I know, are you working yet? If not then are you just sitting around and sh*t?
The body needs to be on the move to keep ticking over so to speak.
The more you do the more energy the body makes.

People that go to the gym and work out and stuff, they'll be on the move all day, till say 10/11 then be dead to the world. Cause the body tops up the energy up till a point. then says bed. Sleep.

The body can handle anything, putting this kinda poison in doesn't help at all.

14-07-10, 10:34 PM
Anything that give you chest pains when comming off, is doing you major damage on the insides. The body will give you a boost if you get up and move about..

trust me in my job im always moving about and working i never stop and it takes it out of ya. Yeh its not the best for ya but there is alot of things that arnt. Lifes little pleasures i suppose. :cool:

14-07-10, 10:37 PM
trust me in my job im always moving about and working i never stop and it takes it out of ya. Yeh its not the best for ya but there is alot of things that arnt. Lifes little pleasures i suppose. :cool:

No, nothing like that are "little pleasure" a small bar of choc will top the blood sugar up enough and is much better for you.

14-07-10, 10:39 PM
No, nothing like that are "little pleasure" a small bar of choc will top the blood sugar up enough and is much better for you.

Im training to do my nursing. lol a choc bar will do bugger all to ur health tho. A energy drink will give u a boost and its okay as long as its not ALL the time :roll: If it was that bad they wouldnt sell it.

14-07-10, 10:42 PM
Im training to do my nursing. lol a choc bar will do bugger all to ur health tho. A energy drink will give u a boost and its okay as long as its not ALL the time :roll: If it was that bad they wouldnt sell it.

lol Alcohol is sold and its fecking evil.....
fags are sold and they are of course good for you

etc etc

14-07-10, 10:44 PM
If it was that bad they wouldnt sell it.

hahaha please tell me that's a joke. What England classes as ok, the rest of the world might not.

I drink squash all day long, in the USA orange has a poison warning on it. Cause of the colouring used to make it that colour. Red bull has the same stuff in it for the colour..

Fags one of the world biggest kills, yet you can buy them everywhere...

15-07-10, 08:37 PM
Yup benn im working

Dont think that im over sleeping at I was working nights for a while & felt worse for it after sleeping less and working harder.

Im actually going to make a final attempt of kicking the fags by myself before I go back on Champix, hoping to drop half stone of weight too in the coming month or two.

Still, ill never kick the caffeen! Been on Coffee since I was 13, its my longest running vice that I just cant be bothered to kick! Went from white 6 sugars, then 2 sugars, 1, sweetener, to black with no sugar. so no fat or sugar in it. Just supliment it with lemon tea to flush out a few of the toxins.

Why have I just discussed my diet with the PNG world???? :confused:

15-07-10, 10:09 PM
mate.... please go onto decaff. its the best thing i ever did

15-07-10, 10:20 PM
nahhhh miss the energy drinks

Taste too good and could do without the migranes and horrible things

15-07-10, 10:26 PM
its rough coming off the stuff, but you feel way better.. the oddest thing i found was that my thermos stayed way cleaner......

15-07-10, 10:30 PM
nah, ill stick with the black goo. think that im going to have to make up a toffee thickness recipe.

20-07-10, 12:39 AM
no jokes its not killing any1. . . same as everything is okay in a healthy diet

20-07-10, 01:05 AM
One of the girls I work with prob has about 20 cups of coffee and day.. and the same again on fags.

I really worry about her health coz she seems just as addicted to the coffee than the fags. If she doesnt have a chance to make a drink, she starts feeling ill.

thats just not right surely!!

I only really have the occassional cup of tea when Jack has one and I think energy drinks smell like sick so I cant drink them lol