View Full Version : How hard is it do do this to a 1.3sr inlet manifold?

09-05-03, 08:09 PM

Its been machined i think. Where can i get this done? What sorta places do it and also any idea on price?

I think it improves the fuel flow quite a lot so i've heard.

10-05-03, 12:02 AM
in particular that is rgv_stu manifold, he will post up how he did that im sure

it is easy enough to do if u know how to use a milling machine.

i did my old one and it was sound.

10-05-03, 05:56 PM
bloody ell , thats my pic / old manifold

i did that with a drill and a burr

you cant go too mad with it otherwise you run out of gasket area

10-05-03, 06:01 PM
yeah, i was searching through and found it. Whats a bur exactly? is it just a grinding atachment or more like a sander? You did this your self then stu? how long did it take to do and is it hard to do?

10-05-03, 06:10 PM
yes its one of many i did. this one is now on will/novanutters car
the burr is a grinding bit
takes about 30mins to do properly, depends how course your burr is ;)

dont try and do it on the engine cus there is loads of material to take out and it wont make it run too healthy , so the maniflod will need to come off

10-05-03, 06:31 PM
have you got a picture of the bur you use? i'm not sure what one looks like.