View Full Version : Fitting A Abyss front bumper... Please Help

11-05-03, 01:47 AM
:arrow: Ive just got a abyss front bumper.
And i would like to no how can I fit it on ??
Please Helps

:microwav: :eating:

13-05-03, 04:38 PM
if it a fibre glass skin then you cut the orininal bumper up and use the strengthening bar along with as much plastic as possible to add strength, you can use sicoflex to stick them together - this is what i have done with my GSi Skin

14-05-03, 12:20 PM
as above or you can fibreglass the carriage bar with mountings to the new one.

sicoflex is easier - get it from decent car paint/automotive shops.

Dont use no more nails!
